Good afternoon,
Attached is the proposed 2020-2021 Plan documents that the Administrative & Finance Committee, during their November meeting, voted to recommend to the Board at the January 2020 meeting. There will be a conference call held on Tuesday,
December 17, 2019 from 8-10 pm to discuss the proposed Plan. Dial in information will be sent in a future e-mail. As in the past, this call will be in the form of a Q & A session and driven by the questions the board members may have related to the documents.
I am happy to answer any questions prior to the call and welcome participants to send me questions in advance that they would like addressed during the call.
Our board members-elect are also on this e-mail and are encouraged to join the call.
Diane Middleton, W2DLM
Chief Financial Officer
ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio ®
225 Main Street
Newington, CT 06111
(860) 594-0225