I know that I don't want to spend another snowed-in weekend at Hartford.
However, Jay has pointed out the even greater impact that bad weather in the
Hartford area can have upon those who will be attending from there.
Additionally, his other concerns are germane and central to the issue. I
appreciate his concern for those of us living west of the "Big Muddy;" but,
perhaps we are saddling ourselves with the potential for an even worse
outcome. I understand the need for haste to retain our seats at Houston,
and I know that Dave wants to take action very soon, but can we take one
more day to consider Jay's concerns? I'll take my chances with Hartford, if
that's what it comes to, or hope for the best if we opt for Houston.
Bob, W6RGG
On 9/12/07, John Bellows <jbellows(a)skypoint.com> wrote:
> Actually the motion was:
> "Moved, that staff is instructed to investigate an alternate location for
> the 2008 Annual Meeting."
> While this may be a done deal, Bill's question as to cost seems a fair
> one. If we are going to be "snipping and trimming" as part of the
> Budget/Plan come January I respectfully suggest that asking what the
> relative costs of meeting in the vicinity of HQ and Houston.
> Dave Sumner suggested that Committee chairmen may have some comment about
> the impact on their committees. From my perspective as PSC chairman the
> ability to meet the new Contest Manager, plus hear from Deb Johnson, Maria
> Somma, for example is most helpful. I didn't mention Dennis Durda because
> I assumed he would be at the January meeting. Though Dave Patton will be at
> the meeting it is unreasonable to expect him to be familiar with every
> aspect of the PSC areas. For that matter neither Education nor VEC are part
> of his portfolio. A move offsite may have less impact on A&F since Dave
> Sumner, Barry, Harold, Mary and most of the elected officers will be at that
> meeting to cover the agenda items. Written reports from staff are helpful
> but don't come close to the opportunity to discuss matters face to face or
> at least follow-up with questions,.
> K1ZZ went on to "observe that ……it is a mistake for a committee to wait
> until the day before a Board meeting to take up substantive decisions. The
> scramble to turn a committee action into a motion that is ready for Board
> consideration, literally overnight with everything else that is going on,
> sometimes does not result in the best work product." Assuming that were the
> case I would agree. The practice in PSC has been to prepare draft motions
> (sometimes in the alternative) prior to the pre-Board meeting.
> From time to time other matters arise that may require some last minute
> "scramble." That is unfortunate, but it part of any meaningful meeting
> process. If we didn't need to address "substantive decisions" at a Board
> meeting there really wouldn't be a reason to meet in Hartford, Houston or
> Heavens-knows-where, we could just mail our votes in.
> Finally this whole warm weather meeting location baffles me. If the
> weather is bad in CT there is as great a risk that HQ personnel can't fly
> out or will get delayed or hung up in some distant airport as that we may
> have travel problems. With a hub and spoke airline system bad weather in
> Chicago, Atlanta, Detroit or any other hub, can have ripple effects for
> flights throughout the country. We are all at the mercy of the weather.
> We're there to attend a committee and Board meeting and will likely be in
> the hotel from Wednesday until the meeting ends. Most of us are on plane
> back home on Sunday. What difference does it make if the sun is shining
> outside?
> I appreciate the fact that while staff and most of the Board live east of
> the Mississippi, several West Coast Board members routinely have to travel
> coast to coast to attend Board meetings. In spite of my reason for
> preferring meeting in the vicinity of Hartford from time to time they
> deserve a break.
> If we can get some more specific information on the cost of meeting in
> Houston vs. CT and some assurance the staff reports will be out in time so
> that the committees can forward written questions to those staffers not
> attending I could be persuaded to vote in favor out of deference to the
> Board members living west of the "Big Muddy."
> Jay, KØQB
> -----Original Message-----
> *From:* Sumner, Dave, K1ZZ [mailto:dsumner@arrl.org]
> *Sent**:* Wednesday, September 12, 2007 6:01 AM
> *To:* arrl-od
> *Subject:* [arrl-od:2377] RE: [arrl-od:2374] RE: [arrl-od:2373] January
> 2008 Board Meeting Location
> Bill, what staff has done is to obtain a proposal at another venue that
> replicates as nearly as possible the facilities that are available at the
> Windsor Airport Marriott, at a similar overall cost.
> The hotel is holding the space for us and is awaiting a response. It
> really can't wait until next week.
> When Joel posed the original question it was to answer this
> question: "[W]e need to know if the board desires to select a location other
> than the Hartford area for the January meeting." I believe the Directors
> understood that it would cost a bit more to meet elsewhere in January when
> they voted. Cost-wise, Houston is the best option we could find.
> 73,
> Dave K1ZZ
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Bill Edgar [mailto:n3llr@earthlink.net]
> *Sent:* Wed 9/12/2007 2:40 AM
> *To:* Sumner, Dave, K1ZZ; arrl-od
> *Subject:* RE: [arrl-od:2374] RE: [arrl-od:2373] January 2008 Board
> Meeting Location
> Dave,
> Would you be able to provide better cost comparisons once you are back in
> Newington?
> Thanks.
> - Bill N3LLR
> *From:* Sumner, Dave, K1ZZ [mailto:dsumner@arrl.org]
> *Sent:* Tuesday, September 11, 2007 2:52 PM
> *To:* arrl-od
> *Subject:* [arrl-od:2374] RE: [arrl-od:2373] January 2008 Board Meeting
> Location
> Bill, I am replying to OD instead of ODV because that is where the
> proposal was posted.
> The combined sleeping room/meeting room charges are about the same for
> Houston as for Windsor (higher sleeping room rate offset by free meeting
> room). I have not compared the banquet charges but I have no reason to
> believe they would be significantly different.
> As for travel expenses, Houston is a competitive airfare market. There
> will be a few more plane tickets to purchase than there would be to
> Hartford, but I believe the Board took that into account in its original
> decision to authorize the search for an alternate site since the same would
> be true of any alternate site.
> There is significantly less disruption of normal HQ functions when the
> Board meets elsewhere, although I do not equate interaction between staff
> and Board members with "lost productivity" since it generally serves a
> useful purpose.
> Committee chairmen are in a better position to comment with respect to the
> impact on their committees. I would observe that from my own perspective I
> believe it is a mistake for a committee to wait until the day before a Board
> meeting to take up substantive decisions. The scramble to turn a committee
> action into a motion that is ready for Board consideration, literally
> overnight with everything else that is going on, sometimes does not result
> in the best work product.
> I hope this is responsive to your questions. It's about the best I can do
> from here at the Region 2 Conference in Brasilia.
> 73,
> Dave Sumner, K1ZZ
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Bill Edgar [mailto:n3llr@earthlink.net]
> *Sent:* Tue 9/11/2007 6:08 PM
> *To:* arrl-odv
> *Subject:* RE: [arrl-od:2373] January 2008 Board Meeting Location
> Joel,
> Much appreciated.
> Some other factors that might affect the cost outside of normal travel,
> hotel and meal expenses could be:
> · Lost staff productivity in travel time for those staff attending
> the board meeting
> · Potential loss of productivity in committee reports by not
> having information available from department managers/staff who normally
> provide presentations/answers to the committees
> Wonder if we could include estimates for these as well?
> Thanks!
> - Bill N3LLR
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Joel Harrison [mailto:w5zn@arrl.org]
> > Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2007 8:26 AM
> > To: arrl-odv
> > Subject: RE: [arrl-od:2373] January 2008 Board Meeting Location
> >
> >
> > QSL.
> >
> > Dave is preparing a response to you other request regarding the cost
> > comparison.
> >
> > 73 Joel PY/W5ZN
> >
> >
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: n3llr(a)earthlink.net [mailto:n3llr@earthlink.net]
> > Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2007 6:21 AM
> > To: w5zn(a)arrl.org; arrl-odv
> > Subject: RE: [arrl-od:2373] January 2008 Board Meeting Location
> >
> > Ok. Thanks.
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> >
> > From: "Joel Harrison" <w5zn(a)arrl.org>
> > Subj: RE: [arrl-od:2373] January 2008 Board Meeting Location
> > Date: Tue Sep 11, 2007 6:37 am
> > Size: 12K
> > To: "arrl-odv" <arrl-odv(a)reflector.arrl.org>
> >
> > Bill,
> >
> > As is the case with all of our "mail votes" via email, each
> > director's
> > vote will be recorded from their email response and the tally of who
> > voted
> > aye and who voted nay will recorded and made public at the conclusion
> > of the
> > vote.
> >
> > 73 Joel W5ZN
> >
> >
> >
> > From: Bill Edgar [mailto:n3llr@earthlink.net]
> > Sent: Monday, September 10, 2007 10:13 PM
> > To: arrl-odv
> > Subject: RE: [arrl-od:2373] January 2008 Board Meeting Location
> >
> >
> > Dave,
> >
> > What are the cost projections for board meetings at Hartford and for
> > board
> > meetings at Houston, TX.
> > Additionally, I'd like a roll -call vote for this vote to go on
> > record
> > publically.
> >
> > - Bill N3LLR
> >
> > From: Sumner, Dave, K1ZZ [mailto:dsumner@arrl.org]
> > Sent: Monday, September 10, 2007 10:43 PM
> > To: arrl-od
> > Subject: [arrl-od:2373] January 2008 Board Meeting Location
> >
> >
> >
> > Earlier the Board authorized staff to investigate an alternate
> > location to the Hartford area for the January 2008 Board Meeting.
> > Staff completed its investigation and has reported to the Executive
> > Committee that the best available site is Houston, Texas. Space is
> > being
> > held for us at the Marriott-Greenspoint North, about 15 minutes from
> > Houston's Intercontinental Airport.
> > As authorized by the Executive Committee,President Harrison has
> > instructed
> > me to offer the following resolution for consideration by the Board:
> > "Moved, that the 2008 Annual Meeting be held in the vicinity of
> > Houston,
> > Texas."
> > An "aye" vote is for the meeting to be held in the Houston area; a
> > "nay"
> > vote is for the meeting to be held in the Hartford area.
> > Please respond, either to me or to arrl-od @arrl.org, with your vote.
> > David Sumner, K1ZZ, Secretary
> >