Enclosed are the revised minutes, per my notes and memory. There are 3 documents enclosed: (1) a redline Word document (2) a PDF of the redline Word document (3) a clean, non-redline PDF that shows the document as it would appear to the public and the Board if published without a redline. The format has been changed to make the Minutes more readable to the public as well as the Board by adding section and sub-paragraph headings that track the Agenda. The full Agenda was listed in the beginning, again to make it clearer to the Members what the Board was doing. In light of the controversy over the past month, our final Minutes will be intensely scrutinized with the intent to find "secrecy", "concealment" and "sharp dealing" — clarity serves us better than obfuscation, even if the obfuscation is unintentional. Although not required by Robert's Rules of Order and although our past Minutes have not had sections and sub-paragraphs, I respectfully suggest making this meeting's Minutes easy to read and follow; it would do much to blunt any accusation of "secrecy, etc". As to the inclusion of motions that were withdrawn, again since these Motions were known by the Members to have been filed with the Board for the purpose of passage by the Board, were posted on multiple Directors' websites with commentary on how the subject motions would or should be interpreted — the failure to address the treatment of those motions could be interpreted as a "trick" or "concealment." I do not believe it is worth taking that hit, so this draft addresses all the pre-Board meeting motions that attracted controversy. All who drafted and submitted motions did so in the belief that their efforts were just and they did not hide their support for their motions when the public came to complain. We as a Board should not hide either; setting forth in the Minutes what actually occurred does much to defeat the rancorous charges leveled against the Board. The majority of the changes visible in the Redline versions are: • formatting changes — the addition of sections and sub-paragraphs to track the Agenda • typographical corrections • standardization of the language used, e.g, "ADOPTED" instead of a mix of "adopted" and "ADOPTED" or "Directors" instead of a mix of "directors" and "Directors" • standardization of the language used to describe consideration and passage of a motion. The additions to Mr. Henderson's original draft appear in the following paragraphs: ¶ 24 [stating that Mr. Gallagher was not at the meeting due to his resignation] ¶ 30 [clarifying the two step amendment by Mr. Niswander to the original Plan Motion by clarifying that the initial amendment proposal to authorize $428,000 for the Lifetime Learning Project was reduced by the Board, after discussion, to just $30,000] ¶ 34-35 [Mr. Allen's IARU Motion section remains the same, but the non-motion language was cleared up to reflect consideration of the Motion was continued to the next morning] ¶ 53 [Adds the consideration of the Motion identified as Abernethy-1; the Paragraph adds in the introduction of the Motion, the statement Mr. Abernethy read into the record and asked be included in the Minutes and the manner and conditions under which it was withdrawn.] ¶ 56 [Addresses Mr. Lisenco's withdrawal of his 7 motions. Since these Motions were published prior to the Meeting, were filed timely with the Board for consideration and were actually publicly discussed by some Directors as to how the Motions would be treated at the Meeting, I am concerned it would smack of a sleight of hand to make no reference to the disposition of the Motions. That would not be our intent and certainly it would not be Mike's, but in the current charged environment, going the extra mile by addressing the disposition of the 7 Motions in the Minutes will disarm some of our critics. Mr. Lisenco was not ashamed of his Motions; neither should the Minutes be.] I want to thank Dan Henderson for his yeoman efforts to produce a set of Minutes in a compressed time period. It was difficult work and he is to be commended for his efforts. Dan didn't sign up to be a court reporter, but we have tasked him with doing almost the equivalent. Thanks Dan. _______________________________________ John Robert Stratton N5AUS Vice Director Legislative Director West Gulf Division Office:512-445-6262 Cell:512-426-2028 P.O. Box 2232 Austin, Texas 78768-2232 *_______________________________________***