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Vol. 31, No. 50
December 10, 2008 -- Covers the period November 30-December 6.
Upcoming Meetings and Events
Annual Board Meeting
January 16-17, 2009 @ 9:00am in Windsor, CT
Media & Public Relations
Reported by Allen Pitts, W1AGP
In a conference call Dec 2, George Dillon of the FCC requested the aid
of the ARRL and clubs in distributing information about the DTV
conversion coming in February 09. A plan was formed with consideration
given to the lack of time available before the deadline, time of the
year, local differences and easily achievable implementation. Section
Managers were alerted to this on Dec 5 and announcements are going out
to others this week.
There are 9 Leonard Award nominees this year and packets with all the
forms and materials were sent on Dec 9 to the voting members of the PR
Meetings are continuing in the search for options in producing the
PR-101 course for PIOs. A Web based course seems most likely and
educational programmers are being sought. Meanwhile, work on the main
ARRL Webpages for PR continue.
The volunteer we had hoped would be the editor for the 2009 video PSA
will be unable to do so due to health reasons. Matt Aaron and video
engineers who work on the Financial Channel's "Dave Ramsey Show" have
now volunteered.
There were many good media returns for the efforts put into "Skywarn
Appreciation Day" coverage.
Reported by Mary Hobart, K1MMH
The Spectrum Defense Fund has reached $206,000, just 46% of its 2008
goal. Two large gifts are expected before the end of the year.
The Diamond Club has reached $268,000 in gross revenue or 72% of its
2008 goal.
On Friday, December 5 an email message was sent to more than 63,000 ARRL
members offering a $10 coupon for publication sales to members who make
a contribution of $25 or more to any ARRL fund before December 31.
Reported by Joel Kleinman, N1BKE
Khrystyne Keane wrote and distributed The ARRL Letter, Vol. 27, No. 48,
for December 5, 2008. It distributed to 73,027 members. She also
voiced ARRL Audio News for December 5. Both The ARRL Letter and ARRL
Audio News will be on hiatus December 26 and January 2; both services
will resume January 9.
Reported by Ed Hare, W1RFI
For W1AW
Bob Allison assisted Joe Carcia with installing a temporary 160 meter
receiving array for the 160M contest.
Product Review
Bob Allison is revising and updating the ARRL Lab Test Procedures
Mike Gruber continues to review longstanding cases involving the FCC.
Mike Gruber sent a letter involving a uV light case.
TIS Statistics 12/1-12/7
Question BA MG EFH ZL AN Totals
01 What rig is best? / Prod Rev 1 4
02 RFI/EMI/FCC issues 2 8 2 8
03 How to use equipment 3
04 Propagation 1 1 2
05 Antenna/Feed line/Tower questions 3 1 1
16 1 23
06 Locate companies, parts/services 1
9 10
07 Software problems 6
08 Regulatory questions 1 3 2
09 Operating/amateur exam questions 1
8 9
10 Article photocopies/archive corrections 1 62
1 16 80
11 Other 2 3 3 6 11
12 BPL 3 3
13 PAVE-PAWS 2 2
14 Misdirected 1 1 11 1 14
Cumulative TIS Statistics October 20th to November 30th
Question BA MG EFH ZL AN Totals
01 What rig is best? / Prod Rev 1 2 13
02 RFI/EMI/FCC issues 2 59 14 27
03 How to use equipment 1 2 22 2
04 Propagation 6 6
05 Antenna/Feed line/Tower questions 9 7 2
69 3 95
06 Locate companies, parts/services 2 4
42 2 50
07 Software problems 3 3 27 3
08 Regulatory questions 2 1 2 26 11
09 Operating / amateur exam questions 1 2
44 47
10 Article photocopies/archive corrections 11 526
36 102 677
11 Other 4 2 18 49 19 92
12 BPL 2 27 10 36
13 PAVE-PAWS 17 14
14 Misdirected 7 13 1 18
Totals for six week period 22 92 617 384
143 1255
Membership & Volunteer Programs
Reported by Dave Patton, NN1N
Contest Branch
The SS CW log deadline has passed. We have received 1,336 electronic
logs and 55 paper logs to date. The deadline for SS Phone logs is still
a week away; so far, we have 1,763 electronic logs and 23 paper logs.
Tree, N6TR (the log-checker for Sweepstakes) ran some preliminary
numbers on how many entrants worked a Clean Sweep and how many worked 75
sections. These numbers will tell us how many Clean Sweep brooms and
awards magnets we will be sending out gratis. They are:
CW: 247 Clean Sweeps, 696 stations with 75 or more Sections.
SSB: 286 Clean Sweeps, 574 stations with 75 or more Sections.
2008 RTTY Roundup plaques went out the door last Tuesday, December 2,
2008. ARRL DX plaques will be shipped this week.
Sean, KX9X, was requested by VUAC member Joe Taylor, K1JT to provide the
VUAC with perspective on the administration of the EME contest. The
VUAC is examining the EME contest rules and also taking another look at
the Rover rules for ARRL VHF contests.
We are now including a congratulatory letter with every certificate and
plaque the Contest Branch sends out. In addition, Sean, KX9X, looked
through the W1AW logs from the recent Sweepstakes Phone contest and
discovered 74 stations with a "check" of 07 or 08, indicating a
newly-licensed Amateur. With the help of W1AW Station Manager Joe
Carcia, NJ1Q, Sean sent each of those stations an unsolicited W1AW QSL
card, along with a letter thanking them for the contest QSO and
welcoming them to Amateur Radio.
Thanks to Sean Kutzko, KX9X, for operating W1AW in the ARRL 160-Meter
contest. He made 178 QSOs, with 41 sections, for an initial clamed
score of 17,066.
Thanks to Bob Allison, WB1GCM, for assisting Joe Carcia in the install
of the K9AY Terminated Loop antenna (off the Satellite tower). This
loop antenna was used for receive-only for the 160-Meter contest.
Joe updated the web code practice files and their archives. He also
temporarily installed (for demonstration purposes) a Flex-Radio System
Flex-5000A software-defined radio. (This radio will be an eventual
donation to W1AW.) Joe finished constructing the support poles for the
K9AY loop antenna. He also updated all the McAfee versions in every PC
in W1AW.
Scott worked on fast and slow code practice files for the first part of
the month of December.
Field Organization/Public Service Team
Leona reports that the deadline to receive SM nomination petitions for
the term beginning April 1, 2009 was December 5th at 4 p.m. SM
nomination petitions that were received this week included: Thomas A.
Brehmer, N0LOH - Iowa; Doug Dunn, K7YD - Montana; Robert Spencer, KE8DM
- Arizona; James E. Brooks, Jr., KY4Z - Kentucky and Jay T. Urish, W5GM.
She also reports that there will be two upcoming SM elections in both
Arizona and North Texas: The candidates for Arizona are Thomas J.
Fagan, K7DF and Robert J. Spencer, KE8DM. And for North Texas they are:
Tom Blackwell, N5GAR and Jay T. Urish, W5GM. There will be a new SM in
Arkansas, J. M. Rowe, N5XFW and a new SM in Iowa, Thomas A. Brehmer,
N0LOH since there were no other nominees in these sections.
Chuck received word back from the FCC that unidentified signals heard on
75 meters were identified as originating from overseas, the signals have
since ceased. The monthly ARRL Monitoring System/Intruder Watch report
was compiled and sent to the IARU Region 2 coordinator. A number of
stations reported a "numbers" station on 3528.5 and it is being
investigated. OOs in California are checking on jamming occurring on 75
meters and Western Washington OOs are checking on 75 meter interference,
documentation has been received on this. Interference to 2 meter
repeaters was reported in Indiana, Texas, and Western Massachusetts and
is also being investigated. A report of music being played to jam the
Maritime net on 14.300 appears to have been a one-time occurrence.
Chuck conducted a tour for two visiting amateurs and assisted in
entering DX cards into the database.
Education Services
Reported by Debra Johnson, K1DMJ
Terry Dettmann WX7S is making good progress on revision of the RF
Propagation course. The SCORM format of the new General license course
and the new Digital EmComm courses are being tested with CTDLC.
Astronaut Mike Fincke, KE5AIT, has been on the air recently. When
Fincke isn't talking to students or the general ham population, he
re-configures the ARISS radio into either packet or crossband voice
repeater mode. The radio will be turned off during the docking and
undocking for the upcoming shuttle mission. Students of Scuola Media
Statale Donato Forlani in Italy participated in an ARISS contact with
Fincke, who spoke a few sentences in Italian to the students.
Astronaut Chris Hadfield, KC5RNJ/VA3OOG, turned his ARISS radio training
session into a learning experience for students from Manordale Public
School in Ottawa. Chris' training was scheduled as a QSO with the
students who beforehand, had studied orbital mechanics and learned about
Amateur Radio. For the terrestrial-based QSO, Chris used
ARISS-flight-equivalent equipment that's installed in the ISS simulator
module at Johnson Space Center. Hadfield is a back-up crew member for
Expedition 19.
Education & Technology Program
Mark Spencer WA8SME reports that he has identified an alternative
classroom location that will be suitable as a venue for the TI-2 and
that he has completed the verification of the Yaesu receiver that will
be used during the TI-2. Manufacturing of the modulation boards for
next year's TIs is complete. A proposal for providing these boards
through the ARRL was drafted and sent to HQ for consideration. Mark
continues to service requests for curriculum materials from non-school
educational organizations including schools from overseas and the
department of the Navy. The TI announcement article for the Feb edition
of QST has been drafted and sent to the editor. The revised brochure
copy has been submitted to graphics. Twenty-three grant applications
were submitted to the Executive Committee for their review and approval.
Sincerely Compiled by,
Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ
Assistant to the CEO
Staff Absentee List
All Staff 12/25 Holiday
`` 1/1 Holiday
Kathy Allison 12/26 Vacation
`` 1/2 Vacation
Bob Allison 12/26 Vacation
`` 1/2 Vacation
`` 1/2 Vacation
Dennis Dura 12/24-12/26 Vacation
Mark Dzamba 12/1-12/5 Vacation
Steve Ewald 12/1-12/5 Vacation
Steve Ford 12/22-1/5 Vacation
Norm Fusaro 12/23-1/2 Vacation
Scott Gee 12/8-12/9 Vacation
`` 12/24-12/26 Vacation
Joel Hallas 12/24-12/31 Vacation
Ed Hare 1/2 Vacation
`` 1/5-1/9 Vacation
Dan Henderson 11/25-12/5 ARI Headquarters Milan/Pescara
Convention, Italy
`` 12/18-1/5 Vacation
Khrystyne Keane 12/26-1/2 Vacation
Joe; Kleinman 12/3-12/9 Vacation
`` 12/11 Vacation
Harold Kramer 12/22-12/26 Vacation
Rose-Ann Lawrence 12/8 Vacation
Bill Moore 12/26-1/2 Vacation
Dave Patton 12/22-12/31 Vacation
Allen Pitts 12/26-1/4 Vacation
Steve Sant Andrea 1/2-1/5 Vacation
Alex Tara 1/2 Vacation
Sharon Taratula 12/23pm-12/24 Vacation