Hi all: Back in May,I sent an email to ODV about some initial thoughts for the board meeting. Ofcourse, things have changed and dates for various state openings and the rulesfor those are a moving target. Because of this, our July, 2020 board meetingwill need to be a virtual board meeting. It may not be an ideal situation andwill certainly be different than we’ve ever experienced, but I think there areways to make it as streamlined and efficient as possible by doing some work inadvance of the meeting. If we can better prepare, we might be able to completethe virtual meeting in one day. This is where I need your help. First, weneed all committee reports to be filed prior to the meeting to allow everyonethe chance to review them and understand any recommendations being made. In addition,I’d like to make a list of all motions that are planned to be presented at themeeting. To do this,we need the Committee Chairs to submit a list of the motions they plan topresent, and for Directors to submit their individual motions in advance with acopy to Carla. Ideally, the actual motion itself would be presented to ODV butif you are still working on the wording, then at least submit the motionsubject you are working on so we have an idea of what to expect. We can then compilea master list to work from on ODV leading up to the Board meeting. Pleasesubmit the motions with the Committee or Director name and a number to allowfor proper organization and tracking. By doingthis, we might be able to consolidate a good number of them in consent agendamotions to save time. For example, we should be able to combine the numerousmotions for awards from PSC into one motion. Likewise, if a Director has amotion, then perhaps ODV could see it in advance and work out any questions andwording before the Board meeting thus saving time. Yourcooperation in compiling this information as soon as possible would beappreciated. Thanks. 73, Rick – K5UR