Ladies & Gentlemen:


Latest Audio News – Extra Edition, “Houston ARES Update: Steve Ford and Mike Urich, KA5CVH, ARES Houston PIO”


From Mike Corey

To ARRL Section Leadership – LA, STX


Here is the latest from HQ regarding hurricane Harvey. This is intended for information only, please distribute to the appropriate field organization leadership in your Section. It’s a bit longer than usual as we are now getting partner updates from National VOAD.


ARRL HQ UPATE #3 – 30 August 2017 – 1900 UTC


Here are the latest items from ARRL HQ related to response to Hurricane Harvey


ARRL has a dedicated page for Harvey updates


Tom Gallagher – NY2RF

Chief Executive Officer

ARRL Headquarters

ARRL - The national association for Amateur Radio

860 594 0404 cell 704 907 7158