[arrl-odv:16629] OH2BH Input to PSC Regarding Kosovo Operation

I have been a personal friend of Martti Laine for many years. Martti recently approached me about the ARRL Board getting involved with the DXCC status of his recent Kosovo operation. I told him that I would forward any information he wanted the Board to see to the appropriate Board committee, which is the PSC. In accordance with that, here is his submission. I expect to tell Martti that I have passed the information on, and the next PSC meeting will be on May 31. Please understand that I am not advocating Martti Laine's position. I am only forwarding information for consideration by other PSC members. In view of the postcard campaign to ARRL Directors now underway, I am also sending this E-mail to the ODV reflector for the edification of the other Board member's I'll post further thoughts on this matter to the PSC reflector in a few days. My initial look is that the ARRL has rules on new countries/entities that were put in place for good reason. It also appears that staff followed those rules. 73, Dick Norton, N6AA ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Martti Laine <martti.laine@kolumbus.fi> Date: Thu, Mar 27, 2008 at 9:00 AM Subject: N6AA de OH2BH To: n6aa@arrl.org Dick, after my discussion with Wayne, N7NG it was decided that I will write my own memorandum. All our DXCC related efforts are obviously based on the assumption that the ARRL would follow the U.S. foreign policy. I just received another email suggesting that this may not necessarily be the case. If following the Russia and their allies, we would never argue on these points. And U.N. - there cannot be any official standing on this! Thank you once again for taking this up for fair consideration - hopefully my memorandum would be of some help. Please confirm that you have received this with the attachment. Rgds, Martti
participants (1)
Richard J. Norton