Chris, Brian & Dick,
Excellent observation! I am catching up on e-mail as I have been out of
town a few days. It is so very much out there and a kid can become steered
down to incorrect path by peer pressure. I appreciate reading you all
comments. Thanks!
Henry - WD4Q
----- Original Message -----
From: "Brian Mileshosky" <n5zgt(a)>
To: "arrl-odv" <arrl-odv(a)>
Sent: Monday, January 01, 2007 2:43 PM
Subject: [arrl-odv:15032] Re: On Youth in Amateur Radio
> Chris --
> Excellent email. I can't agree more, and I base this off of my own
> experience as well as my longtime experience in Scouting, both as a youth
> and now as an adult. And now as a brand new parent.
> To an extent parents are largely to blame for this issue that you raise.
> Drawing from my involvement in Scouting, I'm surprised every week when I
> see parents boot their boy out of the car (with a DVD playing in the
> backseat or the kid riding along with his I-Pod surgically implanted in
> his ears) at a Scout meeting before it stops rolling and tear out of the
> parking lot for a few hours of whatever it is that the parents do each
> week. "Baby Sitters of America (BSA)" we must be, to them. They haven't
> the "time" to give to their growing son, not even to enjoy the vast array
> of adventures and activities offered to their son by BSA. They haven't
> the "time" to attent Courts of Honor to witness their sons being
> presented rank or other achievement (in exchange for the "talent" they've
> demonstrated). They haven't the "time" to hike the Grand Canyon or camp
> with their son on the Troop's annual family campout to learn of the
> "tools" he uses to survive and enjoy his outings. Yet when that son gets
> into some kind of discliplinary trouble in the Troop, guess who's the
> first to arrive at the meeting? And guess who's he first to blame
> everybody else but their own son? The parent who's MIA otherwise. I hope
> (then again I don't, so it doesn't hit them like a ton of bricks) they
> one day realize what an opportunity they wasted when their son gets
> older.
> I'm taking a big leap here, but it's not hard for me to wonder how much
> else (in the way of activities, perhaps school, and other means of
> development) the parent is missing out either because of their careers, or
> perhaps the parent is simply not interested like those certain parents who
> have sons in my Troop.
> Parenting is not only instilling manners and discipline (which seems to
> have taken a back seat because many parents find it easier to be their
> kids' "best friend" and cave in rather than appear "mean" and put a foot
> down on occasion), but also to provide involvement and encouragement for
> development, at least the "tools" and "talent" aspects. Raising the child
> to be a better, more capable person than the parent him/herself when the
> child grows up, everything else still important but a lesser priority.
> My opinion based on my own observations and philosophy, especially now
> that I've joined the ranks of parenthood in our present day society.
> Off my soap box, as I'm speaking to the choir big time I'm sure!
> Speaking about Ham Radio now, kids lacking the "three T's" is one
> impediment to getting them into our hobby, but another -- again, my
> opinion -- is our present Ham community itself. Many of our own are
> unwilling to offer the "three T's" to aspiring hams, new hams or kids.
> Perhaps they themselves don't possess the "three T's" to become elmers.
> Susan Swiderski, Georgia's section manager, offered some food for
> thought in one of her section columns: "Sure, it's always easier to
> lament that ham radio can't compete with everything that is going on in
> our children's lives; it is much harder to do something about it. So how
> do you compete? Try a little magic. The same "magic" that got you
> interested in ham radio is still magic; the only difference is that now it
> is your turn to be the magician."
> Part of the problem may be the kids' lack of time, talent and tools. The
> lion's share is our willingness as a Ham community to provide our time,
> talent and tools if we are truly interested in recruiting our future.
> Maybe easier said than done, but that's what it comes down to.
> 73,
> Brian, N5ZGT
> On Mon, 1 Jan 2007 w3kd(a) wrote:
>> Some reflections on a New Years' Day (and I realize that I am outside my
>> job description here):
>> Before I was a ham, I was a "car guy" and still am, to some extent. My
>> two favorite monthly publications are QST and Road and Track, in that
>> order. In Road and Track, I like Peter Egan's column. He writes a folksy
>> column every month, from his home in Wisconsin. He restored an E-type
>> Jaguar, my favorite car ever, so I think very highly of him.
>> I got back from Christmas vacation and found the attached article in my
>> new Road & Track. I haven't any copyright authority to reprint this, so
>> PLEASE don't send it anywhere, but I thought you would be interested in
>> reading it; it has some strong parallels to Amateur Radio today. It is
>> about soap box derby cars, and how there isn't enough of the three T's in
>> kids today to build them the way they used to. The three Ts are "Time,
>> Tools and Talent".
>> This article really hit me. Two months ago, when I drove my son Ashton
>> and his two friends home from a soccer game, one of the boys had an old
>> BMW in the school parking lot. It was a real wreck, and when we got back,
>> he realized that he had left the lights on in his car. I had jumper
>> cables in my Tahoe, as I always do, so I knew this would be no problem at
>> all, but I didn't say anything, because I wanted to see how the three
>> boys, all smart prep school kids, would solve the problem, working
>> together. They failed miserably. And I realized at that moment that I had
>> failed as a parent, also, because all three boys, including my own, had
>> no idea how to jump a battery, much less jump start a car! I had to
>> explain the entire process to them, because their best plan was to call a
>> tow truck. Since then, I have given Ashton a crash course (no pun
>> intended) in auto mechanics.
>> A few weeks ago, I was in Delaware at the Punkin Chunkin' competition,
>> with the Sandy Spring Friends' School team. They had a trebouchet which
>> launched a 5 pound pumpkin about 480 feet. The year before, the team
>> (mostly different students) had built a very competitive one that
>> launched the pumpkin about 690 feet. The students designed and built it.
>> I talked to the Physics teacher most of the day, and he lamented that
>> none of the kids knew how to use tools. They were OK at designing the
>> device and calculating thrust, etc. using computers and formulas, but
>> they couldn't build the darn thing because they didn't know how to use
>> tools anymore. He had to coach them in the use of the tools. This was an
>> extracurricular activity, but the "time" limitations were dealt with for
>> this team by incorporating the design of the trebouchet in the applied
>> physics class curriculum.
>> Anyway, I am beginning to think that the problem that Amateur Radio has
>> with growth, at least among young people, is due to the missing three Ts.
>> Note that, in the attached article, the solution that the Soap Box Derby
>> arrived at was to offer a car kit that can be assembled in 4 1/2 hours or
>> less, because kids now don't have time for hobbies anymore, or a "slow,
>> evolving craft project", and because suburban garages no longer have
>> tools in them, or people who know how to use them. This seems their
>> equivalent to our concern about "dumbing down" Amateur Radio. But it
>> works for them, because it is a matter of survival, and they don't seem
>> to have any other solutions.
>> Perhaps there are other solutions for us, less drastic.
>> 73, Chris W3KD
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