Ladies and Gentlemen:
I don't often reopened to anything on the reflector. However, I just
couldn't resist. Under Sales and Marketing, we state that our membership is
down less than we projected and this is a modest positive event. I content
that the only positive event is that we didn't lose any or GOD forbid we
actually gained membership
Dennis Bodson
From: Kustosik, Lisa, KA1UFZ []
Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2005 12:02 PM
To: arrl-odv
Subject: [arrl-odv:12097] IN-News
Vol. 28, No. 15
April 13, 2005
The Education & Technology Fund campaign has raised more than $11,000 in the
first five days of responses with an average contribution of more than $61.
The follow up mailing is planned for the end of April to be sent to four
segments of the ARRL membership. One of those segments is members who have
received Member Loyalty certificates since last Fall -- a first measure of
whether that effort will raise funds for ARRL programs.
A grant application was sent to CNCS on April 12 requesting $891,550 over
three yeasr to engage disabled citizens in Amateur Radio. The goal of the
grant is to license 2500 disabled hams and train them with the Level 1
EmCOMM course, provide each one with a hand-held radio and set up 71
community stations. Key objectives of the program include giving disabled
citizens the survival skills of Amateur Radio, employable skills in
electronics, a volunteer role as emergency communications volunteers and the
integration of disabled hams into clubs and ARES groups. A decision on he
grant is expected by fall.
The next Legacy Circle newsletter on planned giving is in production. I
should be mailed by the end of April.
The next campaign in the schedule is the spring Spectrum Defense campaign.
Plans for Development's and the ARRL Foundation's presence at Dayton are
Media & Public Relations
In the past week press release regarding Mike English at Dayton, Kid's Day
and hams involved in PA floods was done. Media Hits was done using the new
expanded format. Several responses were made to BPL articles. The
recruitment for the PR booth at Dayton was continued and the text for the
2004 annual report was 95% completed and sent out for comments. Together
with Ed Hare, I participated in the national Yankee Group investment forum
on BPL and effectively ended it with the introduction of interference
issues. The transition from Bacon's to Burrelles Luce press service is
completed and initial reports should be available soon.
The May/June 2005 issue of QEX has been released to the printer.
Rick Lindquist reports The ARRL Letter, Vol. 24, No. 14, distributed to
65,110 ARRL members on April 8. Rick prepared/edited stories on ARRL's
reply to oppositions filing, an ARISS school group contact with students in
Texas, three stories on Amateur Radio's participation in the TOPOFF3 federal
exercise (and a visit to the ARES marshaling area for interviews & photos),
SKYWARN activity in MS and several briefs and announcements. He also
covered via teleconference an ARISS school group QSO in California, and
gathered information for future stories. Rick voiced, edited and produced
ARRL Audio News for April 8.
Sales and Marketing
Membership statistic reports for the end of March membership figures were
run and distributed. We had planned to be down by 378 from the end of
February membership figures. Instead, we were down by only 252.
New members recruited during the month of March totaled 738, an increase of
approximately 100 more than the past several months. We are finally seeing
some larger numbers of new licensees to recruit.
For the first quarter, we had anticipated a cumulative loss of 1,397 members
through March. Our actual cumulative loss totaled 786. While this positive
news is modest, it most certainly is the kind of membership news we have
been hoping to be able to give this year.
The April membership mailing to 45,000-lapsed General, Advanced and Extra
Class Licensees will drop into the mail stream during the week of April 11.
Preparations for the 60,000-piece mailing to Technicians with input from an
outside consulting firm are also underway.
A mail solicitation seeking ads for the New Ham Express was sent to current
and potential advertisers on Friday. The 4-color promotional piece included
a sample copy of the current New Ham Express. We have already received
advertising commitments exceeding $11,000 toward our goal of $49,000. The
new edition of New Ham Express will debut in June.
Advertising staff is currently working on insertions for June QST. An email
solicitation was sent out during the week to present and potential
advertisers. The solicitation has already netted two brand new advertisers,
one a half-page insertion with a 4 month commitment.
The spring/summer edition of the ARRL Publications Catalog is being wrapped
up. It leaves for press this week.
Harold and Dennis attended the International Wireless Communications Expo in
Las Vegas, meeting with existing manufacturers who also do business in
commercial communications. Private meetings were held with two
manufacturers who are considering entering into totally unique mutually
beneficial revenue generating ventures with ARRL. They also met with
numerous other firms exhibiting at the conference who could benefit from
exposure in our periodicals and publications.
National Convention planning update
Diane, Sue, and Bob worked together on a trade show display that will serve
as a new backdrop for our exhibit at Dayton. The items include a 10-foot
"pop-up" display and four 7-foot banner stands. These items use a
combination of eye-catching graphics with concise messaging. They will help
stop members and prospective-members in their tracks!
We have new commitments from some of our business partners to participate
with us at Dayton. QST's printer, RR Donnelley, will support a display at
the ARRL exhibit that depicts the partnership we have with one of the
world's largest printers. Barker Specialty, the company that manages ARRL
logo merchandise (sportswear, apparel, and other promotional merchandise)
will setup shop within the ARRL sales and membership exhibit area.
Most everyone at HQ traveling to Dayton attended a planning meeting
Thursday. Topics addressed included the short presentations being prepared
for the "ARRL stage," exhibit staffing, and a primer on using the ARRL
membership application (copies will be at every exhibit). This year's
membership application incorporates enrollment options for ARRL Diamond
Membership Services
Awards Branch
WAS Certs. (600 QSLs F/C) 12
WAS Certs. (500 QSLs ES/C) 10
5BWAS Plaques 4
WAC QSL Cards Checked 84
VUCC Initial Apps. 1
Grids 109
VUCC End. Apps. 1
Grids 10
Replacement Award 1
A-1 Op. Noms. 1
Awards Mailed 13
Also, worked on some LTMA projects (on-going), and compiled the VUCC Award
list for June QST.
Processing Status: Current or up to three weeks.
For the coming week-U.S. WAC, VUCC, and WAS in the 90th awards, Extra Class
certificates, plus mail out all this week's processed awards.
DXCC Branch
For the week of:
April 10, 2005
Beginning Credits 26,862
Credits Received 8,331
Credits Processed 15,147
Ending Credits 20,046
Applications Pending 206
Processing Time (Conventional) 2.4 Weeks
Processing Time (LoTW) 1 Working Day
DXCC is currently mailing applications received on March 24, 2005. DXCC is
currently entering credits received on March 24, 2005. A nomination request
letter has been received from Greece and an invitation for a nomination has
been sent to RAAG.
Logbook of the World
QSO records entered into the system 69,218,964
QSL records have resulted 3,032,680
Logs Processed 113,413
Active Certificates 14,105
Users registered in the system 9,464
Hybrids Pending Mail 41
QSL Bureau
Processing time is 9 days from receipt. This week 180 pounds of cards were
received from members. Cards mailed as of 04/10/05: 268,450. No cards
were mailed this week.
W1AW received as a donation a Vibroplex "Lightning Bug" key, serial number
221897. The donation was made by Dick Pooley, W7HUY. Dick was inspired to
make the donation after he and a few of his fellow club members from
Washington state operated W1AW. In particular, one of the operators used
(for the first time) the Vibroplex key already on hand at the station.
Thanks to Steve Ford for his installing at W1AW the latest version of
UI-View32 (with Precision Mapping). UI-View32 is an APRS program that is
more diverse than what was in use, in this case, WinAPRS. Joe installed a
separate program to read the weather information from the Peet Brothers
Ultimeter 2000 weather system. This program in turns creates a weather log
file that is read by UI-View32 so the station's weather information can be
With the software loaded, Steve and Joe monitored APRS stations involved in
TOP-OFF. In addition to the APRS stations, repeater activity from the
affected area was also monitored. And in a similar vein, Joe continued with
SCAMP experimentation.
Scott worked on slow and fast code practice files for the month of April.
He also handled some evening phone sales calls in the daily 5 PM to 8 PM
time slots.
Field & Educational Services
Rosalie compiled information on Tony England for use in a news release about
his Dayton appearance. She was asked by the National Volunteer
Organizations Active in Disaster (NVOAD) for ARRL participation on their
awards committee. She prepared notes on ARES's role in TopOff 3 for NVOAD's
records. She and Steve shared ideas on plans for the SM Dayton Forum. ESA
taxi astronaut Vittori was trained and is scheduled for two future QSOs.
Field Education Team
Norm Fusaro networked with a Virginia club trying to revitalize itself by
using a Field Day event as the springboard to generate member activity. He
worked with Steve and Rosalie on recruiting a club to help with Emergency
Preparedness Month (Sept). Norm received follow-up e-mail from a youngster
who had expressed interest in ham radio -- the boy set April 21 for his
license exam, but wrote to say he already passed El 2 and just missed his 5
wpm CW (and will re-try soon). The Mt Baker ARC in WWA expressed
appreciation for ARRL's recognition of their booklet for new hams -- Tom
Hogerty posted a version of it to the Web for other clubs to use. Mt Baker
ARC had no idea the work would have such an impact, and is pleased.
Margie Bourgoin and Norm began developing a checklist for hams starting a
new club. Margie updated 40 club records, reactivated 2 clubs, and
processed 3 Special Service Club renewals. She also registered one new
Volunteer Instructor and 1 new schoolteacher. Margie also assisted Jean by
setting up two new Sections for CCE classes and registering the students.
She process the graduation of some CCE students.
Jean Wolfgang processed 82 mentor recognition checks for March and handled
processing of 16 field test students. Jean also worked with CTDLC, our Web
host, to solve an ongoing registration problem that she pointed out to them
again. She registered 3 new hybrid sections of the Emcomm course. Since
the CNCS grant will end in a few months, she is looking at ways to make the
transition from the member-only, grant-sponsored courses to the possibility
of sections that would be available to non-members. Our next new online
course, Digital Electronics, may be available by late May. Jean assisted
Rosalie and Mary in reviewing the Technician license course in its
availability to disabled folks.
Gail Iannone prepared and sent packets containing 8 convention applications
and 11 club applications to the Executive Committee for their meeting. She
sent 5 hamfest approval letters to the sponsoring committees confirming the
Director's approval of their events as ARRL-sanctioned, and 2 convention
approval letters to the sponsoring committees confirming the EC's approval
of their events as ARRL-sanctioned. She processed 5 handout and door prize
orders and 1 label request for upcoming events. She sent Wouff Hong
materials for the North Carolina Section Convention, April 17. She sent 3
Charter of Affiliation certificates to newly-affiliated clubs. She arranged
for Norm Fusaro to do a talk about ARRL at a French Businessman's
Organization in Newington.
Regulatory Information
John Hennessee is in the beginning stages of locating chapter reviewers for
the next edition of the ARRL FCC Rule Book, which will most likely be our
"Restructuring edition," making the book a big deal to update. There could
also be a new printing or edition before that time, depending on whether the
FCC gives us any surprises -- the Omnibus rulemaking could be brought to the
table. John also assisted an amateur with a local government zoning problem
in Concord, CA (ND6H) and with a covenant problem in Auburn, CA (K7VP).
Amateur Radio Education & Technology Project
Mark Spencer displayed ARISS and Amateur Radio at the National Science
Teachers Association national conference; about 14,000 teachers attended.
He has heard back from teachers he talked to about our teacher's institute.
A few inquiries about the institute came from Rick Lindquist's web spot.
Mark tested the circuit board he designed on transistor amplifier
exploration, and has the construction manual in draft form. Mark completed
the fox hunt activity project, and started the draft announcement on it.
These two projects are the final new additions for this year's institute.
Community Education Program
Bill Barrett went to El Paso to give his presentation to the area Citizen
Corps Council. The number of attendees was small, but they were
enthusiastic. And all were already hams! They wore multiple hats -- in
most cases 3 to 5, including volunteer fire fighters and EMTs -- and
reported that most area volunteers are hams. They said more people would
have come to the meeting, but volunteers are being asked to do too much
training and too many meetings since 9/11. They like the idea of learning
more, but they are just plain tired.
Field Organization/Public Service Team
We congratulate Connecticut Section Leaders and ARES members and all hams
who planned for and supported Amateur Radio's involvement in TopOff3. News
stories recounting the activities are on the ARRL Web's New Page. Steve
Ewald was in touch with ARES groups and Section Leaders to help gather news
and reports about ARES/RACES activation for the flooding in the mid-Atlantic
states. He planned for the Section Manager's forum at the National
Convention in Dayton.
Chuck Skolaut received documentation on an Ohio repeater that is having
technical problems, and this has been forwarded to the FCC. The FCC issued
another monitoring request that covers a situation on 75 meters for Official
Observers to watch for. Good teamwork by Nebraska OOs resulted in a
resolution concerning local repeater interference. Chuck participated in a
BPL and local interference committee teleconference call with a group in
Leona Adams received an SM nomination petition from incumbent Western
Washington SM Ed Bruette, N7NVP. Over 30 new appointments plus changes and
appointment cancellations were registered in the Field Appointment database.
Forty supply packages were sent to new appointees, and Leona processed
expense reports for SMs. SM election ballots from West Texas and New
Hampshire are arriving; May 20 is the deadline to return ballots.
EmComm Grants
Dan Miller attended the National Hurricane Conference and said it was a
great success. Attendance at the ham radio presentations was better than in
the past two years. The goal of providing topics and speakers geared to
non-hams worked extremely well. The conference was very well attended, and
good data was gathered from the 51 surveys received. The Communications
Academy in Washington state was successful in its good attendance, both
overall, and for the emcomm presentation. Dan began preparing an exhibit
for the Ohio Homeland Security Symposium, and forum talk for the National
Capital Area ARES Conference.
Dave Patton, NN1N
Special Assistant to the
Chief Executive Officer
DCP: lk
Staff Absentee List
Dave Sumner 4/13-4/18 IARU Reg. 1 Conference Preparatory
Meeting, Croatia
`` 5/19-5/22 Dayton Hamvention
Mary Hobart 4/13-4/18 International DX Convention,
Visalia, CA
`` 5/18-5/23 Dayton Hamvention
Debra Johnson 5/19-5/23 Dayton Hamvention
`` 5/24 Vacation
Dennis Motschenbacher 5/19-5/23 Dayton Hamvention
Bob Inderbitzen 4/13 Vendor visit-Barker Specialty,
Cheshire, CT
`` 5/18-5/23 Dayton Hamvention
Kathy Capodicasa 4/14-4/18 Vacation
`` 5/9-5/13 Vacation
`` 5/18-5/23 Dayton Hamvention
Zoe Belliveau 5/19-5/22 Dayton Hamvention
Joe Bottiglieri 5/19-5/23 Dayton Hamvention
Cathy Stepina 4/4-4/15 Vacation
Ed Hare 4/18-4/20 IEEE Chapter Meeting, Chicago, IL
`` 4/21-4/22 Vacation
`` 4/25-4/29 ANSI Committee Meeting, Piscataway,
`` 5/18-5/22 Vacation
Mike Tracy 5/18-5/23 Dayton Hamvention
Wayne Mills 4/14-4/29 International DX Convention,
Visalia, CA & Vacation
`` 5/19-5/20 Dayton Hamvention
`` 6/22-6/27 Friedrichshafen
Bill Moore 4/16-4/18 Section Convention, Raleigh, NC
`` 4/28-5/1 State Convention,
Birmingham, AL & Vacation
`` 5/19-5/20 Dayton Hamvention
Dave Patton 5/18-5/23 Dayton Hamvention
`` 5/23-5/27 Vacation
`` 6/21-6/27 Friedrichshafen
Janet Rocco 4/13 Vendor visit-Barker Specialty,
Cheshire, CT
Rosalie White 4/15-4/17 South Dakota Section Convention
Dan Miller 4/18-4/21 OH Homeland Security Symposium,
Columbus, OH
`` 4/22-4/23 National Capitol ARES
Council, Baltimore, MD
`` 4/29-5/4 National Disaster
Medical System Conference, Orlando FL
LouAnn Campanello 4/18-4/22 Vacation
Steve Ford 4/18-4/19 Vacation
Joe Carcia 4/21-4/22 Vacation
`` 5/27 Vacation
Scott Gee 5/2 Vacation
`` 5/19-5/20 Vacation
Joel Kleinman 5/13 Vacation
Rick Lindquist 5/19-5/22 Dayton Hamvention
`` 5/23 Vacation
Joel Hallas 5/19-5/22 Dayton Hamvention
`` 5/23 Vacation