[arrl-odv:25889] EC Meeting

Hi all: We had a productive EC meeting last weekend in Chicago. We tried a different approach to the agenda, sort of like a consent agenda, which resulted in us finishing at 3:30, much earlier than in the past. I think it made for a more productive and focused meeting. Dan is working on the minutes and we'll get those out to you in the next few days. FYI, attached is my report to the EC, a brief report with some comments. Tom gave a report on his first six months on the job, including a status report on organizational changes, the strategic plan, and the budget. We face some tough issues with the budget and I'll give Tom and staff a lot of credit for spending an exceptionally amount of time working to resolve the budget matters. The strategic plan is going to require that we take a hard look at our programs and services. Tom is well underway in this effort and brings a fresh look to things quite frankly. The organizational changes are also underway as you know. I realize change is difficult for many, but it's sometimes necessary and I support what Tom is doing. I'm particularly encouraged by the potential revitalization of the Official Observer program, which I mentioned in my report. Chris gave a progress report on meetings with Laura Smith who has given us a number of things to consider as we review our enforcement strategies and plans. It will take significant effort on our part but we have to got to revitalize the OO program if we expect enforcement help from the FCC, especially with the FCC cut backs and Field Office closings which will shift even more of the burden to our field auxiliary. Vice President Mileshosky heads up this effort. I mentioned in my report that we need to refocus attention on the National Broadband Plan. You will recall that a comprehensive study was done back in 2011 but not much has been done with it since. Thanks to Vice President Bellows, Director Blocksome, and General Counsel Imlay for volunteering to take on the task of "dusting off" the plan. They will be our watch dog going forward and we will be carrying it as a standing item on EC meeting agendas in the future so it stays in front of us. One last comment about the EC Meeting. Vice President Widin gave a really good report on long-term plans and ideas for LoTW. The LoTW Committee is doing some awesome work and it's exciting to hear their ideas for future enhancements and improvements to the program. LoTW is in good hands. 73 Rick - K5UR ...
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