Vol. 28, No. 46
November 16, 2005 -- Covers the period November 6-12.
Upcoming Meetings and Events
Ballot Counting, Director/Vice Director Elections
November 18 in Newington, CT
A&F Committee Meeting
November 19 in Newington, CT
Annual Board Meeting
January 20-21, 2006 in Windsor, CT
John Hennessee answered a number of messages and calls on various
regulatory topics. He processed several VC applications and assisted
amateurs with local government zoning problems in Westland, MI (KA8POZ),
and Canton, OH (W8JT) and with covenant concerns in Sharpe Chapel, TN
(KA2CRH) and Hellertown, PA (K3DLB).
The 2006 Spectrum Defense Fund is continuing to generate revenue
slightly ahead of the 2005 campaign. After 18 days of returns, 1461
donors have contributed more than $73,000. In addition to a follow up
solicitation letter to prior donors, a personalized letter has been
mailed to major donors and major prospects.
The Year End campaign in is the final stages of production. This
solicitation is being mailed to 75,000 members to raise $43,750 by
December 31. Development has suppressed recent donors from this appeal.
Media & Public Relations
The toy drive appears to be going well and is ahead of last year's
results at this same point in the drive. Patty Loveless' PSA is being
used and an audio version is now also available for radio. Weekly
releases updating the drive are being done. Meetings have been held
with the marketing department regarding their role in the Hello campaign
in '06 and expectations they can sell advertising and sponsoring
opportunities to supplement funding for the project's many activities.
The master logo and stylebook are in process and expected before
Christmas. The 2006 Swiss Army Knife for PIOs CD has been completed
except for the final addition of Hello campaign material and is expected
to be available in January 2006.
Editorial and production work is wrapping up on the January issue of
Rick Lindquist reports The ARRL Letter, Vol. 24, No. 44, was distributed
to 65, 538 members on Friday, Nov 11. Rick submitted the "Happenings"
column for January. He also prepared/edited stories on the
Indiana-Kentucky tornado response, appointments to the FCC, 200th ARISS
school group contact, Holiday Toy Drive videos, the FMT, and several
news briefs and announcements. He also worked with Mary Hobart to
prepare an update for the Spectrum Defense Fund 06 campaign and with
Allen Pitts to prepare an update on the Holiday Toy Drive. With
soundbite assistance from Bob Pointer, N9XAW, who's among those involved
in the IN tornado response, Rick voiced, edited and produced ARRL Audio
News for Nov 11.
Sales and Marketing
Work continues on January QST advertising, along with January/February
NCJ and QEX. Although it was previously reported that dollar targets
would be met, a few advertisers have since taken a pass on the January
issue. HamPROs and New Communications Solutions decided to skip
January. In fact, NCS will most likely be out of the magazine for the
next five issues. They are concentrating their advertising dollars on
the commercial side of their business.
On the positive side, new advertisers for the January issue will include
Ham Radio Insurance Associates and RigExperts.
Thursday through Saturday, Dennis and Sarah traveled to the United
States Power Squadron Headquarters in Raleigh, NC to discuss the
Memoranda of Understanding, signed in June 2005, between the two
organizations. Twelve action items were identified and all twelve are
actionable. The meeting minutes are in the process of being reviewed by
both organizations and immediate actions will be forthcoming.
A membership solicitation to 20,000 lapsed members (General, Advanced
and Extra Class) will be mailed early this week. The mailing is similar
to one conducted earlier this year. An additional ride-along evokes
ARRL membership as a way to protect our ability to respond during
An email solicitation was sent on Friday afternoon, introducing ARRL's
newest title, "Basic Radio." The solicitation helped boost activity to
the e-store over the weekend. Cumulative online orders topped $16,000,
including orders for 98 copies of "Basic Radio."
The following items have all been added to the online e-store:
#9531 Emergency Power for Radio Communications $19.95 Shipping in
#9615 Radio Amateur Callbook CD-ROM (2006) $49.95 Shipping in
late-Nov/early Dec
#9608 Passport to World Band Radio $22.95 Shipping in mid-Nov
#9623 2006 Super Frequency List CD-ROM $29.95 Shipping in mid/late Dec
#9635 2006 Shortwave Frequency Guide $39.95 Shipping in mid/late Dec
#9642 RSGB Radio Communication Handbook $54.95 NOW SHIPPING
#5439 ARES Field Resources Manual $12.95 NOW SHIPPING
#9558 Basic Radio - Understanding the Key Building Blocks $29.95 NOW
New ham information packages were mailed to 20 prospects.
Online Courses
To date, 1,885 students have completed all 3 levels of the Emergency
Communications courses. The Level III EmComm course has been updated.
Jean Wolfgang is investigating options for generating new sample tests
for the Field Kits. Processing for 4 course sections was completed, for
classes that begin on 11/18.
ON-LINE COURSES Registrations
During this week Graduations
Antenna Modeling (EC-004) 1 0
HF Digital (EC-005) 0 0
RFI (EC-006) 0 0
VHF/UHF (EC-008) 0 0
Antenna Design and Construction (EC-009) 0 1
Technician Licensing (EC-010) 4 2
Propagation (EC-011) 1 2
Analog Electronics (EC-012) 0 1
Digital Electronics (EC-013) 1 1
Emergency Comm. Level 1 (EC-001) 25 24
Emergency Comm. Level 2 (EC-002) 11 10
Emergency Comm. Level 3 (EC-003) 3 4
Membership Services
Awards Branch
WAC Certificates (204 QSLs F/C) 34 (foreign)
5 Band WAC Certificates (40 QSLs F/C) 6 (foreign)
A-1 Operator Nominations 10
A-1 Operator Certificates 20
Extra Class Certificates 19
Replacement Award 1
Awards Mailed 44
In addition, sent out the orders for 30 Honor roll, 24 Top of Honor
Roll, and 23 5-Band DXCC engraved plates, and worked with DXCC staff on
Awards Branch programs.
Processing Status: Current or up to three weeks.
For the coming week-WAS QSL card checking, VUCC, and WAS Specialty
awards, do data entry for the latest Challenge plaque order, mail out
this week's processed awards, and work with DXCC staff on on-going
plaque program and training on Awards Branch programs.
Contest Branch
Initial response to the solicitation for new sponsors for the 2006 RTTY
Roundup plaque program has been promising. The 2005 ARRL UHF Contest
results article was received from the author, edited, formatted and sent
to Production, with the web version also being edited and sent to Web
Services for layout. Data entry for the 2005 September VHF QSO Party
continued. We have worked with the robot keeper on several robot items
including updating the method of which messages and logs to the robot
are now displayed and tracked for easier access when questions arise.
The results article for the 2005 August UHF contest was received from
the author. The QST version was prepared and sent to Production and the
Web version prepared and sent to Web Services. We experienced a problem
with the data entry form for the November Sweepstakes paper entries,
which was found and fixed working with the IS Department.
DXCC Branch
For the Week of:
November 13, 2005
Beginning Credits 51,930
Credits Received 9,245
Credits Processed 9,269
Ending Credits 51,906
Applications Pending 386
Processing time 5.6 Weeks
Year-to-date (2005)
Credits Received 545,018
Credits Returned 565,217
DXCC is currently mailing applications received on October 5, 2005.
DXCC is currently entering credits received on October 17, 2005.
Logbook of the World
QSO records entered into the system 83,060,643
QSL records have resulted 4,0279,825
Logs Processed 158,620
Active Certificates 16,424
Users registered in the system 10,885
Hybrids Pending Mail 107
QSL Branch
There is a 2 day processing time delay. This week, 95 pounds of cards
were received from members. The next mailing is scheduled for Thursday,
November 17th.
Joe updated the web code practice files. He produced the 2006 W1AW/K6YR
Qualifying Run Schedule. Joe also began making preparations for the
upcoming W1AW Frequency Measuring Test. He also processed regular W1AW
QSL card requests. Joe is also in the final stages of getting the
D-Star 23cm repeater fully functional.
Field Educational Services
Field Organization/Public Service Team
Amateur Radio operators and ARES teams from southern Indiana and western
Kentucky were called into action early on November 6th when severe
storms struck the area and a tornado caused serious damage in southern
Indiana. Steve Ewald and Rick Lindquist maintained contact with Section
Leaders and emergency coordinators in the area throughout the week as
they continued to provide communication services for the Salvation Army
and other relief organizations.
Steve has been receiving comments from SMs and SECs about some proposed
ideas on how to properly recognize radio amateurs who have successfully
completed all three levels of the ARRL Amateur Radio Emergency
Communications courses.
Leona Adams has been receiving from the SMs a steady flow of updates and
corrections to their Field Organization appointee records after she sent
them reports recently. In addition, nearly two dozen appointments were
made over the past week. Mike King, W5PY, of Slidell, has been nominated
to run for Section Manager as Louisiana. The next term of office for
this section begins in April.
Chuck Skolaut returned from the successful ARRL Georgia Section
convention in Lawrenceville. An interesting ARES forum focused on the
three recent major hurricanes. ARRL was well represented at this event
by Director Butler, Vice Director Donahue, and Section Managers from
Georgia, Southern Florida and Alabama. Twenty seven new or renewed ARRL
memberships were received.
Chuck received more radar-type interference reports on 160 and 80
meters, and a digital signal (heard primarily in Hawaii) is being
tracked on 40 meters. A strong pulse-type signal on 75 meters in New
Hampshire and Vermont is also being documented.
NASA TV has been airing bits of information about SuitSat, what with the
next space walk being scheduled soon. This space walk is when SuitSat
gets deployed overboard, and the schedule is for the first days in
December. Last week the NASA TV coverage mentioned that ARRL is one of
the sponsors of Amateur Radio contacts with the ISS.
Background information on Suit Sat was forwarded by Rosalie to Allen
Pitts for use in developing possible PR pieces, and to Mark Spencer to
give to our school teachers. Thanks goes to Tom Hogerty for updating
the ARRL Web pages about SuitSat.
Astronaut Bill McArthur sent a note to the ARISS International Team
saying that he is really enjoying the QSOs, and wants to talk with more
than one school's students each week. This makes for a much larger
amount of work for the ARISS volunteers, but they will willingly do
Due in two weeks is the 2005 NASA Program Inventory report; Rosalie
began preparing text for it.
Background information was sent by Rosalie to Dave Patton about the ARES
Digital Network Management Team and the ARES E-Letter. She shared
tornado information with staff. Kay Craigie had a lengthy discussion
with Rosalie about assistance to the staff during the three recent
As part of the Growth Team, Rosalie reviewed On the Air with Ham Radio
and also a type of instructional material; she shared thoughts about
these two items with the team. She assisted an area club with
historical information in our files, after working with Roseanne
Lawrence to get the details.
Field Education Team
This week Norm Fusaro helped a club with the development of a
presentation to give to a non-ham church group. It included materials,
slides and handouts. Norm also helped a potential ham find a local club
and get started on the road to getting his license.
Norm also wrote several letters to hams looking for ways to increase
activity in their clubs. Another club had a more negative experience
that may require some legal advice. Norm was able to connect them to an
attorney through the ARRL Volunteer Counsel program.
The ACC reflector has been busy with comments and input from new ACCs.
Norm followed the thread and then interjected some thoughts and
guidelines for leadership in the field when it comes to dealing with
negative or disgruntled club officers.
Norm hosted a group of Boy Scouts and their parents as they toured HQ
and W1AW. The kids and the adults were impressed by talking to a
station in Brazil from W1AW.
Gail Iannone wrote 24 hamfest announcements and three convention
announcements for the January issue of QST and sent to the Managing
Editor. She sent 14 hamfest approval letters and three convention
approval letters to the sponsoring committees confirming the Division
Directors' approval of their events as "ARRL-sanctioned," processed
eight handout and door prize material orders and three label requests
for upcoming events. She also sent one new SSC approval letter and
certificate to a club seeking SSC status.
This week was busy for Roseanne Lawrence with correspondence as clubs
are shifting into winter mode. There were many emails and phone calls
looking for assistance with starting a new club, reactivating clubs from
the mid-90s, current status of club, questions about what products to
use to study for license, long ten-week class vs. intense one-day class.
She helped an instructor with brochures and material to recruit 60 ham
radio operators in Guam--their Civil Defense are receiving many HT
radios. He wants to work with the local radio station, and Allen Pitts
provided the PS announcement and his CD ROM with helpful tips for clubs
to work with the media. A ham from a Pennsylvania club requested 30
youth brochures after a teacher contacted them to speak about ham radio
after the class read the book "Radio Rescue." They wanted to learn more
about Amateur Radio.
Brochures: The requests this week were for a specific number of
brochures for a class, rather than kits to promote to the general
public. Roseanne had several requests to include material to
teach/learn traffic handling in the aftermath of Katrina.
Prospect: Two people called the Club Assistant looking for clubs in
Sales: Helped someone upgrade their current personal library $135.00.
One Blind Membership for $8.00 and General Manual.
Graduation Kits: 13 for the Red Cross class in Farmington. The two new
certificates arrived---Graduation and First Contact.
Club Updates: 28
Instructor Registration: 3
Labels: 1
Amateur Radio Education & Technology Program-Mark Spencer
I completed my review and analysis of the 20 ETP grant applications
received for the first round of grants for 2006. I am recommending that
19 of the 20 grants be approved for a total of approximately $40,000.
The recommendation package is in the mail to HQ for distribution to the
EC. I authored a few thought pieces regarding various issues being
discussed within the building. Two new activity board kits have
progressed to the next step, prototype development. Parts have been
ordered and received to build up the working prototypes. These boards
will focus on the concepts of wave basics and modulation/detection, and
an Ohm's Law exploration board.
Dave Patton, NN1N
Special Assistant to the
Chief Executive Officer
DCP: lk
Staff Absentee List
All Staff 11/24-11/25 Holiday
Dave Patton 11/21-11/28 Cartagena, Colombia (CQWW CW)
John Hennessee 11/30 Vacation
`` 12/16-12/26 Vacation
Wayne Mills 11/18-11/30 Timbuktu, Mali (CQWW CW)
Scott Gee 12/8 Vacation
`` 12/12-12/13 Vacation
`` 12/22-12/23 Vacation
Steve Ford 12/24-1/3 Vacation
Bob Inderbitzen 11/21-11/23 Vacation
`` 12/2 Vacation
`` 12/27-12/30 Vacation
Kathy Allison 11/16pm-11/18 Vacation
Joe Carcia 11/23 Vacation
`` 12/1-12/2 RFI Course
`` 12/14pm Vacation
Jean Wolfgang 11/22-11/23 Vacation
`` 12/1am Vacation
Mike Tracy 11/14-11/18 Vacation
Mike Gruber 11/11-11/18 Florida State
Zoe Belliveau 11/21-11/23 Vacation
`` 12/27-12/30 Vacation
Margie Bourgoin 11/14-11/18 Vacation
Penny Harts 11/15-11/18 Vacation
Ann Marie Pinto 11/21-11/23 Vacation
Larry Wolfgang 11/22-11/23 Vacation
Steve Ewald 11/28-12/2 Vacation
Diane Szlachetka 11/23-11/29 Vacation
`` 12/27-12/30 Vacation