[arrl-odv:26712] Harvey Update from Houston

Ladies & Gentlemen: Latest Audio News - Extra Edition, "Houston ARES Update: Steve Ford and Mike Urich, KA5CVH, ARES Houston PIO" http://www.arrl.org/files/file/News/Audio%20News/Audio%20News%20Extra%20Edit...
From Mike Corey To ARRL Section Leadership - LA, STX
Here is the latest from HQ regarding hurricane Harvey. This is intended for information only, please distribute to the appropriate field organization leadership in your Section. It's a bit longer than usual as we are now getting partner updates from National VOAD. ARRL HQ UPATE #3 - 30 August 2017 - 1900 UTC Here are the latest items from ARRL HQ related to response to Hurricane Harvey * Response PR is critical - we need reports of who is deployed, doing what and where. Photos are incredibly helpful. Please make sure you include who took the photo and important photo details (who, what's happening, where). * Please make sure that news and PR items are being sent to the following ARRL staff: News Editor - Rick Lindquist, WW1ME, ww1me@roadrunner.com<mailto:ww1me@roadrunner.com> and ARRL Social Media Specialist - Michelle Patnode, mpatnode@arrl.org<mailto:mpatnode@arrl.org> * Kudos to ARRL PIO Mike Urich, KA5CVH, for the interview on WGMD * We are now keeping an eye on hurricane Irma which developed today in the Atlantic * Updates from our National VOAD partners are included at the end of this update * LA ARES/SKYWARN Net is monitoring on 3.803 MHz * VOIP WX Net is active and reports today they received a request for rescue and made contact with the US Coast Guard to fulfill the request * FMRE (Mexico's national association) has offered to assist with response particularly with health and welfare requests and inquiries coming from families in Mexico ARRL has a dedicated page for Harvey updates www.arrl.org/harvey<http://www.arrl.org/harvey> Tom Gallagher - NY2RF Chief Executive Officer ARRL Headquarters ARRL - The national association for Amateur Radio(tm) 860 594 0404 cell 704 907 7158 tgallagher@arrl.org<mailto:tgallagher@arrl.org>

Look at the video; it is priceless — the Redneck Army uses two monster trucks to rescue the military. Note the video has over 1,000,000 views: https://www.facebook.com/josh.james.733/videos/10211746897202746/ But, also read the ABC new article: http://abcnews.go.com/US/fleet-monster-trucks-conducts-rescues-flood-ravaged... They put together a team of more than 200 boats, 300 trucks and 600 people. No hate, no color, no race, no politics — *just the real America. * Perhaps there is a lesson to be learned. 73 _______________________________________ John Robert Stratton N5AUS Office Telephone:512-445-6262 Cell:512-426-2028 P.O. Box 2232 Austin, Texas 78768-2232 *_______________________________________***

See: http://www.cumberlandnewsnow.com/community/2017/8/30/disasters--loss-of-cell... 73 _______________________________________ John Robert Stratton N5AUS Office Telephone:512-445-6262 Cell:512-426-2028 P.O. Box 2232 Austin, Texas 78768-2232 *_______________________________________***

See: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/inside-story-what-took-keep-texas-grocery-cha... It contains very interesting and useful information for emergency response planning from someone with front-line in-the-mud experience. Note that neither Walmart nor Kroger were on top of their game this time. Kroger seldom is. And yes, it is about Texas. Get over it. 73 _______________________________________ John Robert Stratton N5AUS Office Telephone:512-445-6262 Cell:512-426-2028 P.O. Box 2232 Austin, Texas 78768-2232 *_______________________________________***
participants (2)
Gallagher, Tom, NY2RF (CEO)
John Robert Stratton