[arrl-odv:32991] Final Two OCIO External Money Manager Interviews This Monday and Tuesday

Dear ODV Members: A reminder that the last two interviews with Outside Chief Investment Officer (OCIO) external money manager candidates will be this coming week. We will use the same format for the two-hour interviews as we did for the first three candidate interviews. ODV guests who are not members of the Investment Management Committee (IMC) will be placed in mute and non-video mode. IMC members will use the majority of time to exchange dialogue and questions with the OCIO candidates. Once the questioning is over between IMC members and the candidates - usually around the 90 minute mark of the two hour allotment of time - I will ask any ODV members who wish to ask questions to raise their hand via the chat feature and we will arrange for that ODV guest member to be unmuted and come up on video. At any time during the interview process, ODV members are welcomed to post questions or comments in the chat feature. Please direct those chat questions to me as chairman. After the OCIO candidate representatives are dismissed, ODV members are welcomed to remain for conversation with IMC members about the candidate's performance and observations. Please keep in mind that these OCIO interview sessions are private and confidential. Each candidate is sharing information with ARRL in good faith which they do not wish to be shared with industry competitors. The next meeting is Monday, November 29, at 5:00 PM Eastern time with candidate Brown Advisory. Joining us from that firm will be Susan Traver and Dave Stepherson <https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85290819449?pwd=VDUrMEVMWWxYRHVCalp1ZVkxU2x5dz09> https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85290819449?pwd=VDUrMEVMWWxYRHVCalp1ZVkxU2x5dz09 Meeting ID: 852 9081 9449 Passcode: 320376 The last interview of the five OCIO finalists will be Tuesday, November 30, at 7:30 PM Eastern with Vanguard. Joining us from Vanguard will be Guy Scripter and Tom Russo. <https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86406808752?pwd=VDFiR0w0emM0UnR0QTZhTHppQjA2Zz09> https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86406808752?pwd=VDFiR0w0emM0UnR0QTZhTHppQjA2Zz09 Meeting ID: 864 0680 8752 Passcode: 187236 If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me. 73 de Bill Morine, N2COP Chairman - Investment Management Committee

Bill - Thank you for the reminder. I missed the first one but found the 2nd and 3rd very informative. A sincere thank you to the IMC for narrowing the field to just 5 potential OCIO candidates. Thank you, Brent Walls, N9BA Vice Director | ARRL Central Division ARRL The National Association for Amateur Radio® 317.557.7224 -Sent from my mobile phone ________________________________ From: arrl-odv <arrl-odv-bounces@reflector.arrl.org> on behalf of n2cop@ec.rr.com <n2cop@ec.rr.com> Sent: Sunday, November 28, 2021 17:28 To: arrl-odv Subject: [arrl-odv:32991] Final Two OCIO External Money Manager Interviews This Monday and Tuesday Dear ODV Members: A reminder that the last two interviews with Outside Chief Investment Officer (OCIO) external money manager candidates will be this coming week. We will use the same format for the two-hour interviews as we did for the first three candidate interviews. ODV guests who are not members of the Investment Management Committee (IMC) will be placed in mute and non-video mode. IMC members will use the majority of time to exchange dialogue and questions with the OCIO candidates. Once the questioning is over between IMC members and the candidates – usually around the 90 minute mark of the two hour allotment of time – I will ask any ODV members who wish to ask questions to raise their hand via the chat feature and we will arrange for that ODV guest member to be unmuted and come up on video. At any time during the interview process, ODV members are welcomed to post questions or comments in the chat feature. Please direct those chat questions to me as chairman. After the OCIO candidate representatives are dismissed, ODV members are welcomed to remain for conversation with IMC members about the candidate’s performance and observations. Please keep in mind that these OCIO interview sessions are private and confidential. Each candidate is sharing information with ARRL in good faith which they do not wish to be shared with industry competitors. The next meeting is Monday, November 29, at 5:00 PM Eastern time with candidate Brown Advisory. Joining us from that firm will be Susan Traver and Dave Stepherson https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85290819449?pwd=VDUrMEVMWWxYRHVCalp1ZVkxU2x5dz09 Meeting ID: 852 9081 9449 Passcode: 320376 The last interview of the five OCIO finalists will be Tuesday, November 30, at 7:30 PM Eastern with Vanguard. Joining us from Vanguard will be Guy Scripter and Tom Russo. https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86406808752?pwd=VDFiR0w0emM0UnR0QTZhTHppQjA2Zz09 Meeting ID: 864 0680 8752 Passcode: 187236 If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me. 73 de Bill Morine, N2COP Chairman – Investment Management Committee
participants (2)
Walls, Brent, N9BA (VD, CD)