Vol. 25, No. 3
January 22, 2002
The March issue of QST, including last weekend's Board meeting report, will
be released to the printer January 23. With the March 2002 issue, we are
officially transitioning parts of the magazine to a computer-to-plate
prepress process, which eliminates the intermediate film steps.
Field & Educational Services
Mary Lau reminded ARRLWeb readers that the scholarship deadline for ARRL
Foundation scholarships is fast approaching -- it's Feb 1.
Jean Wolfgang is seeing more inquiries on the scheduling of ARISS contacts
from interested schools. She's also been receiving nominations for several
ARRL educational awards.
Rosalie reports that the ARISS team received word that our second antenna
could be installed during January 25's spacewalk. The installation of our
first ARISS antenna came off without a hitch. The installation received
much good news coverage, including National Public Radio, Wall Street
Journal and several NASA media venues. The antennas have been a lot of work
and a long time coming! The first school QSO done by the Expedition 4 crew
was a success, and got news coverage in several venues, including MSNBC.
Leona Adams is still seeing a large number of SM election ballots and is
separating out those for the Virginia and Pacific (Hawaii) Sections.
Linda Mullally handled work for 37 C-CE students who graduated, completed
data entry on 80 OO reports, and processed updates for 82 affiliated clubs.
Margie Bourgoin sent hard copy letters to all affiliated clubs without
e-mail who have been delinquent in updating their records. She reports a
continuing high interest in publication orders from instructors.
Gail Iannone completed the convention.hamfest column for March QST. She
also sent 7 hamfest approval letters, 1 convention approval letter, and 3
handout packages.
Steve Ewald and Mary Lau prepared an article for the ARRL Web News Page
about the ARRL-sponsored Section Web Pages. Twelve more Section Leaders
uploaded news and "alerts" to these pages. The newly-designed Public Service
Honor Roll certificate and the NTS Service Award certificate have been added
to the Section Managers' Certificate Maker Web Page. The printed versions
are available.
John Hennessee noted an increase in the number of questions about covenant
restrictions. He heard from amateurs facing covenants in Live Oak, CA;
Georgia, VT; Sterling, VA; Rockford, IL; Eagle Mountain, UT; Stone
Mountain, GA; Palos Hills, IL and a local zoning restriction in Lincoln
Township, MI.
Brennan Price briefed Kay Craigie on some Repeater Directory issues in
preparation for a meeting she had with coordinators. Volunteer Monitoring
has indicated an apparent 3rd harmonic (3 x 9720 = 29160 kHz) of the Russian
domestic shortwave station Radio Rossii.
Jerry Hill notes that we have our logo winner for The Big Project, and it
will soon be included in project communications.
Membership Services
DXCC Branch
Week Ending January 21, 2002
Beginning Cards 89,708
Cards Received 17,928
Cards Processed 27,024
Ending Cards 80,612
Applications Pending 592
Backlog Time 4 weeks
Cards Received 19,624
Cards Returned 244
Outgoing Mail - We are mailing applications received on December 17, 2001.
Card Processing: We are entering cards received on December 31, 2001.
QSL Branch
QSL service status: There is a delay of approximately 1 week. Cards mailed
year to date as of 01/20/2002 - 88,950. No cards mailed this week. Janet
Rocco & Martin Cook spent 7 hours conducting tours around HQ.
Scott Gee worked on fast and slow code practice runs. Joe Carcia handled
regular W1AW QSL card requests, and has begun processing W1AW/80 card
requests. He is in the process of repairing the Alpha 87A amplifier. He
also updated the web code practice files. W1AW telephone sales year to date
(2002): $576.
Contest Branch
The final draft of the 2001 IARU contest results and 10 GHz were checked and
returned to production. Data entry for 2001 160 and 10 Meter Contest paper
logs continued. A number of special request certificates for various
contests were verified, printed and mailed. Significant time was spent
assisting members and participants as the 10 Meter elog submission deadline
passed during the week.
The first numbers are available for how the full implementation of Cabrillo
has gone.
elogs elogs Total Total Total
2000 2001 Email 2000 2001
SS-CW 1000 1074 1891 1238 1273
SS-Phone 1268 1358 2341 1610 1601
160-Meter 511 652 896 668 767*
10-Meter 1759 2006 5211 2737 2300**
All 2001 elogs are Cabrillo, where as 2000 were not.
* - A few stragglers will be coming in the mail for the next couple of
weeks. Paper logs to date have already been input into the database.
** - While the elog count is accurate, the total for 2001 is an estimate.
Entry of paper has just begun. We will see more logs coming in for the next
couple of weeks, primarily paper logs or postal-mailed diskettes.
The implementation of the Cabrillo has not caused a decrease in the number
of logs received for these contests. While other factors affect the outcome,
requiring Cabrillo did not seem to cause a reduction in the number of logs
received. Total logs for Sweepstakes and 160 Meters are up. We have just
started processing 10 Meter logs, so a final count is not available yet.
Also, these totals do not include the logs that were submitted as Checklogs,
or those with which we are still working with participants to get corrected.
Mark Wilson, K1RO
Chief Operating Officer
Staff Absentee List
Name Date(s) Reason
Steve Ford 1/28-2/1 Vacation
John Proctor 1/31-2/12 Vacation