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Report of the Programs and Services Committee
January 2007 ARRL Board Meeting
The PSC has had seven (7) telephone conference meetings and one in person immediately before the July Board of Directors meeting. An additional in person meeting is scheduled before the January Board of Directors meeting
The Programs and Services Committee is charged with 1) guiding the development of service delivery mechanisms, 2) evaluating services provided, and 3) recommending program priorities.
PSC Membership Services responsibilities involve advising the CEO on services provided to individual members including but not limited to, Contests and Awards; Information services (e.g. LoTW); and QSL bureau services.
PSC Field & Education Services responsibilities involve advising the CEO on volunteer programs, including but not limited to, Field Organization; Clubs; Educational Activities; and Volunteer Professional programs.
PSCs other responsibilities include overview of the Volunteer Examiner Program, W1AW and evaluating and making recommendations to the Board for outstanding volunteer service or outstanding achievement in Amateur Radio.
A. Membership Services
The resignation of Wayne Mills, N7NG, as Membership Services Department Manager, and the attendant loss of his extensive knowledge and expertise of DXCC and Contest issues will leave a void in MSD that will be difficult to fill. PSC offers Wayne our thanks for his fine efforts in Membership Services and our best wishes for the future. PSC also offers any assistance it can provide to management in finding another highly qualified manager for MSD.
Membership Services has managed to hold its own over the course of the year despite continued deferral of long promised changes in Logbook of the World and DXCC Card Checker entry process due to re-prioritization of limited IT resources to other pressing projects during the course of the year.
LoTW WAS verification was implemented in mid 2006 but the implementation of other awards such as the Triple-Play Award, (WAS on CW, Phone & Digital) still await availability of programming resources. Efforts to incorporate non-ARRL awards are still in the discussion stage with the Award sponsors.
The A-1 Operator Award is being highlighted and promoted as a way to encourage improved operator skills. An A-1 Operator Award pin has been introduced. The committee continues to seek the assistance of staff in publicizing the award; and the assistance of current A-1 operators in searching out and recommending new A1 Operator nominees.
The committee continues to review the success of the new Field Day GOTA and discuss minor changes that will further encourage expanded GOTA operations.
The committee continues to work with the DX Advisory Committee, the Contest Advisory Committee and the VHF/UHF Advisory Committee. The specifics of the work of these committees will be found in the Committee Reports to the Board.
The committee is undertaking a review of the costs involved in ARRL funding of some incoming QSL Bureau expenses.
B. Field & Educational Services
The Committee has discussed and endorsed the Educational Manager position proposed in the 2007 Plan. Education is one of the five pillars of ARRL yet the ability of Field and Educational Services to meet its educational goals in the past year has been hampered by the lack of a person dedicated to managing the Departments educational mission. Much of the committee discussion of the new position centered on a concern that the Education Manager would be the only staffer working full-time on education activities. Another concerns related to whether a full-time Education Manager would have time to work on education activities without additional support staff, if the Manager were to also have responsibilities related to publications and long-distance learning related duties. The proposal to move Education Services from F&ES creates a concern that if such a move takes place Education Services will not have adequate support staff or facilities necessary to perform this core function.
The National Emergency Response Committee leadership continues to keep the committee apprised of its progress and its recommendations for improvement of ARRLs ability to respond to emergency communications needs in a multi section emergency. Once the NERPC Committee proposals are presented and in place F&ES will be able to devote additional efforts to improve section level emergency communications preparedness.
Field Services has begun publishing the Club e-newsletter as part of an ongoing plan to expand and promote the awareness among Club officers and members of the resources and materials available from ARRL for use in club programs and activities.
F&ES staff has initiated process to notify Section Managers of Clubs that have not provided current club information and contacts to HQ for over a year.
PSC continues to encourage staff to foster Mentoring throughout the Field Organization.
The expansion of Web Page resources for members and Clubs has been pushed back due to a lack of programming resources needed to facilitate these additions.
The committee is working with staff and Section Managers to develop expanded Simulated Emergency Test rules that will better accommodate the needs of Section emergency groups throughout the country.
The Committee thanks staff and particularly, N7NG and NN1N for their dedication, participation and assistance in the work of the Program & Services Committee throughout 2006.
January 1, 2007
Respectfully submitted,
Director Jay Bellows, KØQB, Chair
Director Dennis Bodson W4PWF
Director Dick Norton, N6AA
Director Jim Fenstermaker, K9JF, also as DXAC Liaison
Director Henry Leggette, WD4Q
Ad Hoc Member Director Bruce Frahm, KØBJ as CAC Liaison
Ad Hoc Member Vice Director Ned Stearns, AA7A as VUAC Liaison
Wayne Mills, N7NG, Manager, Membership Services Department
Dave Patton, NN1N, Manager, Field and Educational Services
Programs and Services Committee Page PAGE 2 2007 Annual Meeting Document #18
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