To those of you who have already received a direct copy, I apologize. I
believe that Walt is correct in what he says. I also know that changes to
LOTW are not easily implemented. I guess the question is whether the cost
of such a change will benefit the membership enough to make it worthwhile.
Bob -- W6RGG
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Walter Miller, AJ6T <aj6t(a)>
Date: Sun, Aug 31, 2008 at 6:21 PM
Subject: VUCC credit via LoTW
To: w6rgg(a), n6ajo(a), dxcc(a), ke3z(a)
Cc: w5zn(a), w6tkv(a), w6omf(a), "Fusaro, Norm W3IZ" <
w3iz(a)>, John Farber <kg6i(a)>
I am writing to you to request that ARRL update its VUCC award policies to
allow credits to be given for QSL confirmations via Logbook of the World
(LoTW). Currently only your DXCC and WAS awards are connected to LoTW, and
it would seem to be a fairly easy extension of existing software to allow
for inclusion of VUCC via LoTW.
I encourage you to do this as soon as possible. It would relieve amateurs
of the burden of collecting mostly stateside QSL cards, saving both time and
expense. This kind of expansion of LoTW has been hinted at by ARRL for
quite some time. Frankly, it is a long-overdue idea.
Walter E. Miller, AJ6T
ARRL Life Member