[arrl-odv:29058] Proposed 2020-2021 Plan

Good afternoon, Attached is the proposed 2020-2021 Plan documents that the Administrative & Finance Committee, during their November meeting, voted to recommend to the Board at the January 2020 meeting. There will be a conference call held on Tuesday, December 17, 2019 from 8-10 pm to discuss the proposed Plan. Dial in information will be sent in a future e-mail. As in the past, this call will be in the form of a Q & A session and driven by the questions the board members may have related to the documents. I am happy to answer any questions prior to the call and welcome participants to send me questions in advance that they would like addressed during the call. Our board members-elect are also on this e-mail and are encouraged to join the call. 73, Diane Middleton, W2DLM Chief Financial Officer ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio (r) 225 Main Street Newington, CT 06111 (860) 594-0225
participants (1)
Middleton, Diane, W2DLM (CFO)