[ARRL-ODV:10172] Region 3 Conference Report

I wrote the attached report on last week's IARU Region 3 Conference for distribution to the IARU Administrative Council. For the ARRL Board I'd like to add a few observations with regard to the American Samoa matter. After consultation with President Haynie and Vice Presidents Harrison and Stafford, on February 10 I sent a letter (ja1kab1.doc)to the Region 3 Secretary, with copies to the Region 3 Directors, calling their attention to existing IARU and Region 3 policy with regard to communication with so-called "second societies." When I arrived in Taipei on the evening of February 14 I learned that at their meeting earlier that day the Directors had concluded that this policy required them to return without action the application for IARU membership that had been submitted on behalf of the American Samoa Amateur Radio Association. This was welcome news since it was what we had been seeking all along. In the early stages of the conference there was some unpleasantness initiated by Kan Mizoguchi, JA1BK/VP6BK, who was present as the Pitcairn Island delegate, and backed up by John Peters, K1ER, who lives in Hawaii but was present as the delegate of the Fiji Association of Radio Amateurs. However, thanks to sensitive handling by the conference chairman, Ralph Yang, BV2FB, the matter was shunted off to a "Special Committee" as described in the report. After the conference had disposed of the matter by adopting the report of the Special Committee, Kan asked me privately not to make "negative publicity" in the IARU Calendar. I told him I did not intend to. The less said, the better. 73, Dave Sumner, K1ZZ <<ja1kab1.doc>> <<2004 Region 3 Conference.doc>>
participants (1)
Sumner, Dave, K1ZZ