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V@ŽŽÝª`4 Ÿk9€ÁÈÈ$VÑ2002 Annual Meeting of the
ARRL Board of Directors
January 18-19, 2002
Summary Agenda
1. Roll Call
2. Moment of Silence
3. Consideration of the Agenda for the meeting
4. Approval of the Minutes of the 2001 Second Meeting
5. Election of Officers and Executive Committee members
6. Reports by the Officers
7. Receive Reports and consider recommendations of the committees
8. Directors motions
1. Pursuant to due notice, the Board of Directors of the American Radio Relay League, Inc., met in annual session at the DFW Airport Marriott South, in Ft. Worth, Texas, on Friday, January 18, and Saturday, January 19, 2002. The meeting was called to order at 8:36 AM CST, January 18, with President Jim Haynie, W5JBP, in the Chair and the following Directors present: Bernie Fuller, N3EFN, Atlantic Division; George R. Isely, W9GIG, Central Division; Jay Bellows, KØQB, Dakota Division; Rick Roderick, K5UR, Delta Division; George Race, WB8BGY, Great Lakes Division; Frank Fallon, N2FF, Hudson Division; Wade Walstrom, WØEJ, Midwest Division; Tom Frenaye, K1KI, New England Division; Greg Milnes, W7OZ, Northwestern Division; James Maxwell, W6CF, Pacific Division; Dennis Bodson, W4PWF, Roanoke Division; Walt Stinson, WØCP, Rocky Mountain Division; Frank M. Butler, W4RH, Southeastern Division; Art Goddard, W6XD, Southwestern Division; Coy Day, N5OK, West Gulf Division. Also present without vote were Joel M. Harrison, W5ZN, First Vice President; Kay C. Craigie, WT3P, Vice President; John Kanode, N4MM, Vice President; Rodney J. Stafford, W6ROD, International Affairs Vice President; James McCobb, W1LLU, Treasurer; David Sumner, K1ZZ, Executive Vice President/Chief Executive Officer and Secretary; Chief Operating Officer Mark Wilson, K1RO; Chief Financial Officer Barry J. Shelley, N1VXY, and Chief Development Officer Mary M. Hobart.
Also in attendance at the invitation of the Board as observers were the following Vice Directors: William Edgar, N3LLR, Atlantic Division; Howard Huntington, K9KM, Central Division; Twila Greenheck, NØJPH, Dakota Division; Henry Leggette, WD4Q, Delta Division; Gary Johnston, KI4LA, Great Lakes Division; Stephen Mendelsohn, W2ML, Hudson Division; Bruce Frahm, KØBJ, Midwest Division; Mike Raisbeck, K1TWF, New England Division; James Fenstermaker, K9JF, Northwestern Division; Robert Vallio, W6RGG, Pacific Division; Les Shattuck, K4NK, Roanoke Division; Nelson E. Sandy Donahue, W4RU, Southeastern Division; Tuck Miller, NZ6T, Southwestern Division; and David Woolweaver, K5RAV, West Gulf Division. Also present were General Counsel Christopher D. Imlay, W3KD; Membership Services Manager Wayne Mills, N7NG; Field and Educational Services Manager Rosalie White, K1STO; Technical Relations Manager Paul Rinaldo, W4RI; Legislative and Public Affairs Manager Steve Mansfield, N1MZA; and Special Assistant to the Executive Vice President David Patton, NT1N. Unable to attend was Vice Director Rev Morton, WS7W, of the Rocky Mountain Division.
2. On motion of Mr. Maxwell, seconded by the entire Board, the following resolution was ADOPTED and read aloud by President Haynie:
WHEREAS, the United States suffered unparalleled acts of war during the attacks occurring on September 11, 2001; and
WHEREAS, Radio Amateurs were among those whose lives were lost on that day; and
WHEREAS, numerous Radio Amateurs were among those who participated in the rescue and recovery efforts on September 11, 2001, and thereafter;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the American Radio Relay League Board of Directors extends the organizations most sincere condolences to the families and friends of the Radio Amateurs who lost their lives on September 11, 2001.
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the American Radio Relay League Board of Directors commends and honors all the Amateur Radio operators who generously volunteered their time and expertise during the rescue and recovery efforts on September 11 and thereafter.
3. The assembly observed a moment of silence in recollection of Radio Amateurs who have passed away since the previous Board meeting, especially John Abbott, K6YB; Hartley Alley, NA0A; Les Belyea, N7AIK; Dale Blair, KA7IWP; Joe Braund, K8JCV; Jean Butler; Roger Causse, W3EVW; Robert D. Cirri Sr., KA2OTD; Edward T. Clegg, W8LOY; Floyd Colyar, W7ME; Gerard J. Rod Coppola, KA2KET; Paul Craig, N3YSI; Steve Grant, N8AJD; Winston A. Grant, KA2DRF; Claude H. Haring Jr., W3IIM; Mel Hixson, WK7P; Michael G. Jacobs, AA1GO; Steven A. Jacobson, N2SJ; Bill James, WA2QHL; Ernest W. Bill Jennings, K1WJ; Robert A. Jerome, N8PTI; Bahri Kacan, TA2BK; Walt Kowalchik, W8KK; Armand Lambert, K1FLD; Steve Linn, N4CAK; Jerome Maslowski, KS8B; John McKinney, W0AP; Craig Mellinger, N2MNA; Lyndell C. Chuck Miller, WA0KUH; Dave Nicholson, KD4NYC; J. Dawson Ransome, W2SAI; Jim Romelfanger, K9ZZ; William R. Ruth, W3HRD; Bob Smart, W5TBV; Arnold L. Smith, W0KQO; Dean Spare, N3TAL; William V. Steckman, WA2ACW; William F. Stewart, K6HV; Richard Rick Vahan, N4PBF; George Veraldo, WB2BAU; Edgar Younginger, W8EY.
4. On motion of Mr. Race, seconded by Mr. Bodson, the agenda of the meeting was ADOPTED as presented.
5. On motion of Mr. Maxwell, seconded by Mr. Isely, the Minutes of the 2001 Second Meeting were ADOPTED as printed in QST.
6. The President of the Radio Amateurs of Canada, Mr. Bill Gillis, VE1WG, sent his written greetings and regrets that RAC was unable to be represented at the meeting, and affirmed the desire of RAC to maintain a close relationship with ARRL.
7. Mr. Frenaye reported on the activities of the ARRL Foundation, and reported that the Foundation has assets totaling $2.15 million. He thanked the ARRL for the excellent support of the staff, particularly ARRL Foundation Secretary Mary Lau, N1VH.
8. At this point, Mr. Harrison assumed the Chair and opened nominations for the office of President. Mr. Goddard nominated Mr. Haynie. On motion of Mr. Bellows, seconded by Mr. Day, it was VOTED to close nominations. The Chair declared Mr. Haynie elected as President. (Applause).
9. Mr. Haynie returned to the Chair and opened nominations for the office of First Vice President. Mr. Bellows nominated Mr. Harrison. On motion of Mr. Goddard, seconded by Mr. Day, it was VOTED to close nominations. The Chair declared Mr. Harrison elected as First Vice President. (Applause).
10. The Chair opened nominations for the office of an additional Vice President. Mr. Fuller nominated Mrs. Craigie. Upon motion of Mr. Race, seconded by Mr. Milnes, it was VOTED to close nominations. The Chair declared Mrs. Craigie elected as an additional Vice President. (Applause).
11. The Chair opened nominations for the office of an additional Vice President. Mr. Bodson nominated Mr. Kanode. Mr. Goddard nominated Mr. Fried Heyn, WA6WZO. On motion of Mr. Butler, seconded by Mr. Fallon, it was VOTED to close nominations. At this point, the Chair appointed Mr. Stafford, Mr. Frahm, and Mr. Huntington as Tellers. The Tellers found 8 votes for Mr. Heyn, and 7 votes for Mr. Kanode, whereupon the Chair declared Mr. Heyn elected as an additional Vice President. (Applause).
12. The Chair opened nominations for the office of International Affairs Vice President. Mr. Maxwell nominated Mr. Stafford. On motion of Mr. Goddard, seconded by Mr. Bodson, it was VOTED to close nominations. Mr. Stafford was declared elected as International Affairs Vice President. (Applause).
13. The Chair opened nominations for the office of Treasurer. Mr. Frenaye nominated Mr. McCobb. On motion of Mr. Isely, seconded by Mr. Butler, it was VOTED to close nominations, whereupon the Chair declared Mr. McCobb elected as Treasurer. (Applause).
14. The Chair opened nominations for the office of Secretary. Mr. Frenaye nominated Mr. Sumner. On motion of Mr. Day, seconded by Mr. Isely, it was VOTED to close nominations, whereupon the Chair declared Mr. Sumner elected as Secretary. (Applause).
15. The Chair opened nominations for the office of Executive Vice President. Mr. Stinson nominated Mr. Sumner. On motion of Mr. Bellows, seconded by Mr. Butler, it was VOTED to close nominations, whereupon the Chair declared Mr. Sumner elected as Executive Vice President. (Applause).
16. The Chair opened nominations for the office of Chief Financial Officer. Mr. Sumner nominated Mr. Shelley. On motion of Mr. Day, seconded by Mr. Fallon, it was VOTED to close nominations, whereupon the Chair declared Mr. Shelley elected as Chief Financial Officer. (Applause).
17. The Chair opened nominations for the office of Chief Operating Officer. Mr. Sumner nominated Mr. Wilson. On motion of Mr. Race, seconded by Mr. Bodson, it was VOTED to close nominations, whereupon the Chair declared Mr. Wilson elected as Chief Operating Officer. (Applause).
18. The Chair opened nominations for the office of Chief Development Officer. Mr. Sumner nominated Ms. Hobart. On motion of Mr. Day, seconded by Mr. Stinson, it was VOTED to close nominations, whereupon the Chair declared Ms. Hobart elected as Chief Development Officer. (Applause).
19. The Chair opened nominations for Honorary Vice Presidents. Mr. Butler nominated Mrs. Evelyn Gauzens, W4WYR. There being no other nominations, it was unanimously VOTED to elect Mrs. Gauzens Honorary Vice President. (Applause).
20. The Chair opened nominations for Director members of the Executive Committee for one-year terms. Mr. Bodson nominated Mr. Butler. Mr. Day nominated Mr. Roderick. Mr. Frenaye nominated Mr. Fallon. Mr. Bellows nominated Mr. Frenaye. On motion of Mr. Race, seconded by Mr. Goddard, it was VOTED to close nominations, whereupon the Chair declared Mr. Butler, Mr. Roderick, Mr. Fallon, and Mr. Frenaye elected as Executive Committee members. (Applause).
21. At this time the Chair yielded the floor to Mr. Frenaye. On motion of Mr. Frenaye, seconded by Mr. Butler, it was VOTED that Jay Bellows, K0QB, Greg Milnes, W7OZ, and Eugene Hastings, W1VRK, be re-elected for three-year terms on the ARRL Foundation. (Applause).
22. At this point, the officers reported on their activities during the second half of 2001. President Haynie reported on the many successful forums and meetings in which he participated over the last year. He plans to continue working to build a stronger relationship between the Board and the membership. He also reported that he felt the Leagues relationship with the FCC had improved and he was very pleased with the Amateur Radio Day at the FCC. Mr. Haynie thanked the various committee members for their hard work and understanding as the organization works its way through a few years of deficit spending. First Vice President Harrisons report echoed the Presidents words about Amateur Radio Day at the FCC and the good rapport with some of the FCC personnel. He covered his concerns over the need for strong resolve required to battle the tough CC&R issue. Vice President Craigie reviewed her work with the ARRL Education Project--the Big Project--and its successful fruition. She also detailed her work with the Volunteer Resources Committee and some ideas for promoting public interest in Amateur Radio. Vice President Kanode reported on his work with the Membership Services Committee and his pleasure with the growing success of the DXCC program. He outlined the importance of ARRL involvement in the new Homeland Security initiatives at the federal level. International Affairs Vice President Stafford described his extensive work on the Volunteer Resources and Novice Spectrum Study committees, and the outcomes of the IARU Region 2 Conference in Guatemala where he was elected Secretary of Region 2.
23. Mr. McCobb, as Treasurer, reviewed draft revisions to ARRLs Investment Policy Statement. At this time, on motion of Mr. McCobb, seconded by Mr. Stinson, it was unanimously VOTED that the revised Investment Policy Statement be approved. He then continued his report with an update on stock market activity and the allocation and performance of the investment portfolio over the last year. The Board was in recess from 9:52 AM until 10:11 AM.
24. Executive Vice President Sumner referred to his extensive written report and expressed his pleasure with the results of the Headquarters reorganization and the addition to staff of Ms. Hobart as CDO. He noted that 2002 will be a critical time for work on WRC2003 issues and he expects to be heavily involved with various projects in support thereof.
25. Chief Operating Officer Wilson outlined the activities of the Field and Educational Services, Membership Services, Laboratory, Volunteer Examiner, Editorial & Production, Advertising, Circulation, and Web/Software Development Departments. All departments are functioning well with special mention made of the success of the Certification--Continuing Education Program. Mr. Wilson expects that significant time will be spent in the coming months testing and learning new software systems in several departments.
26. Chief Financial Officer Shelley referred to his extensive written report, and characterized the Leagues financial position as being as predicted with an operating loss for the previous year. Significant improvements have been made to the Headquarters buildings interior and to the computer system.
27. Chief Development Officer Hobart presented a detailed look at the principles of fund development and described her objectives and plans as she builds the Leagues new Development Program. The Defense of Frequencies campaign has been successful and will continue to draw attention. She also outlined plans for developing a Major Gifts Program and Planned Giving Program to go along with expanding efforts to fund existing campaigns such as the Education Project. The Board was in recess for luncheon from 12:01 PM until 1:10 PM when the group gathered for a photograph session. At 1:33 PM the Board reconvened with all persons hereinbefore mentioned.
28. Mr. Mansfield, Manager of Legislative and Public Affairs, supplemented his written report with a presentation explaining how ARRL can present its arguments to congresspersons regarding the need for FCC preemption of CC&Rs to reasonably accommodate Amateur Radio antennas.
29. Mr. Rinaldo, Technical Relations Manager, reported on the wide range of activities in which he and his staff at the ARRLs Washington D.C. area office are participating. Significant progress has been made on WRC2003 preparation including the 7 MHz band. Mr. Rinaldo reported on his work on ARRL committees including the Technology Task Force and the Ad hoc Spectrum Strategy Committee. The Board was in recess from 2:57 PM until 3:18 PM.
30. General Counsel Imlay supplemented his written report with further explanation on two areas of particular interestthe Petition for Rule Making of SAVI Technology, and an FCC Report and Order implementing the certification of Part 15 equipment in the 24.05 24.25 GHz band. Both proceedings deal with Part 15 devices with an interference potential that the ARRL believes exceeds the FCCs statutory authority.
31. Mr. Fallon, as Chairman, presented the report of the Membership Services Committee. One new entity, Ducie Island, was added to the DXCC Program as was a 30 Meter DXCC award and a QRP DXCC award. The DX and Contest Advisory Committees were commended for their work on the approval of Ducie Island for DXCC, and for a very detailed report on Club contesting issues respectively.
32. Mr. Maxwell, as Chairman, began his presentation on the activities of the Volunteer Resources Committee. The primary result of the Committees work was an extensive draft revision of the Rules and Regulations of the ARRL Field Organization. Discussion ensued until the Board recessed at 5:18 PM. The Board was in recess until 8:35 AM on January 19, reconvening with all persons hereinbefore mentioned.
33. Mr. Maxwell continued with his report on the VRCs activities. On motion of Mr. Roderick, seconded by Mr. Maxwell, it was unanimously VOTED that the Public Service Honor Roll (PSHR) criteria, as amended by the Volunteer Resources Committee, are adopted.
34. On motion of Mr. Butler, seconded by Mr. Race, it was unanimously VOTED that the following resolution is adopted.
WHEREAS, Dr. Jim Hirschman, K4TCV, has been performing public service communications for over 50 years; and
WHEREAS, as a medical doctor, he is the Fleet Surgeon of the Waterway Net on 40 meters, who combines his amateur radio and medical skills to give on-air advice on a moments notice; and
WHEREAS, his skills were put to the test when pirates attacked Jacco van Tuijls boat in the Caribbean Sea off the coast of Honduras severely injuring his son Willem. Jim provided live on-air medical assistance for over 9 hours until the U.S. Coast Guard could evacuate the boy to proper medical facilities; and
WHEREAS, in a similar incident he provided critical medical advice to the crew of the Swedish sailboat Lorna when she was boarded by pirates and the skipper was severely injured; and
WHEREAS, these are but two examples of a lifetime of dedication to public service, that has made him well known internationally;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Directors, assembled in formal session in Fort Worth, Texas, on this date, January 19, 2002, hereby conveys the International Humanitarian Award to Dr. Jim Hirschman, K4TCV, in recognition of a lifetime of medicine and public service communications that has touched so many lives and put our Service in such a positive light. (Applause).
35. On motion of Mrs. Craigie, seconded by Mr. Walstrom, it was unanimously VOTED that the following resolution is adopted.
WHEREAS, Amateur Radios emergency communications capability ranks first among the bases and purposes of the service set forth in the FCCs Rules; and
WHEREAS, non-emergency public service communications events are training experiences which prepare Amateurs for service in both natural and man-made disasters; and
WHEREAS, since the founding of our League, the ARRL has sponsored programs which train, organize, and enable Amateur Radio volunteers to provide emergency communications support to charitable agencies and government authorities; and
WHEREAS, in these challenging times not only for our country but also for the entire civilized world, it is essential for Amateur Radio to offer the most efficient and effective emergency communications systems, including support for Homeland Security;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the ARRLs Volunteer Resources Committee is directed to perform an in-depth study of the Leagues programs related to emergency communications and non-emergency public service communications, and to report recommendations for modernizing, streamlining, and increasing the effectiveness of these programs to the Board at the Annual Meeting in January, 2003.
36. Mr. Bellows, as Chairman, presented the report of the Election Committee. He expressed appreciation to the members of the ARRL staff who assisted with the opening and counting of thousands of Vice Director ballots. In addition to supervising the Director and Vice Director election process, the Committee considered questions regarding two elections for Section Manager. The Board was in recess from 9:09 AM until 9:30 AM.
37. President Haynie reported on the activities of the Executive Committee. He described the Committees work on the CC&R issue and possible strategies to put forward in the near term. The Committee also studied the procedures and qualifications for ARRL Honorary Vice President.
38. On motion of Mr. Haynie, seconded by Mr. Fallon, it was MOVED that Standing Order 69 is amended to read as follows:
(69) Distinguished members of the League may be elected as Honorary Vice Presidents of the League in order to recognize their outstanding contributions to ARRL and Amateur Radio. Candidates may be nominated in accordance with the following criteria.
Service Eligibility: (a) Volunteers: Not less than 15 years of service as an official of the League, elected by the Board or the membership. (b) Staff: Not less than 25 years of service to the League, which could include prior or subsequent service as an elected official, similar to (a) above.
Achievement Eligibility: (a) Volunteers: Must have made an exceptionally notable contribution to the health and strength of ARRL which is clearly and demonstrably above and beyond the call of duty. Must have demonstrated leadership among leaders, including service as either a committee chairman or officer. (b) Staff: Must have contributed significantly, above and beyond the call of duty, to the efficiency and unity of League affairs.
General Consideration: (a) There shall be an upper limit of ten Honorary Vice Presidents. (b) Not less than 60 days before the election of Honorary Vice Presidents, which shall take place only at Annual meetings of the Board, the Officer or Director making a nomination must supply a written biographical sketch to the Directors. This sketch shall fully substantiate the candidates term of qualifying service and shall spell out in detail the candidates extraordinary accomplishments that justify election as an Honorary Vice President. (c) No nomination may be made unless there is a current vacancy. (d) No elected official of the League or member of the staff may serve simultaneously as an Honorary Vice President. (e) The election of an Honorary Vice President requires eight affirmative votes cast by secret ballot. Only the fact of election or non-election shall be announced by the tellers. The vote count shall not be announced.
On motion of Mr. Walstrom, seconded by Mr. Isely, it was MOVED to amend the number of years of service for a volunteer to read 20 years instead of 15 years, but the motion was LOST. On motion of Mr. Bodson, seconded by Mr. Milnes, it was MOVED to amend the original motion to change the upper limit of Honorary Vice Presidents to be twenty instead of ten, but the motion was LOST. The question then being on the original motion, the same was ADOPTED. The Board was in recess from 10:10 AM until 10:28 AM.
39. Mr. Stinson, as Chairman, presented his detailed written and visual report on the activities and recommendations of the Administration and Finance Committee. He observed that while traditional revenues and expenses are roughly flat over the last few years, the Board has directed the ARRL into an expanded agenda that will require re-evaluation of priorities.
40. On motion of Mr. Stinson, seconded by Mr. Bodson, it was unanimously VOTED that League management is authorized to establish the page count of QST. The Board was in recess for luncheon from 12:02 PM until 12:52 PM, reconvening with all persons hereinbefore mentioned.
41. On motion of Mr. Stinson, seconded by Mr. Isely, it was MOVED that the 2002 budget submission is approved. On motion of Mr. Bellows, seconded by Mr. Maxwell, it was VOTED to amend the motion by adding the following resolution:
WHEREAS, the ARRL management and ARRL Board of Directors are committed to effectively and efficiently providing information of interest to all ARRL members; and
WHEREAS, the two primary means of providing information to members are QST magazine and the ARRL Web site; and
WHEREAS, ARRL management and the ARRL Administration & Finance Committee have proposed moving Section News and Contest Result line scores to the enhanced ARRL Web site in an effort to reduce ARRL operating losses while still affording a means of providing that information to ARRL members; and
WHEREAS, prior to deciding to relocate QST content from QST to the Web site it is desirable that members are aware of the reasons for the proposed relocation and the enhanced capabilities available on the Web site; and
WHEREAS, deferring the decision to relocate QST content will afford an opportunity to better understand the effect of such an action and investigate how best to provide this information and expanded content to members while being mindful of our fiscal responsibilities; and
WHEREAS, deferring the decision to relocate Section News and Contest Result line scores will afford an opportunity to evaluate variations and alternatives to the proposal.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the determination of whether to relocate Section News and Contest Line scores from QST to the ARRL Web shall be deferred until the July, 2002 Board meeting.
The question then being on the motion as amended, the same was ADOPTED.
42. Mr. Harrison, as Chairman, presented the report of the Spectrum Strategy Committee. He noted the creation of the Committees Amateur Radio Interference Assessment (ARIA), which consists of a group of five well qualified members who will perform a noise study under approved test plan methodologies. The main goal of ARIA is to produce documented evidence of the interference being received by FCC-licensed services from unlicensed Part 15 devices.
43. On motion of Mr. Harrison, seconded by Mr. Butler, it was unanimously VOTED that the following resolution is adopted.
WHEREAS, electromagnetic compatibility is important to the Amateur Radio Service; and
WHEREAS, the work of the Ad Hoc Spectrum Strategy Committee has initiated the Amateur Radio Interference Assessment (ARIA) regarding Part 15 and other devices operating on frequencies allocated to the Amateur Radio Service; and
WHEREAS, a joint study and excellent working relationship exists with the FCCs Technological Advisory Council.
THEREFORE, IT IS RESOLVED that the ARIA Steering Group is created with the purpose of overseeing the work outlined in the ARIA Test Plan. The group shall consist of Officers, Directors, and staff as determined by the President.
44. On motion of Mr. Harrison, seconded by Mr. Fallon, it was unanimously VOTED that the following resolution is adopted.
WHEREAS, the Spectrum Strategy Committee (Stratcom) has initiated an important process in evaluating the impact of Part 15 and other devices operating in the Amateur Radio Service; and
WHEREAS, the remaining objectives of Stratcom are shared with the RFI Task Force.
NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS RESOLVED, that the remaining objectives and recommendations of Stratcom be transferred to the RFI Task Force. The RFI Task Force shall be renamed the Electromagnetic Compatibility Committee (EMC Committee). The current members of the RFI Task Force shall be appointed to the EMC Committee and additional members appointed by the President as necessary.
IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Spectrum Strategy Committee is discharged with thanks.
45. Mr. Harrison, as Board Liaison, presented the report of the SAREX/ARISS Working Group. The Space Station school contacts continue to be extremely popular with 32 such contacts thus far.
46. Mr. Harrison, as Chairman, presented the report of the Technology Task Force. The TTF continues its oversight of three subgroups: The Digital Voice Working Group, the High Speed Digital and Multimedia Working Group, and the Software Defined Radio Working Group.
47. Mr. Bodson, as Chairman, presented the written report of the RFI Task Group. He updated the Board on the status of some ongoing problems with good news about the TCI Cable modem noise issue which has largely been ameliorated. The biggest problem at present is that of power transmission line interference, and he cited the ARRL Lab staff for their excellent work on this subject for both the Committee and the membership.
48. Mr. Huntington, as Board Liaison, presented the report of the RF Safety Committee. He listed several examples of cases that have come directly or indirectly to the committee and which have received responses. Many inquiries are based upon misinformation which also tends to attract more publicity in popular media. The Committee would like to see the ARRL lab obtain updated software modeling tools to enable more accurate testing and evaluation.
49. Mr. Johnston, as Board Liaison, presented the report of the ARRL Public Relations Committee. The events of September 11, 2001, presented a real public relations challengehow to make the most of the Amateur Radio participation and yet be sensitive to the main story. The Public Relations Handbook is nearly finished.
50. On motion of Mr. Fallon, seconded by Mr. Bodson, it was unanimously VOTED that, as recommended by the Public Relations Committee, Mr. Michaelangelo Conte is selected to receive the 2001 Bill Leonard W2SKE Professional Media Award. (Applause).
51. Mr. Frenaye, as Chairman, presented the report of the Historical Committee. The Committee thanked Mr. Maxwell and Trudy Maxwell, KC6NAX, for the week they spent at Headquarters searching and cataloguing the collection of artifactssome of which date back to the beginnings of the ARRL. He also described efforts to find a suitable place to store and/or display items.
52. On motion of Mr. Frenaye, seconded by Mr. Maxwell, it was unanimously VOTED that up to $25,000 from the Fund for the Preservation of Historic Artifacts be made available for the construction and furnishing of an area to be used for inventory work and storage of historic artifacts, including moving items from the current storage area and the purchase of additional or replacement file cabinets as necessary.
53. Mr. Bellows, as Chairman, presented the report of the Ad Hoc Committee on ARRL Support of Antenna Cases. The Committee is pleased with the results in Florida of the Gorodetzer case. There also is a need for the Committee to develop a brief funding request form for future interested parties to mitigate the confusion felt presently in the membership over what criteria are used to determine eligibility. The Board was in recess from 2:37 PM until 2:44 PM.
54. Mr. Maxwell, as Chairman, reviewed revisions made to the proposed Rules and Regulations of the ARRL Field Organization by the Volunteer Resources Committee. On motion of Mr. Frenaye, seconded by Mr. Roderick, it was MOVED that By-Law 24 be modified by adding, A person removed from office by recall, shall not be eligible to be a candidate for Director or Vice Director for three years following removal from office. A roll call vote being required, the question was decided in the affirmative with all Directors voting aye.
55. On motion of Mr. Race, seconded by Mr. Maxwell, it was unanimously VOTED that the Rules and Regulations of the ARRL Field Organization, as amended by the Volunteer Resources Committee, are adopted.
56. At this point, the President announced the committee appointments as follows: Administration and Finance: Directors Bellows, Chairman; Stinson, Fuller, Day, Isely, Vice Director Fenstermaker, Vice President Harrison, and Treasurer McCobb. Membership Services: Directors Goddard, Chairman; Bodson, Fallon, Milnes, Frenaye, Vice Director Frahm, and Vice President Stafford. Volunteer Resources: Directors Maxwell, Chairman; Race, Walstrom, Butler, Vice Director Edgar, and Vice Presidents Craigie and Heyn. Election: Directors Stinson, Chairman; Goddard, and Fallon. Industry Advisory Council: Director Goddard, Chairman. Electromagnetic Compatibility: Director Bodson, Chairman. Public Relations: Diane Ortiz, K2DO, Chairman; Vice Director Johnston, Rich Moseson, W2VU; Jeff Reinhardt, AA6JR; Jim McDonald, KB9LEI; Phyllisan West, KA4FZI; Gary Pearce, KN4AQ; Tom Webb, WA9AFM; and Bob Josuweit, WA3PZO. RF Safety: Vice Director Huntington, Liaison. SAREX/ARISS: Roy Neal, K6DUE, Frank Bauer, KA3HDO, and Vice President Harrison. Technology Task Force: Vice Directors Huntington, Chairman, Raisbeck, and Director Frenaye. Historical: Directors Frenaye, Chairman, Maxwell, Treasurer McCobb, and Al Cohen, W1FXQ. Antenna Defense: Directors Bellows, Chairman; Fallon, Counsel Imlay, and Jim OConnell, W9WU.
57. Mr. Goddard, as Chairman, presented the report of the Industry Advisory Council. The Japan Amateur Radio Industry Association said it was unable to implement the Councils Recommended Interface Standards for Amateur Radio Equipment at this time, but pledged to look for opportunities to implement standards in the future. He also reported on a teleconference with FCCs Dr. Mike Marcus, N3JMM, who recommends promoting software-defined radios as a way to increase experimentation within Amateur Radio.
58. Mr. Frenaye, as Liaison, reported on the activities of the Contest Advisory Committee. Ned Stearns, AA7A, Chairman of the CAC, led the Committee in a detailed review of the ARRL Club Competition program. The Committee considered possible rule changes to increase participation in Club Competition, and in the end recommended some changes while leaving the overall program structure the same.
59. Mr. Roderick, as Liaison, delivered the report of the DX Advisory Committee. The main task of the Committee was the study and adoption of Ducie Island as a new entity.
60. The Board noted the written report of ARDF Coordinator Joe Moell, K0OV, which covered recent events including a recap of the first USA ARDF Championships held in Albuquerque July 31 through August 4, 2001. Preparations are underway for Team USAs participation at the 2002 World Championships in Slovakia in September 2002.
61. Mr. Stafford, as Chairman, presented the report of the Novice Spectrum Study Committee. The Committees report included its recommendations and a sampling of comments from some of the 4744 respondents to a survey placed on the ARRL Web site and in QST. On motion of Mr. Stafford, seconded by Mr. Race, it was MOVED that the following resolution be adopted.
WHEREAS, the FCC in a 1999 Report and Order stated it would no longer issue Novice Class Amateur Radio Licenses after April 15, 2000; and
WHEREAS, at Minute 66 of the January, 2001 Annual Meeting the President was authorized to appoint a committee to study the issue of re-farming the Novice bands through solicitation of input from the Amateur Radio community; and
WHEREAS, the Committee, using QST and the ARRL Website, sought input from the entire Amateur Radio community; and
WHEREAS, the committee received input from approximately 5000 amateurs on this issue; and
WHEREAS, a large majority of responses indicated a preference for expansion of the phone bands.
NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS RESOLVED that the ARRL Executive Vice President and Counsel are instructed to file a petition containing the following request for changes in the phone, CW, and digital and image mode portions of the following bands:
80 Meters phone, image, CW:
General Class 3800 to 4000 kHz
Advanced Class 3725 to 4000 kHz
Extra Class 3700 to 4000 kHz
40 Meters phone, image, CW:
General Class 7175 to 7300 kHz
Advanced Class 7125 to 7300 kHz
Extra Class 7125 to 7300 kHz
15 Meters phone, image, CW:
General Class 21250 to 21450 kHz
Advanced Class 21200 to 21450 kHz
Extra Class 21175 to 21450 kHz
IT IS FURTHER MOVED that the CW only portion of the following bands, available to Novice Class and Technician Plus Class licensees, be amended as set out below:
80 Meters 3525 to 3700 kHz
40 Meters 7025 to 7125 kHz
15 Meters 21025 to 21175 kHz
AND FURTHER MOVED that the CW, RTTY and data band available to Novice and Technician Plus licensees of 28100 to 28300 kHz be expanded to 28000 to 28300 kHz;
AND FURTHER MOVED that Novice and Technician Plus licensees shall be limited to 200 watts output power when operating CW or digital modes within these expanded band segments. Section 97.313 (C) (1) shall be amended so as to apply only to the 10100 10150 kHz band.
On motion of Mr. Roderick, seconded by Mr. Walstrom, it was VOTED to amend the parts of the resolution regarding 80 Meters and 15 Meters to read:
80 Meters phone, image, CW:
General Class 3800 to 4000 kHz
Advanced Class 3750 to 4000 kHz
Extra Class 3725 to 4000 kHz
3. 15 Meters phone, image, CW:
General Class 21275 to 21450 kHz
Advanced Class 21225 to 21450 kHz
Extra Class 21200 to 21450 kHz
And, correspondingly, CW for Novice and Technician Plus licensees on 80 meters from 3525 to 3725 kHz and on 15 meters from 21025 to 21200 kHz.
The question then being on the amended motion, it was unanimously VOTED to adopt same.
62. At this point the Board considered Directors motions.
63. On motion of Mr. Roderick, seconded by Mr. Isely, it was unanimously VOTED to ADOPT the following resolution:
WHEREAS, Section 301 of the Communications Act requires that all interstate or intrastate communications, and operation of devices which may interfere with other communications must be done pursuant to an FCC license; and
WHEREAS, there is no exception to this statutory requirement relative to Part 15 devices, and therefore FCCs jurisdiction to allow the manufacture and sale of Part 15 devices must be premised on a finding that the devices will not cause interference to licensed services; and
WHEREAS, Section 302(a) of the Communications Act does not entitle FCC to permit unlicensed devices which have substantial interference potential to licensed services;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the ARRLs Washington Advocacy team is directed to pursue, by means of a petition for reconsideration in ET Docket 98-156; by comments in ET Docket 01-278, and by other necessary means, a clear statement from FCC acknowledging the limit of its statutory jurisdiction to authorize the manufacture and sale of unlicensed Part 15 devices, imposed by 47 U.S.C. section 301.
64. On motion of Mr. Fallon, seconded by Mr. Bodson, it was MOVED that the following resolution be adopted:
WHEREAS, it is important to advertise Amateur Radio when responding to disasters and while communicating at special events;
NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS MOVED that staff be tasked with designing and developing a distinctive garment similar to that used by Red Cross volunteers, which can be sold by ARRL to our ARES volunteers and worn by them when responding.
Mr. Butler moved, seconded by Mr. Day, that the matter be referred to staff for study, but the motion failed. On motion of Mr. Day, seconded by Mr. Stinson, it was unanimously VOTED to refer the matter to the Volunteer Resources Committee for study.
65. On motion of Mr. Frenaye, seconded by Mr. Roderick, it was unanimously VOTED that the Membership Services Committee review existing VHF, UHF, and Microwave contest and awards programs and make recommendations on ways to increase interest and participation.
66. Mr. Bodson moved, seconded by Mr. Milnes, that the ARRL omnibus filing shall petition the FCC to revise Part 97 of its rules to permit data emissions in the MF/HF bands where phone emissions are authorized. This can be achieved by adding the word data to each line that says, phone, image in 97.305. In addition, modify 97.307(f)(2) by deletion of the words image and phone. Following discussion, the motion was LOST.
67. On motion of Mr. Isely, seconded by Mr. Harrison, it was VOTED that Moved and Seconded be moved from QST but be published on the ARRL Web and other media.
68. On motion of Mr. Maxwell, seconded by Mr. Milnes, it was VOTED that the MSC study a digital bandplan for the 40 Meter band, anticipating favorable FCC response to the ARRL Spectrum Refarming proposal.
69. On motion of Mr. Goddard, seconded by entire assembly, it was unanimously VOTED to thank staff, especially Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ, and Stacy Rogers, for their hard work to ensure the success of this function. (Applause).
70. There being no further business, those present were invited to make informal closing comments and the meeting was adjourned at 5:23 PM. (Time in session as a Board: 13 hours, 51 minutes).
Respectfully submitted,
David Sumner, K1ZZ
Minutes, ARRL Board of Directors Page PAGE 13 January 18-19, 2002
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