The EC has voted to authorize an e-mail vote of the Board to approve the Second Century Campaign's goal. Dave will post the formal call for that vote soon. The following is background information for you. The Second Century Campaign committee, chaired by David Brandenburg K5RQ, met by conference call earlier this year and decided upon a campaign goal of $10 million. To date, the campaign's silent phase has produced over $4 million in cash and commitments. After hearing from K5RQ (see the attached letter from him), I asked the A&F Committee to review the recommendation. Their conclusion was that while the goal is ambitious, it is within the realm of reason. Chairman Tom Frenaye wrote, "The Administration and Finance Committee has had a good discussion regarding the proposed fund raising goal of $10m recommended by the Second Century Committee. We're very encouraged by the progress made to date and excited by the prospect of realizing a $10m goal. The comments from A&F members all suggested they believe the goal is reasonable but represents a stretch that will require effort from everyone involved." In the public phase the committee will continue to seek donations from major donors, but all members' contributions of any amount will be sought and welcomed. The publicity will explain the purpose and importance of the campaign. The next step is for the Board to bless the campaign goal. Members will want to know that the campaign is indeed an ARRL official activity. If you have specific questions about the campaign, please contact Mary Hobart. I know that most members of the Board have made a pledge to the campaign and thank you sincerely for that, with particular appreciation to Rick Roderick for leading the outreach to Board members. 73 - Kay N3KN