31 AUG 2015 -
Almost a year ago I decided to attend the next American Airlines retired
pilots' (The Grey Eagles) annual convention after an absence of four years.
On Friday, 21 AUG Judy and I flew to Newark, NJ, to board Celebrity
Cruises Lines MS Summit on Sunday 23 Aug for a seven day round trip cruise
to Bermuda. We used the extra day in Newark to spend most of the day
at the World Trade Center which provided a bit of over-due 9-11 closure for
me. We returned home yesterday afternoon 30 AUG.
My Vice Director Kermit Carlson, ARRL President Kay Craigie, Dave Sumner,
and my fellow CEOSC members knew I would be out of touch unless there
was a dire emergency.
To those of you who sent me a congratulatory email for winning another
term as Central Division Director, I thank you for your thoughts and kind
Now to get back to processing more email...
73 - Dick Isely, W9GIG