The National Assn of Corn Growers recently had up a website for sending lobbying emails to Reps. re going to a 15% ethanol blend. The website gave you the header/address info to the Rep, your signature, and a blank screen in between. If you felt the urge or need, you could click one or more of many bullets into the text. It really was a neat way to encourage original writing.
We're in the Rockies about to head thru Rocky Mtn Natl Park toward Brian and Dwayne's Div convention in Estes Park. If I can find the link for NCGA's project (the comment deadline has passed, i believe) this evening I'll forward it so you can see the structure.
73 Bruce K0BJ
That's pretty cool, Dick. Thanks to you and Trey.
We need to continue to encourage personalization of letters. A stack of identical form letters is better than nothing but doesn't have the impact of letters that briefly tell constituents' own stories.