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Vol. 33, No. 36
September 8, 2010 -- Covers the period August 29-September 4.
Upcoming Meetings and Events
United States Telecommunications Training Institute (USTTI)
September 27-October 1 - ARRL HQ
Executive Committee Meeting
October 23 @ 9:00am in St. Louis, MO
Ballot Counting for Director/Vice Director Elections
November 19 in Newington, CT
Administration &Finance Committee
November 20 @ 8:30am - ARRL HQ
Media & Public Relations
Reported by Allen Pitts, W1AGP
The 75th anniversary of ARES birthday is happening and things are staying quite busy - and doing well. We are getting reports of responses to the postcards, including one from WTIC here in CT where I did a taped radio interview with Sam Gingerella to be aired Sept 19. There are new audio PSAs posted to the website for downloading supporting the 75th as well as other materials. The video PSA done for us by Louise Summey and the college students at York Tech in SC has been posted for use. Perhaps the most interesting happening has been the popularity of the 75th ARES stickers. We are nearly out of them (10k) and they continue being requested almost daily. When asked about it, members tell me that it is not just kids that desire them, but adults too.
A new Now Hear This audio cut for PIOs was posted. A local news photographer (New Britain Herald) took pictures of ham aid equipment returned from Haiti for a coming article. Preliminary interview questions have been sent to the band Arcade Fire, and I await their response. Alan Crabtree of the American Red Cross public affairs office in Maine was impressed with the ARES work he saw on Cape Cod and was assisted in writing an article for the ARC's newsletter. Working together with Dave Clausen, the Hello-Radio and Emergency-Radio websites are being updated and restored.
Reported by Mary Hobart, K1MMH
The mailing for the Education & Technology Fund was mailed to 75,000 prior donors and members last week. The first return - a $1000 contribution - has been received. The goal of this mailing if to raise $60,000 for the program that places stations in schools and supports the Teachers Institutes.
The Spectrum Defense Fund has received more than $115,000 so far in 2010. The second issue of Spectrum Defense Matters is planned to mail at the end of September.
The Diamond Club has topped $169,000 in gross revenue - 64% of the 2010 target.
A mailing to lapsed and active Diamond club members who are up for renewal will be mailed before the end of September. The mailing will focus on encouraging monthly or quarterly giving to boost participation in the Diamond Club.
Reported by Joel Kleinman, N1BKE
The 2011 ARRL Calendar has been released to the printer.
We are reviewing printer's proofs for the 2011 ARRL Handbook.
Khrystyne Keane spoke at a meeting of the Hampden County Radio Association in Feeding Hills, Mass. Friday evening. About 45 club members attended.
Khrystyne wrote and distributed The ARRL Letter and voiced and produced ARRL Audio News for September 2, 2010.
Sales and Marketing
Reported by Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R
August ended with 156,003 members (year-to-date goal: 156,718). 72% of August expirees paid on time, compared to 72% in August 2009. New ham totals have been down the last 2 months, reducing the number of leads available for our ongoing mailings to new ham membership prospects. But, sales of beginner training aids are up (typical of the fall months)-an indication that another surge of new licensees may be around the corner.
August product sales were $166,369, falling short of the sales forecast of $179,438. The 2010 Handbook stocked out mid-June, attributing to a portion of the month's shortfall. While the stock-out period is a bit longer than we would have liked, this should create an opportunity to build some demand for the 2011 edition.
Month-end email to lapsed members returned over 189 applications. This is higher than usual, attributed to an appeal that focused on QST ("Don't miss another issue of QST!").
Diane Petrilli reports that mailed-in returns from the recent membership benefits survey are brisk. The surveys were mailed to those members who were asked to participate in the online survey (but didn't) and to a small sample who received only the paper version. The responses are being data-entered so a final report can be assembled around late September.
A large, planned membership campaign will mail around September 15.
A fall-themed publications self mailer will mail around September 17.
Diane Petrilli, Bob Inderbitzen, Steve Ford, Ed Hare, and Harold Kramer participated in a teleconference with key staff from the IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc) to explore ways we can collaborate to help promote each others' membership, publications and educational opportunities. We hope small successes might eventually lead to a more formal "sister-association" relationship with IEEE.
An attractive looking "thank you for your membership" bookmark was produced. The bookmarks will be included when we fulfill 'free gift' membership premiums-as a simple "thank you" sentiment.
The Member Services staff has been actively up-selling on the telephone, generating over $3200 in sales for September.
The Labor Day holiday weekend saw nearly 300 e-store orders, spurred on by an email campaign offering a free ARES 75th Anniversary Challenge Coin with orders of $50 or more.
Now Shipping: ARES 75th Anniversary Commemorative T-shirts, mug and Challenge Coin.
During the last week, the warehouse crew fulfilled 605 packages for publication and product orders, 577 membership premiums, and QST mailing supplements.
Membership & Volunteer Programs
Reported by Dave Patton, NN1N
DXCC Branch Credits Applications
2009 Carryover 176,071 1,308
2010 Received 532,387 4,508
Cumulative Total 708,458 5,816
2010 Processed 636,304 5,231
Remaining 72,154 585
Processing Time 5 Weeks
Logbook of the World
August 2010 % Change
Jan - Aug 2010
QSO Records Entered Into System 295,638,503 12%
QSL Record Matches 32,088,061 19%
Logs Processed 1,613,307 25%
Active Certificates 53,542 12%
Registered Users in System 35,461 13%
Logbook (Email Only) Inquiries August 2010
Maintenance 757
Initial Setup Inquiries 823
Award Related Concerns 150
Customer Usage Issues 337
Phone Calls 256
Total 2,323
Joe worked the Monday and Tuesday late afternoon/night shifts for the vacationing Scott Gee. He also updated the weekly QST text source web pages and processed regular QSL card requests. He assisted Bob Allison in installing the duplexer and triplexer used for the Lab's 70/23cm D-Star repeaters. Joe readied and installed six (6) new coaxial jumpers for these duplexers/triplexers. He also installed the connectors on the hard-line runs going to the D-Star antennas atop HQ and connected the antennas. Joe also tested the 23cm D-Star "digital" connection. He also readied the "digital" station area in W1AW for any possible activation due to Hurricane Earl.
Scott worked on slow and fast code practice files for the early part of the month of September.
Field Organization/Public Service Team
Field Organization Leaders and Section Leaders along the Eastern Seaboard kept ARRL Headquarters staff (including Mike Corey and Steve Ewald in MVP) in the loop on Hurricane Earl preparations and activations (where necessary) during the last few days of August and first few days of September. HQ has also been hearing about plans around the country for the ARRL Simulated Emergency Test in October and the National Preparedness Month in September. November QST's Public Service column was also written and edited.
Leona Adams received a Section Manager nomination petition from incumbent Nebraska Section Manager Art Zygielbaum, KØAIZ. She also received a petition from Mark Caragher, KE4KMD, in South Carolina, to run for Section Manager for the next term of office starting in January. Petitions are due at HQ by Friday, September 10, and there will be Section Manager elections, so far, in Missouri, South Carolina and Western Pennsylvania. Leona is also receiving candidate statements for these upcoming elections.
Chuck Skolaut compiled an IARU monitoring summary for the next IARU Region 2 conference meeting. There were some reports of business use of 2 meters going on in Ohio and Missouri. This information was forwarded to the FCC. In addition, after live monitoring of a jammer on 40 meters using a bootlegged call sign, this information was passed to the FCC.
The Eastern Pennsylvania Official Observer Coordinator continues to work on an RFI case in his section, and several intruder reports were received about an unidentified digital signal near 14.190 MHz. This signal is believed to be a Russian Navy RTTY station, and another digital signal on 10.129 MHz is believed to be a French diplomatic teletype channel.
Sincerely Compiled by,
Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ
Assistant to the CEO
Staff Absentee List
Kathy Allison 9/22-9/27 Vacation
Margie Bourgoin 9/17 Vacation
Steve Capodicasa 9/6-9/10 Vacation
Mike Corey 9/16-9/17 NPSTC Meeting, Orlando, FL
`` 9/21-9/23 HS Conference, Biloxi, MS
`` 10/8-10/16 GAREC Conference, Curacao/Vacation
`` 10/31-11/4 IAEM Conference, San Antonio, TX
`` 11/17 NPSTC Meeting, Washington, DC
Steve Ewald 9/17-9/18 EMCOMM East; Rochester, NY
Steve Ford 9/20 Vacation
Scott Gee 10/4 Vacation
Mike Gruber 9/27-10/1 Vacation
Joel Hallas 9/10 Vacation
Dan Henderson 9/24-10/3 Ten-Tec Hamfest,(TN)/W4DXCC/SEDCO/Vacation
`` 10/13-10/19 Pacificon, San Ramon, CA/Beale AFB
`` 11/12-11/14 Indiana State Convention, Ft. Wayne, IN
Mary Hobart 9/10 Vacation
`` 9/24 Vacation
`` 10/1 Vacation
`` 10/15-10/16 Pacificon, San Ramon, CA
`` 10/22 Vacation
`` 10/29 Vacation
Joel Kleinman 9/9 Vacation
Lisa Kustosik 9/7-9/10 Vacation
Rose-Anne Lawrence 9/10 Vacation
Monique Levesque 9/20-9/24 Vacation
Maryann Macdonald Sick Leave
Bill Moore 9/10-9/13 Virginia Section Convention, Virginia Beach, VA
Dave Sumner 9/16 Washington
`` 9/30-10/9 IARU R2 Conference/AC Meeting, El Salvador
`` 10/22pm-10/24 Executive Committee Meeting, St. Louis , MO
Alex Tara 9/9 Vacation