To All,
I realize that this is Roanoke Division Specific, but I wanted to share our summer newsletter. Special KUDOS to Vice Director Bill Morine N2COP for putting this together. It is great to have a PRO on our team!
For those who remember Harry Dannals W2HD, previous ARRL president 1972-82, there is a picture of our visit to his assisted living home in Virginia during Field Day. For Chris, a group picture with your previous acquaintance Demi.
Under my signature is my message to the Division last night, and a link to our newsletter.
Have a good weekend!
’73 de JIM N2ZZ
Director – Roanoke Division
Representing ARRL members in the Virginia, West Virginia, South Carolina and North Carolina sections
ARRL – The National Association for Amateur Radio™
To All ARRL Roanoke Division Members,
The Summer 2018 Roanoke Division Newsletter is Online!
This is definitely one newsletter that you do not want to miss. Here are
a few of the highlights:
-Only two weeks before ARRL President Rick Roderick K5UR visits our
division. Find out where and when
-Roanoke Division members win national ARRL Awards
-A visit with Harry Dannals W2HD, former President of the ARRL
-Field Day 2018 in our four sections - VA, WV, NC, SC - Meet our Section
-Youth in Amateur Radio
-An operating and a major public service event opportunity
-And, last but not least, Jim and Bill’s EXCELLENT (Field Day)
Follow this link:
As always, thanks for being a part of the ARRL, the national association
for Amateur Radio!
'73 de
Jim N2ZZ
Director, Roanoke Division
Bill N2COP
Vice Director, Roanoke Division