This is just a friendly reminder to those Directors, Vice-Directors and
Officers who haven't had a chance to respond to the Section Field
Organization Governance questionnaire sent by the PSC on August 23rd.
The last weeks before Labor can be a busy time so we thought a reminder
would be in order. Thank you to those who have already responded.
Please take a look at the questions (see below) and forward your
We will be sending a similar questionnaire to each of the 71 Section
Managers in the next few days. If you have reviewed these questions you
may be in a better position to answer any questions from the SM's about
the study.
Programs and Services Committee
-----Original Message-----
From: John Bellows []
Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2007 10:41 AM
To: 'arrl-odv'
Subject: Section Governance Study
Importance: High
To: All ARRL Officers, Directors and Vice Directors:
At the July ARRL Board Meeting the Programs and Services Committee was
tasked to "study the governance of the Section Field Organization" and
provide an interim report at the January 2008 ARRL Board Meeting.
(Minute 32)
Any credible study of Field Organization governance should consider the
strengths and weaknesses of the current structure and must include
active input from those responsible for Field Organization governance,
namely; ARRL Field Services management, ARRL Section Managers and
Division Directors.
For reference a summary of the current field organization structure is
set forth below. The complete rules and Regulations of the ARRL Field
Organization can be found on the ARRL Web Page immediately after the
Articles and Bylaws.
The Committee would appreciate your answers, comments and observations
regarding these questions. Please be as specific and detailed as
possible. The information from your answers is important and the success
of this study is dependant upon your cooperation. Similar questions are
being sent to Section Managers and to Field Services.
1. Does the present Field Organization governance structure work
well in your division?
2. Does the present Field Organization governance structure work
well in throughout the League?
3. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the present Field
Organization governance structure in your division?
4. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the present Field
Organization governance structure throughout the League?
5 Are the current Field Organization Regulations adequate to
promote cooperation and communication between the Section Managers and
their Division Director?
6. How could the current Field Organization Regulations be
changed to foster communication and cooperation between Directors and
Section Managers?
7. What are the advantages and disadvantages of member election
of Section Managers?
8. What advantages and disadvantages would result from the
appointment Section Managers by Directors?
9. If the current Field Organization Regulation don't adequately
define the organizational structure and chain of command of the Field
Organization how should they be changed?
10. What specific areas of Field Organization governance are most
in need of change?
Thank you for taking the time to review and forward your answer to these
questions. The quality of the committee's recommendations will be in
large part dependant upon the cooperation and responses of those with
the most knowledge and experience in these issues such as you.
73, Programs & Services Committee
.Each section elects a Section Manager (SM). The Section Manager has
"authority over the section's Field Organization" and, "in cooperation
with the Division Director", shall "foster and encourage ARRL activities
and programs within that section."
The Section Manager is required to act in accordance with ARRL policies
established by the Board of Directors. The Section Manager is
responsible for recruiting, appointing, and supervising the section in
administering the Field Organization's areas of responsibility.
The Section Manager shall maintain liaison with the Division Director
and make periodic reports to the Director regarding the status of
Section activities. In return the Director is to provide the Section
Manager with information and guidance pertaining to matters of mutual
concern and interest. The Section Manager serves on the Division Cabinet
and renders advice as requested by the Director.
Field Organization appointments may be canceled by the Executive
Committee whenever it appears to be in the best interest of the ARRL.