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Vol. 31, No. 51
December 17, 2008 -- Covers the period December 7-13.
Upcoming Meetings and Events
Administration &Finance Committee
January 15 @ 9:00am in Newington, CT
Programs & Services Committee
July 17 @ 9:00am in Newington, CT
Annual Board Meeting
January 16-17, 2009 @ 9:00am in Windsor, CT
Regulatory Information
Reported by Dan Henderson, N1ND
We are receiving numerous responses to the VC/VCE update letters.
However we are receiving a significant number of the letters returned by
the postal service for a number of reasons (no such address, no
forwarding, as well as a few deceased). In January we will work through
the replies and returns and finish updating/purging the database.
Upon returning from Italy a great deal of the week was working though
about three hundred emails that needed responses. I also met with the
Fathom team, along with the other members of the Regulatory and Advocacy
area and prepared a revised architecture for that area of the new web
We continue to work with the FCC on several issues, including PAVE PAWS,
updating of the CEPT agreements and the updated public notice on CEPT
operations. Also, after discussions held with the FCC by General
Counsel, we are sending several pending enforcement items to them for
action. We are still waiting the hiring and start of the new Special
Counsel in the Spectrum Enforcement Bureau to replace Riley
Hollingsworth, and are hopeful that an announcement from the FCC will be
coming in the next several weeks.
The Palmdale, CA antenna zooming ordinance is going to continue to be a
major item for the foreseeable future. This is a two-front problem:
the first is the original reconsideration of the previously approved
permit of a local amateur. The second issue is the extremely
restrictive ordinance which the town has enacted. Several ARRL officials
are involved in this and we will be actively monitoring this as an
expected lawsuit is filed.
Media & Public Relations
Reported by Allen Pitts, W1AGP
Media Hits and the McGan Award announcements done. Ongoing work
continues on PR-101, a new video PSA, the main website changes and an
update to the Hello website. Announcements were made of the request
from George Dillon of the FCC for aid in the coming DTV conversion on
the PR reflector, club news and ARRL letter. As expected, initial
reactions were mixed but soon settled out and we're now getting email
from many groups planning to use the opportunity in positive ways to get
PR and help neighbors by providing information.
Reported by Mary Hobart, K1MMH
The Spectrum Defense Fund has reached $222,736, just 50% of its target
for 2008. A $10,000 contribution arrived this week from a Maxim Society
member who took advantage of the renewed charitable gift provisions for
direct IRA contributions.
With a push for year end contributions Development is working in
partnership with other ARRL departments to raise awareness and
contributions for 2008. In a partnership with Sales and Marketing,
Development is offering a $10 coupon for publication sales to members
who make a contribution of $25 or more before December 31. Thanks to
Norm Fusaro and Deb Jahnke for their help in distributing the year end
fund raising message to clubs and advertisers.
Development is participating in Fathom content development meetings
regarding information about ARRL and membership.
Reported by Joel Kleinman, N1BKE
The January/February 2009 issues of NCJ and QEX have been released to
the printer.
Khrystyne Keane wrote and distributed The ARRL Letter, Vol. 27, No. 49,
for December 12, 2008.. She also produced and voiced ARRL Audio News for
December 12.
Reported by Ed Hare, W1RFI
Product Review
Bob Allison is revising and updating the ARRL Lab Test Procedures
Bob Allison met with Deb Jahnke, Joel Hallas, Steve Ford and Harold
Kramer to streamline product review equipment tracking and eliminate
confusion as to where it is and who has it.
Zack Lau identified the TIS web pages in which the lab does not have
editing privileges.
Mike Gruber found approximately 50 unresolved RFI cases with some FCC
TIS Statistics 12/8-12/14
Question BA MG EFH ZL AN Totals
01 What rig is best? / Prod Rev 1 3
02 RFI/EMI/FCC issues 0 10 2
03 How to use equipment
04 Propagation
05 Antenna/Feed line/Tower questions 2 1
15 2 20
06 Locate companies, parts or services 2 1
9 1 13
07 Software problems 1 3
08 Regulatory questions 1 3
09 Operating / amateur exam questions 1 1
7 9
10 Article photocopies/archive corrections 39
3 9 51
11 Other 1 7 1 9
12 BPL 7 7
14 Misdirected 7 7
Sales and Marketing
Reported by Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R
A 50,000-piece membership campaign is being readied, for mailing just
before January 1.
Some new designs are being produced to support the ARRL "5 pillars"
identity campaign. The designs will be used on a handful of 2009
marketing and advertising collateral, including QST and display
Publication and product sales have topped the $200k mark in December,
with 8 business days to go for the year. The month's forecast is $283k.
A 140,000 piece "new products" mailing has started to arrive in
mailboxes. The mailing list was doubled to help spur on sluggish sales
of the 2009 Handbook, while at the same time introducing a handful of
other new products. An additional benefit of the mailing will be its
predictive value as we assemble campaigns throughout 2009.
The winter publications catalog is expected at the warehouse January 1,
2009. Copies will be mailed directly to a selection of customers and
members by the end of the month.
We supported the Development Department with an end of year contribution
incentive. Anyone who makes a contribution of $25 or more to any ARRL
fund before December 31 will receive a $10 gift certificate, valid for
use in the ARRL e-store.
The Warehouse crew fulfilled 1,392 packages for publication and product
orders, shipped 345 free book membership premiums, and processed QST
mailing supplements for November and December. Copies of January 2009
QST have arrived at the warehouse-Happy New Year!
Membership & Volunteer Programs
Reported by Dave Patton, NN1N
Contest Branch
The 10 Meter Contest has just recently finished, and we have already
received 700 electronic logs. Just under 1,000 logs have been received
for the 160 Meter contest, and 1,723 logs for SSB Sweepstakes. Deadline
for SSB Sweepstakes logs is December 17.
2008 DX Contest plaques were shipped on Monday, December 15.
Carol Michaud, KB1QAW, spent a lot of time over the past two months
working on problem awards and plaques that have been lingering for a
while and has cleared out the backlog.
John Basilotto, W5GI, of Flex Radio Systems, was on hand Friday,
December 12 to demonstrate the new Flex-5000A Software-Defined-Radio
that was donated to W1AW. This radio will reside in Studio Three and be
used for visitor operations.
Joe worked the early afternoon/night shifts on Monday and Tuesday for
the vacationing Scott Gee. He also processed regular QSL card requests.
Joe also readied equipment that will be sent out for calibration. This
included the Hewlett-Packard HP 5345A Electronic Counter, Bird 43
Wattmeter and BK Precision Dynascan Sweep/Function Generator.
Scott worked on slow and fast code practice files for the middle part of
the month of December.
Field Organization/Public Service Team
Leona Adams has begun preparatory work for the Section Manager elections
scheduled for this winter in Arizona and North Texas.
Steve Ewald received and compiled Field Organization reports for
February QST, and work continues on the production of the Public Service
column. The tenth SKYWARN Recognition Day was held on December 6, and
it was co-sponsored by ARRL and the National Weather Service. Initial
reports from the across the country on this operating event were
One radio amateur from Oregon successfully completed certification to
become an Official Observer this past week. Intruder reports included
an unidentified RTTY signal on 40 meters and a "numbers" station on 3881
kHz. There is currently an investigation underway in South Carolina
about Amateur Radio interference to public service communications.
Also, a jammer on 2 meters in Western Washington is being tracked by
Official Observers.
Sincerely Compiled by,
Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ
Assistant to the CEO
Staff Absentee List
All Staff 12/25 Holiday
`` 1/1 Holiday
Leona Adams 12/24-12/26 Vacation
Kathy Allison 12/26 Vacation
`` 1/2 Vacation
Bob Allison 12/26 Vacation
`` 1/2 Vacation
`` 1/2 Vacation
Joe Carcia 1/2 Vacation
Dennis Dura 12/24-12/26 Vacation
Steve Ford 12/22-1/5 Vacation
Norm Fusaro 12/23-12/31 Vacation
Scott Gee 12/24-12/26 Vacation
Joel Hallas 12/24-12/31 Vacation
`` 1/16-1/17 Southern Florida Section
Convention, Ft Myers, FL
Ed Hare 1/2 Vacation
`` 1/5-1/9 Vacation
Dan Henderson 12/18-1/6 Vacation
Mary Hobart 1/15-1/17 Committee Meeting/BOD Meeting
Gail Iannone 12/23-12/31 Vacation
Khrystyne Keane 12/26-1/2 Vacation
Harold Kramer 1/15-1/17 Committee Meeting/BOD Meeting
Lisa Kustosik 1/2 Vacation
`` 1/15-1/17 BOD Meeting
Zack Lau 12/22 Vacation
`` 12/29 Vacation
Rose-Anne Lawrence 12/18 Vacation
Bill Moore 12/26-1/2 Vacation
Dave Patton 12/22-12/31 Vacation
`` 1/15-1/17 Committee Meeting/BOD
Diane Petrilli 12/26 Vacation
Allen Pitts 12/26-1/4 Vacation
Brennan Price 12/18-12/19 Washington
`` 12/29-12/31 Washington
`` 1/12-1/15 Washington
Steve Sant Andrea 1/2-1/5 Vacation
Barry Shelley 1/15-1/17 Committee Meeting/BOD Meeting
Dave Sumner 12/24-12/26 Vacation
`` 1/15-1/17 Committee Meeting/BOD
Alex Tara 1/2 Vacation
Sharon Taratula 12/23pm-12/24 Vacation
Perry Williams 12/17-12/31 Vacation