To Officers, Directors and Vice Directors of the ARRL, Please find the following attachments in advance of the 2021 Second Board Meeting: * Formal Meeting Notice - Please read the notice thoroughly as it contains new information and will likely address many of your questions * Full Agenda - The full Agenda (Document 1) with document numbers for your committee reports; please note, there are new committee reports * Accommodation Form - Please return this form to Dee Methe no later than June 25 to guarantee your room hold (if you have not done so already) * Conflict of Interest Form - Please return your signed Conflict of Interest statement to Dee if you have not already. Please be reminded that per By-Law 45 - f. Annual Statements: The failure of a Board Member or Vice Director to sign such statement on a timely basis will render that Board Member or Vice Director ineligible to serve or continue to serve. * Meals - Finally, please be sure to return your selections (and those of your spouse if applicable) to Dee Methe by Friday, June 25, and clearly state any food allergies/restrictions. Please let me know if you have any questions once you have reviewed all attachments. Respectfully, Carla Pereira, KC1HSX Executive Manager ARRL Newington, CT 06111 860-594-0242 http://www.arrl.org/