[arrl-odv:27458] Our summer newsletter

To All, I realize that this is Roanoke Division Specific, but I wanted to share our summer newsletter. Special KUDOS to Vice Director Bill Morine N2COP for putting this together. It is great to have a PRO on our team! For those who remember Harry Dannals W2HD, previous ARRL president 1972-82, there is a picture of our visit to his assisted living home in Virginia during Field Day. For Chris, a group picture with your previous acquaintance Demi. Under my signature is my message to the Division last night, and a link to our newsletter. Have a good weekend! '73 de JIM N2ZZ Director - Roanoke Division Representing ARRL members in the Virginia, West Virginia, South Carolina and North Carolina sections ARRL - The National Association for Amateur RadioT To All ARRL Roanoke Division Members, The Summer 2018 Roanoke Division Newsletter is Online! This is definitely one newsletter that you do not want to miss. Here are a few of the highlights: -Only two weeks before ARRL President Rick Roderick K5UR visits our division. Find out where and when -Roanoke Division members win national ARRL Awards -A visit with Harry Dannals W2HD, former President of the ARRL 1972-1982 -Field Day 2018 in our four sections - VA, WV, NC, SC - Meet our Section Managers -Youth in Amateur Radio -An operating and a major public service event opportunity -And, last but not least, Jim and Bill's EXCELLENT (Field Day) ADVENTURE! Follow this link: <http://arrl-roanoke.com/Roanoke_Newsletter_Summer_2018.pdf> http://arrl-roanoke.com/Roanoke_Newsletter_Summer_2018.pdf As always, thanks for being a part of the ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio! '73 de Jim N2ZZ Director, Roanoke Division Bill N2COP Vice Director, Roanoke Division --------------------------------------------------------------------
participants (1)
James F. Boehner, MD