The National Assn of Corn Growers recently had up a website for sending lobbying emails to Reps. re going to a 15% ethanol blend. The website gave you the header/address info to the Rep, your signature, and a blank screen in between. If you felt the urge or need, you could click one or more of many bullets into the text. It really was a neat way to encourage original writing. We're in the Rockies about to head thru Rocky Mtn Natl Park toward Brian and Dwayne's Div convention in Estes Park. If I can find the link for NCGA's project (the comment deadline has passed, i believe) this evening I'll forward it so you can see the structure. 73 Bruce K0BJ On Fri, May 29, 2009 at 7:50 AM, Sumner, Dave, K1ZZ <dsumner@arrl.org>wrote:
That's pretty cool, Dick. Thanks to you and Trey.
We need to continue to encourage personalization of letters. A stack of identical form letters is better than nothing but doesn't have the impact of letters that briefly tell constituents' own stories.