The attached document reports on recent back-to-back trips to Charlotte, NC, and Philadelphia, PA. Dave and Chris have arranged to meet with the FCC in Washington about enforcement. I want to explain to you why I will not be going with Dave and Chris on this visit. Many of you know that my husband Carter N3AO has been suffering from back trouble. For a while, physical therapy and steroid injections gave relief lasting various lengths of time. However, the injection administered after our trip to Geneva not only didn't give any relief, but a nerve flare after the shot actually caused the most intense pain ever. It was time to see the surgeon. Carter is scheduled for surgery on his spine the day after we return from Dayton. He has already had one unpleasant out-patient test and must have another test next week. That one is going to be even more unpleasant and the discomfort should last several days. I simply have to be at home next week to help him through that process, so Dave and Chris will handle the FCC visit. I wish it were otherwise, for many reasons you can well imagine. Carter is coming to Dayton, though he will be sitting down rather than walking around. We don't know what the post-surgery recovery time line will be. I am not cancelling any trips already on the schedule. Our daughter is an able project manager and has begun organizing friends to help when she and/or I have to be away after the surgery. Thank you for your understanding. We always say that family comes first. Once in a while we have to walk the walk. 73 - Kay N3KN