[arrl-odv:20041] Reports IAVP and National Broadband Plan Committee

The IAVP Report (Doc. 6) and The Preliminary Report of the Ad Hoc National Broadband Plan Committee (Doc. 28 and Doc. 28A) are attached for your review. Jay, KØQB

Please find attached Document 12, the Report of the Chief Technology Officer to the 2011 Second Meeting of the Board of Directors, and Annex 12A, the Report of the WD2XSH Project Coordinator. In advance of the meeting, I will circulate a short briefing on LTE as Annex 12B and the Report of the Chair of the Advanced Digital Technologies Working Group as Annex 12C. 73, Brennan T. Price, N4QX Chief Technology Officer American Radio Relay League 3545 Chain Bridge Road Suite 209 Fairfax VA 22030-2708 Tel +1 703 934-2077 Fax +1 703 934-2079

Hello - Please find attached document #32 - the report of the VUAC. Thank You - Kermit Carlson W9XA ARRL Board VUAC Liason
participants (3)
John Bellows
Kermit Carlson
Price, Brennan, N4QX