I don't have a problem with letting the P&SC handle this. That's why we
pay them the big bucks. However, I think we need to keep a sense of
urgency about this. We must discourage the dxpeditions from using this
band. I think there is a real possibility of us losing it if we are not
"friendly" users of the shared channels.
Coy Day, N5OK
20685 SW 29
Union City, OK 73090
Sumner, Dave, K1ZZ wrote:
> WAC is an IARU award, and I can safely say that the IARU will not issue a
> single-band 60-meter award (at least until there is an international
> allocation).
> I have mixed feelings about WAS. On the one hand, it's certainly true that
> we don't want the few channels that are available to be clogged with
> awards-chasing. On the other, we do want to encourage people to equip
> their stations for 60 meters and to gain operating experience there so
> that they will be able to use the frequencies effectively when need
> arises. I was pretty disappointed that there was no reported use of 60
> meters in the Katrina aftermath. Of course, it's debatable that offering
> an award like WAS is the best way to address that.
> Probably it would be best to let P&SC discuss it at their meeting and
> formulate a recommendation.
> Dave K1ZZ
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Coy Day [mailto:n5ok@arrl.org]
> Sent: Saturday, April 07, 2007 6:09 PM
> To: arrl-odv
> Subject: [arrl-odv:15403] Re:RE: RE: RE: [Fwd: 60M DX]
> After further consideration, I think I want to word my proposal a little
> differently. Maybe it should read: Awards and contest credit for QSO's on
> 60 meters will be given consideration only after an international
> allocation is made and then only for QSO's made after that date.
> Bob Vallio reminded me that we have folks that chase WAC, WAS, etc. So we
> need a catch all statement.
> Coy
> --
> Coy Day, N5OK
> 20685 SW 29
> Union City, OK 73090
> 405-483-5632
> John Bellows wrote:
>> FWIW PSC has this question on its April 21st meeting agenda as an
>> Awards item.
>> In the event this is viewed as a question better addressed directly by
>> the Board or administratively by the MVP staff or the Awards Committee
>> we can pull the agenda item.
>> Jay, KØQB
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Coy Day [mailto:n5ok@arrl.org]
>> Sent: Saturday, April 07, 2007 1:27 PM
>> To: arrl-odv
>> Cc: arrl-odv
>> Subject: [arrl-odv:15401] Re: RE: RE: [Fwd: 60M DX]
>> Dave,
>> I been thinking about this and I think Dave has the solution. I might
>> have worded it a little differently. I think I would like for it to
>> read
>> something like this: DXCC/Challenge credit for QSO's on 60 meters will
>> be
>> given consideration after an international allocation is made and then
>> only for QSO's made after that date.
>> Coy
>> --
>> Coy Day, N5OK
>> 20685 SW 29
>> Union City, OK 73090
>> 405-483-5632
>> Sumner, Dave, K1ZZ wrote:
>>> It might be useful to emphasize that Challenge credit will only be
>> given
>>> for QSOs dated after an international allocation is made. That's a
>> policy
>>> decision but it's a fairly obvious one.
>>> Dave K1ZZ
>>> ________________________________
>>> From: Jim Weaver [mailto:k8je@arrl.org]
>>> Sent: Fri 4/6/2007 10:37 PM
>>> To: arrl-odv
>>> Subject: RE: [arrl-odv:15393] RE: [arrl-odv:15390] [Fwd: 60M DX]
>>> Dave,
>>> Tnx for the discussion. It is helpful, of course.
>>> Coy pointed out I misread Ken's recommendation. In rereading it, it
>> is
>>> obvious I over interpreted his comment on "never" issuing credits for
>> 60M
>>> Qs.
>>> Jim Weaver, K8JE, Director
>>> ARRL Great Lakes Division
>>> 5065 Bethany Rd.
>>> Mason, OH 45040
>>> E-mail: k8je(a)arrl.org <mailto:k8je@arrl.org> ; Tel.: 513-459-0142
>>> ARRL - The Reason Amateur Radio Is!
>>> Members - The Reason ARRL Is!
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Sumner, Dave, K1ZZ [mailto:dsumner@arrl.org]
>>> Sent: Friday, April 06, 2007 4:38 PM
>>> To: arrl-odv
>>> Subject: [arrl-odv:15393] RE: [arrl-odv:15390] [Fwd: 60M DX]
>>> Jim, we have never accepted 60 meter QSOs for contest credit. I can't
>>> imagine that we ever would, given that we don't for 30, 17 and 12
>> meters,
>>> and I don't think it's an issue in anyone's mind.
>>> It has been pretty much a moot point to now with regard to DXCC, but
>> N8S
>>> had the potential to change that. The caution we put out seems to have
>>> been pretty well received.
>>> The rules already prohibit 60-meter QSOs for the Challenge. I'm sure
>> there
>>> are people collecting countries on 60 meters. It's human nature.
>> However,
>>> the DXCC program, being international, should not grant DXCC Challenge
>>> credit for 60 meter QSOs until such time as there is an international
>>> allocation. There is no prohibition on basic DXCC credit -- that is,
>>> credit toward mixed or phone DXCC on the basis of a legal 60-meter QSO
>> --
>>> nor does there need to be since few people will work a country on 60
>>> meters that they don't already have on another band.
>>> Worked All States is another matter. We have already had an inquiry as
>> to
>>> whether we would issue a 60-meter WAS. I have asked Dave Patton to
>> refer
>>> it to P&SC. There are pros and cons, but WAS is unlikely to get out of
>>> hand the way chasing countries would. It would be more likely to
>> evolve
>>> into a controlled net like the various 75-meter WAS nets that have
>>> existed.
>>> 73,
>>> Dave K1ZZ
>>> ________________________________
>>> From: Jim Weaver [mailto:k8je@arrl.org]
>>> Sent: Fri 4/6/2007 8:52 PM
>>> To: arrl-odv
>>> Subject: RE: [arrl-odv:15390] [Fwd: 60M DX]
>>> I, too, received a forward of the 60M proposal from one of my members.
>> I
>>> believe there is merit in the basic reco. I think he goes overboard
>> in
>>> wanting a firm statement that we will NEVER accept 60 M QSOs for
>>> awards/contests, but this is a detail that could be worked. A simple
>>> statement that 60M QSOs do not count for DXCC and contests should be
>>> enough.
>>> Assuming we are successful at getting a true 60M "band" in the future,
>>> this
>>> position could be reviewed.
>>> Not being on 60, I've not paid much attention to the band. Have we
>>> accepted
>>> Qs for DXCC and contest credit in the past? If we have, we would need
>> to
>>> figure out how to handle these.
>>> Jim
>>> Jim Weaver, K8JE, Director
>>> ARRL Great Lakes Division
>>> 5065 Bethany Rd.
>>> Mason, OH 45040
>>> E-mail: k8je(a)arrl.org; Tel.: 513-459-0142
>>> ARRL - The Reason Amateur Radio Is!
>>> Members - The Reason ARRL Is!
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Coy Day [mailto:n5ok@arrl.org]
>>> Sent: Friday, April 06, 2007 11:05 AM
>>> To: arrl-odv
>>> Subject: [arrl-odv:15390] [Fwd: 60M DX]
>>> Hi Folks,
>>> Thought I would forward Ken's note as I had the same feelings when
>> Dave
>>> put out the caution on 60 meters earlier in the week. I'm afraid that
>> if
>>> we don't take action we may lose a very valuable band for EmComm.
>>> Coy
>>> --
>>> Coy Day, N5OK
>>> 20685 SW 29
>>> Union City, OK 73090
>>> 405-483-5632
>>> ---------------------------- Original Message
>> ----------------------------
>>> Subject: 60M DX
>>> From: "Ken - K5KC" <k5kc(a)suddenlink.net>
>>> Date: Fri, April 6, 2007 09:50
>>> To: n5ok(a)arrl.org
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> --
>>> Hi Coy,
>>> I'm actually writing on "business" (hi)!!
>>> I've read at least two warnings / concerns from ARRL about DXing on
>> 60M.
>>> It all makes perfect sense - and I agree with it - BUT, the request
>> (in my
>>> opinion) is without teeth, will likely influence only minor behavior
>>> changes, and has the potential to REALLY upset some DXers. Let me
>> explain
>>> and make a suggestion.
>>> First, the suggestion: ARRL should decree right away that 60M is NOT
>> a DX
>>> band and, as such, QSOs made will NOT now or in the future count
>> toward
>>> the Challenge or 60M DXCC or anything else from ARRL. IF AND WHEN
>>> CHANGES, ARRL will notify us all that only as of some future date will
>>> QSOs count toward the ARRL DX program.
>>> Now, the explanation. You have surely noticed that a few heavyweight
>>> DXers have begun to show up in the spots on 60. And, of course, there
>> are
>>> many DX commoners also chasing DX there. THEY ARE COVERING THEIR
>> TAILS so
>>> they are not behind if and when 60M is added to the Challenge list. I
>>> cannot blame them. If left alone, they will continue to (carefully)
>> chase
>>> DX and rack up the countries. Suppose some ham DOES take ARRL's
>> request
>>> seriously and does NOT use 60M for DXing. They are going to be madder
>>> than $%^&* if ARRL later does allow DX QSOs being made now to count.
>> If
>>> that were to happen, I could not blame them for being mad.
>>> Since I am writing to you in your capacity as a BoD member, feel free
>> to
>>> send this input along to whomever - if you think it represents a
>> rational
>>> line of thought.
>>> 73 Ken K5KC