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May 2006
- 23 participants
- 102 discussions

02 May '06
FYI, here is the VEC Newsletter that Maria sent out last week. If you
would like to be on the VE mailing list let her know and she will add
your name.
Subject: [ve-list:234] ARRL VE update for Spring - April 2006
Dear VE:
As the number of VEs who have signed up to receive the VE Express
Newsletter has 'grown', I thought now would be a good time to 'Spring'
some information on you.
National Volunteer Week is April 23-29, 2006. This week is about
thanking one of America's most valuable assets - our volunteers. The
2006 National theme is "Inspire By Example" because it truly reflects
the power volunteers have to inspire the people they help, as well as,
to inspire others to serve.
I want to take the opportunity to personally thank our volunteers, for
their dedication and service to the amateur radio community. We
recognize and appreciate all that you, our Volunteer Examiners, do to
help our community grow. We thank you for your support!
If you are planning to attend the Dayton Hamvention this year, I will be
operating the ARRL VEC booth. Stop by and say hello!
Maria A. Somma, AB1FM
In This Issue:
ARRL VEC Announces Vanity Call Sign License Renewal Program
Article of interest in March QST on IRAQ VE Team
Priority Mail Envelope with Our Return Label Being Refused at the Post
ARRL VEC National Exam Day Weekends
New Question Pool Schedule
New Technician Class Element 2 Exams
ExamWin Software Updates
Overlay Grading Templates
Session Tidbits
ARRL VEC Announces Vanity Call Sign License Renewal Program
The ARRL VEC just recently announced that we can now process vanity
license renewals.
Software changes have been implemented so that the VEC can begin
renewing Amateur Radio station licenses that have been assigned vanity
call signs. We will process vanity license RENEWALS electronically to
the FCC for a modest fee (see "ARRL Processing Fee Schedule" below).
Requests for new vanity call sign are still handled directly with FCC by
the individual.
ARRL VEC implemented this service now, because the first of those
licenses are due to expire as soon as June. The service is available to
ARRL members and nonmembers, although League members will pay less.
Routine, non-vanity renewals continue to be free for ARRL members. In
addition, trustees of club stations with vanity call signs may renew
either via the Universal Licensing System (ULS)
( <> , Online
Filing) or through a Club Station Call Sign Administrator, such as ARRL
As the FCC has already noted, licensees who want to keep their vanity
call signs must pay the regulatory fee, currently $21.90 for the 10-year
license term, when renewing their licenses. Licensees who don't want to
pay the mandatory regulatory fee to retain a vanity call sign may
request a sequentially issued call sign at the time of renewal. There
is no fee to renew an amateur service station license when the licensee
requests that the call sign be changed to a sequentially assigned call
Renewal applications must be filed no earlier than 90 days before the
license expiration date. All radio amateurs must have an FCC Federal
Registration Number (FRN) before filing any application with the
Commission. Applicants can obtain an FRN by going to the ULS web page
and clicking on the "New Users Register" link. You must supply your
Social Security Number to obtain an FRN.
Those holding vanity call signs issued prior to 1996 are exempt from the
vanity call sign regulatory fee. That's because Congress did not
authorize the FCC to collect regulatory fees until 1993. Such heritage
vanity call sign holders do not appear as vanity licensees in the ULS <> Amateur Radio
To renew licenses using ULS, licensees should log into ULS License
Manager ( <> ,
Online Filing) using their FCC Registration Number (FRN) and CORES
password. Licensees that wish to keep their vanity call signs should
select "Renew" under the "Work on this License" option. Fees for
electronically filed applications may be paid online or may be mailed.
For mailing instructions visit the Fees website at
<> . Interactive filers that
choose not to renew their vanity call sign must select the "Systematic
Call Sign Change" option from the "Work on this License" list. In order
to obtain a new call sign, licensees should answer "NO" to the question
"Your license is eligible for renewal. Renew call sign (vanity call
sign)?" This will result in a new license, with a sequentially assigned
call sign, being issued.
For additional information or assistance from the FCC on how to renew a
Vanity Call Sign, visit the Web at
<> or call the ULS Customer Support Hotline at
877-480-3201 (TTY 717-338-2824). Hours are from 8 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Eastern Time, Monday through Friday (except Federal holidays). To
provide quality service and ensure security, all telephone calls are
ARRL's new license renewal/modification Web pages contain complete
information on license-filing procedures, including step-by-step
instructions on how to renew or update a license using the FCC's ULS
League members should visit the "ARRL Member Instructions for License
Renewals or Changes"
<> page, while
the "Instructions for License Renewals or Changes" page
<> covers general
renewal procedures for nonmembers. There's additional information on
the ARRL VEC's "FCC License Renewals and ARRL License Expiration
Notices" page
<> .
It is important to note, these ARRL Processing Fees cannot be waived or
reduced, and VE Teams may NOT keep a portion of these non-session
related processing fees. For these renewals and changes sent along with
the session - the $6 VE reimbursement fee may not be retained.
ARRL Processing Fee Schedule
For ARRL Members:
Non-Vanity License Renewal or Change -- No charge
Vanity License Change (address, name) -- No charge
Vanity License Renewal - $26.90 (includes the current $21.90 FCC
regulatory fee
and a $5 ARRL VEC
processing fee)
For Nonmembers:
Non-Vanity License Renewal or Change -- $14 ARRL VEC processing fee
Vanity License Change (address, name) -- $14 ARRL VEC processing fee
Vanity License Renewal -- $35.90 (includes the current $21.90 FCC
regulatory fee
and a $14 ARRL
VEC processing fee)
For Club Stations:
Non-Vanity License Renewal or Change -- No charge
Vanity License Change (address, name) -- No charge
Vanity License Renewal - current $21.90 FCC regulatory fee
ARRL cannot process requests for NEW vanity call sign. They must be
done directly with FCC.
Article of interest in March QST on IRAQ VE Team
The article is titled "VE Testing in Iraq - How to set up a test session
in a Combat Zone" and is written by Bruce McPherson, AB3AC/YI9AC. You
can find it on page 46 of QST magazine.
While he was in Iraq, Lt Col McPherson worked with the ARRL VEC staff to
assemble an exam team and then the real work began: identifying
candidates and getting them safely to the test session!
After months of planning, the VEC had a major success with the assembly
of a VE Team in Iraq. Two sessions, held in May 2005, were conducted at
the Baghdad embassy. Candidates arrived heavily armed, and many came in
by helicopter. These historic sessions, believed to be the first exam
sessions given in a combat zone, produced 5 new technicians. The
article is well written and worth reading.
We continue to encourage the setting up of a VE team in Iraq, as there
are still requests from potential candidates. The problem is geographic
and cultural - how to find and assemble a minimum of 3 amateurs who are
VE's, in an area about the size of Idaho, while in a combat zone.
If you have e-mail contact with a VE, or are a VE yourself - serving in
Iraq - please let us know.
You too could be a part of history !
Priority Mail Envelope with Our Return Label Being Refused at the Post
Please know that your use of our BRM (Business Reply Mail) First-Class
Mail Label with the Priority Mail envelope is very much valid when
returning your session materials back to the ARRL VEC. The problem lies
with the postal clerk's lack of knowledge regarding First-Class Mail and
Priority Mail. Priority Mail is First-Class Mail according to the USPS
postal regulations.
If you encounter a problem, ask politely to see the Postmaster; and
refer them to the BRM notice below. This comes from their own website!
If you have had a problem in the past, please go back to the Post Office
where you did your mailing and refer them to the BRM notice below.
If you have any further problems, contact the VEC, and please supply us
with the name of the person(s) with which you talked, and their
telephone number.
There is a chapter and verse permitting use of the BRM for Priority Mail
in the "Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service Domestic
Mail Manual". You can also check the "Quick service guides" Section
507a on the USPS web site
<> . A Printer-Friendly PDF
version is available at
<> .
Pay particular attention to the underlined text.
Quick Service Guide 507a
Additional Services
Business Reply Mail (BRM)
January 2006
For an annual permit fee, a Business Reply Mail (BRM) permit is
available for distributing business reply cards, envelopes,
self-mailers, cartons, and labels. BRM allows the permit holder to
receive First-Class Mail and Priority Mail back from customers by paying
postage only on the mail returned. The BRM permit holder guarantees
payment of First-Class Mail postage plus a per piece charge for pieces
returned by the USPS (see payment options below). When designing a BRM
mail piece or label, mailers must consult with their local post office.
The piece must conform to a specific format to qualify as BRM, including
a unique ZIP+4 code assigned by the USPS. Proofs for regular BRM should
be approved by the USPS before printing. Proofs for Qualified Business
Reply Mail (QBRM) must be approved by the USPS.
2006 ARRL VEC National Exam Day Weekends
ARRL sponsored national exam day weekends are held annually on the last
full weekends of April and September. Spring national exam day weekend
is April 29 -30, 2006. Fall national exam day weekend is September
23-24, 2006. We thank you for your support of these events.
New Question Pool Schedule
Technician class (Element 2) Pool released January 23, 2006 and updated
February 6, 2006,
will take effective July 1, 2006.
The current Technician Pool is valid until midnight June 30,
General class (Element 3) will be released December 1, 2006 and will
become effective July 1, 2007.
The current General Pool will now be valid until June 30,
Extra class (Element 4) will be released December 1, 2007 and will
become effective July 1, 2008.
The current Extra Pool will now be valid until June 30,
Be sure to use only the February 6, 2006 version of the Technician pool
when preparing classroom materials or new examinations for the July 1st
release date. The newer version of the pool includes an errata sheet
that provides a quick reference to all changes in the new version. New
Exams are due to be mailed to Stocked VE Team Leaders about the 3rd week
in June. For additional information see "New Technician Class Element 2
Exams" below.
The current Question Pools can be viewed or printed from the ARRL Web at
<> .
New Technician Class Element 2 Exams
The new Technician class question pool will take effect for all Element
2 Technician class license written exams on July 1, 2006. With the
Technician class exams changing July 1st, new test designs must be used
effective that day. ARRL VEC will be supplying all its (near 1,000)
Field Stocked VE teams with new test booklets about the 3rd week in
June. Current ARRL VEC supplied Technician class test booklets versions
(2-1-2003, 2-2-2003, 2-5-2003 and 2-6-2004) are valid until midnight
June 30, 2006. At that time you may destroy the old versions of the
Technician exams.
ExamWin Software Updates
The ARRL VEC ExamWin Software will get updated too. If you use our
ExamWin Software package, an ExamWin software update will be available
on the web site about mid-June 2006.
If your team is using ExamWin software, please be sure that you have the
latest update. The current version, ExamWin - (vers. 1.25), was
released July 2004. It can be downloaded from the VEC web site at
<> . If you will need any NCVEC
Form 605s, CSCEs, other exam summary forms or code supplies to go with
your current ExamWin (vers. 1.25), please contact us directly.
Do not toss out Overlay Grading Templates, ever!
The blue plastic overlay grading templates used to grade the exams at
test sessions, should never be thrown away or destroyed when new exam
versions are introduced. We specifically designed the plastic templates
so that they will always be useful, no matter what exams are created.
They will never become obsolete.
The "Key for Templates" is what will be replaced (paper instructions -
explains how to line up the template and explains which template
corresponds which exam version for proper grading). The KEY will simply
be changed or updated to let you know how to match up the templates with
any new exams that are issued.
Simply put, the overlay grading templates will never go out of style !
* Exam Session Registration and Supplies
Team liaisons should contact the ARRL VEC directly so that we have the
most up to date information posted in our computer and on the ARRL VEC
Exam Session Search page .
Under normal situations, the team should try to register 3 to 4 weeks in
advance of the session. This way we can make certain the materials
requested reach the team in a timely and cost effective manner.
Field Stocked teams should be especially vigilant about keeping us
informed of who has possession of the exam supplies. Notify us
immediately when the teams Field Stock changes hands to ensure that any
exam updates will be mailed to and received by the proper person.
Periodically check your supplies to make sure they are current and that
the quantities are sufficient. We thank you for your ongoing exam
session support !
* Test Results
Be sure to show on your Candidate Rosters the results of all exams
passed and failed, and show where credit was accepted. For failed tests,
you must return those along with any passed test documents back to the
ARRL VEC in your completed test session package. Each Candidate Roster
entry will have an accompanying $14 fee payment.
* Fees
ARRL VEC Test Fee for 2006 is $14.00. For necessary and prudent
expenses incurred at a session, a team can retain up to $6.00 per EXAM
fee collected for reimbursement.
For Renewals and Changes sent in with the session to be processed by
ARRL VEC - the $6 may not be held back for these NON-EXAM related
VE Express Newsletter is published by the
American Radio Relay League, Inc.
The National Association For Amateur Radio
225 Main St
Newington CT 06111 USA
Email: vec(a)
ARRL VEC telephone: 860-594-0300
ARRL VEC Fax: 860-594-0339
ARRL telephone: 860-594-0200
Joel Harrison, W5ZN - President
David Sumner, K1ZZ - Chief Executive Officer
Harold Kramer, WJ1B - Chief Operating Officer
Maria Somma, AB1FM - VEC Manager / Editor
I have just returned from a series of trips on behalf of ARRL I want report
on. As always, I'll be happy to address any questions or comment you may
have pertaining to this recent activity.
1. International DX Convention - April 21-23:
On Friday, April 20, I traveled to Visalia, California to attend the
International DX Convention. Visalia is located approximately half way
between Los Angeles and the San Francisco bay area (app. 180 miles each way)
and provides an excellent mid-point location for the convention jointly
sponsored by the Southern California DX Club and the Northern California DX
Club, with conference organization rotated each year between the two groups.
The event is held and the Holiday Inn - Visalia which has been an adequate
facility to host a convention of this size. This was my second opportunity
to attend.
Approximately 800 radio amateurs were present at this year's event. Given
the fact that just about every DX'er is a DXCC participant, an extremely
high percentage of the attendee's were League members. In addition, a number
of these are contribute in various ways to our Development program. Among
the group this year were, as usual, a number of prominent hams from the DX
community not only from the west coast, but across the U.S. and around the
world. I had the opportunity to meet Andy, EU7SA, who I have worked many
times, and was even presented with a QSL from our recent 30 meter QSO. Andy
was attending with his wife Larisa, EU7BBL, who both were enjoying their
first trip to the U.S.
Attendee's affiliated in an official way with ARRL included Directors Dick
Norton, N6AA and Bob Vallio, W6RGG, Vice Directors Ned Stearns, AA7A, and
Bill Sawders, K7ZM, Honorary Vice President Fried Heyn, WA6WZO and Sandi
Heyn, WA6WZN, Chief Development Officer Mary Hobart, K1MMH, Membership
Services Manager Wayne Mills, N7NG, and Sales & Marketing Manager Dennis
Motschenbacher, K7BV (please note that many of these were attending at their
own expense).
ARRL is provided and maintains a booth in the new vendor display area that
was ably staffed off and on by a number of the individuals mentioned above
in addition to former Southwest Division Vice Director Tuck Miller.
This convention is a "non-flea market" type event with the time filled with
forums relating to various operating and technical topics. The key-note
presentation at the banquet Saturday evening was by Bob Allphin, K4UEE on
"The 3Y0X Experience". If you've seen a presentation and video from one
Antarctic DXpedition, you've basically seen them all, however Bob's
presentation contained some excellent photography from the trip. I would
note, although no specific band was identified, that during a video clip
from the operation that showed one of the operators working U.S. stations
that K1KI was clearly heard and worked on SSB (Tom, $20 will buy a statement
from me that you were LOUDER than K5UR, $40 will get me to say you walked on
him!). There were also comments at the banquet by Rebekah Dorff, WG4Y, a 13
year old DX'er from Alabama.
During the event I talked individually with a large number of members. There
were no complaints or concerns expressed about any pending League action,
however I do know that Mary and Dick Norton received a few comments
pertaining to the pending regulation by bandwidth topic. Wayne Mills
addressed a number of DX related items during the DX Forum. Dick Norton and
Ned Stearns sat on the contest forum panel. During the Saturday morning DX
breakfast, the San Diego DX Club presented "DX Fear Factor" and Director
Norton was one of the judges for part of the contest that required the
participant to send a message in Morse with a J38 key, but without the use
of their hands and arms!
This is a well organized, efficiently executed convention with a League
friendly crowd this year.
2. NAB Convention April 24-27:
The National Association of Broadcasters convenes a conference annually in
Las Vegas. It is the world's largest electronic media event with an
attendance of approximately 130,000. In addition, since there is obviously
similar interest, the Radio & Television News Directors Association (RTNDA)
holds a joint convention. A large number of radio amateurs are employed in
the broadcast industry. Thanks to efforts many years ago by Honorary Vice
President Fried Heyn and John Marino, KR1O (who works for NAB in Washington)
amateur radio and ARRL has an official presence with a League booth provided
by NAB and an Amateur Radio Reception sponsored by our good friends Bob and
Sarah Heil of Heil Sound, Ltd. This year's even was held April 24-27.
Attending on behalf of ARRL other than myself were Pacific Division Director
Bob Vallio, W6RGG, Vice Director Andy Oppel, N6AJO and Allen Pitts, W1AGP.
Also in attendance were Honorary Vice President Fried Heyn, WA6WZO and Sandi
Heyn, WA6WZN. The ARRL booth is fully staffed by local League volunteers
under the leadership of Stan Perkins, W7SLP. Complementary booth space as
well as registration is provided to ARRL thanks to NAB and John Marino,
The Las Vegas Convention Center, a 3 million square foot convention
facility, is completely filled with everything you could imagine in the way
of professional broadcast products ranging all the way from news helicopters
to remote-location vehicles to towers, transmitters and antennas. There is
also a continuous flow of meetings that occur simultaneously throughout each
On Monday morning, Bob and I attended the "Washington Policy & Politics
Breakfast" featuring Stu Rothenberg, a Washington political insider and CNN
political analyst. His approximately 45 minute presentation detailed his
view (he referred to himself as a weather man, reporting the conditions and
probable outcome) of what the mid-term elections would bring this fall and
what the climate would be like in Washington for the remainder of the
current administration. Stu's remarks were not slanted toward either
political party, however boiled down in a nutshell his conclusion was if you
think there is gridlock in Washington now, just wait!!
Monday afternoon Bob and I attended an "FCC Roundtable". This was a unique
meeting. It was held in a room approximately 40'x40' with four large round
tables. At each table were a couple of FCC staff persons available to listen
to and address questions or concerns from whoever wanted to speak. Attendees
were invited to sit at or stand around a table, then encouraged to move
around to the different tables. The discussion at the first table Bob and I
were at quickly drew pretty boring with some guy complaining about being
fined $32,000 at his TV station in North Dakota for airing "obscene"
material that appeared during a CBS episode of "Without a Trace". I was just
surprised they had TV in North Dakota (sorry Jay!). I did not recognize or
know any of the FCC staff at this table, so I decided to mill around the
room. I was quite surprised to see seated at the third table I came to was
Aaron Goldberger, the senior legal aide to FCC Commissioner Tate. Dave,
Chris and I had just met with him in Washington on March 30, although he was
called away from our meeting early. At a break in the discussion at this
table, I stepped up to him and asked if Dana Shaffer, Commissioner Tate's
staffer that attended our entire meeting in D.C., was at the convention.
Goldberger advised she was not, however he acknowledged he did remember ARRL
and the meeting (at least that is what he told me.......) I asked him to
pass our regards to the Commissioner. I then moved to listen to the
discussion at the fourth table. During that time, Goldberger got up to grab
a bottle of water and walked over to me and asked when we would be at FCC
for another meeting, and to touch base with them. (Again, you can conclude
for yourself if it was earnest, I have concluded nothing yet however I
viewed it with interest that he would walk to me and make that statement and
then return). Nothing of particular importance to amateur radio from this
session, other than the opportunity that arose to identify ARRL and amateur
radio once again to Goldberger.
Tuesday morning I attended the "FCC Chairman's Breakfast". This was nothing
more than a "chat" between FCC Chairman Martin and some NAB muck that
reminded me of Rush Limbaugh (No, that is not a compliment). Frankly, it was
the most boring lack of substance I've seen in quite sometime. Even the
broadcast people attending said it was the most unproductive discussion they
had seen in quite some time, comparing it to a fireside chat between Ozzie
and Harriet. To quote a famous line from the movie "Catch Me If You Can", I
Tuesday afternoon Bob and I attended a meeting entitled "FCC Face-off" that
was a moderated forum with FCC Commissioners Kopp, Adelstein and Tate.
Nothing of significance from this meeting other than an opening statement
from Kopp that some of the agenda and decisions of the previous FCC Chairman
were ill-advised! That drew laughter and some applause from the crowd, so
obviously we aren't the only ones that thought the former Chairman was,
well....what Kopp said. Kopp continues to be the only Commissioner (at the
moment) that seems to make any sense to me. During the FCC Open Meeting a
couple of years ago when the BPL rules were announced, each commissioner
made a statement about interference to other services, however Kopp was the
only one that appeared (at least to me) by his statement to have a real
concern about it.
Wednesday evening was the Amateur Radio Reception sponsored by Heil Sound,
Ltd. It was held in a very large room at the Convention Center and attended
by approximately 1,000 radio amateurs. Drinks and snacks were served and a
large number of donated amateur radio related prizes were given away,
including a 3CX800, 3CX1500D7 (new type 8877), and a couple of top-end Heil
microphones autographed by Joe Walsh. By the way, Bob Heil will be inducted
into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame this year, the first "industry" person to
receive such an honor. I am now the proud owner of a T-shirt that on the
front says "I Rocked the Hall with Heil" and on the back has a list of the
tours Bob worked in the early 70's, including ZZ Top, Ike & Tina Turner, the
WHO, Eagles, Seals & Croft and B.T.O (although I liked Randy Bachman better
when he was with the Guess Who). A snapshot from the greatest decade of
music in history, 1965-1975. Ok, I'm sure some of you disagree, but I'm the
President and I get to write this report! (hi).
Back to a serious note, Allen Pitts had 50 DVD level copies of the Hello
video PSA that were all given to media and he has more requests to fill. He
gave out 25 of the audio CD's and 5 are already reported to be playing
regularly on Clearchannel stations in Florida. More importantly, all 60
press books that he had containing the higher quality DV video files for
broadcasting use plus the press releases and background data were
requested - most after talking with a media related person. While not the
focus of the campaign, people in 12 countries are now using our materials
plus there has been a request from the United Nations. Interestingly, the
NAB's own Campaigns staff were interested and wanted to talk more with Allen
in the next 2 weeks. Of the 4500 brochures taken to the NAB, only about 300
were left at the end of Wednesday. Excellent work on Allen's part.
All in all, it is worth the expense for ARRL to be present at this
convention. It puts us not only in front of and in contact with a large
number of radio amateurs, but in direct contact with an additional resource
of people to get our message about amateur radio out to the general public.
3. Southeast VHF Society Conference - April 28-30
I was invited to speak at the opening luncheon of the Southeast VHF Society
Conference. I have had the honor to be the keynote speaker at this event on
two previous occasions in the past 8 years. The event this year was held in
Greenville, South Carolina. The topic I was asked to speak on was BPL, and
it was good timing for me to share the news about the Ross amendment being
included in the committee telecom bill. Also in attendance this year were
Vice Director Les Shattuck, K4NK, and South Carolina SM Jim Boehner, N2ZZ.
The conference was attended by approximately 125 radio amateurs. This event
includes a Friday morning antenna range setup for individuals to bring an
antenna for test and there is also test equipment setup for the purpose of
testing noise figure and gain of preamps, transverters, etc. The luncheon on
Friday officially kicks off the event, followed by technical presentations
Friday afternoon through Saturday on a wide variety of topics from equipment
design, operating, and propagation. The event concludes on Saturday evening
with a banquet. This year the keynote speaker was my good personal friend
(and the League's!) Dr. Joe Taylor, K1JT.
I addressed a number of general questions and comments while at the event. I
did not encounter any hostile comments or questions about the League. A good
group to be with. Also in attendance was another good friend of mine, Jimmy
Long, W4ZRZ, of Long's Electronics in Birmingham, a very large consumer
electronics wholesaler and at one time years ago an amateur radio dealer.
Jimmy is a major supporter of and contributor to ARRL and was one of the
individuals/companies that contributed equipment to ARRL for the
communications relief effort during last fall's hurricanes.
4. A&F Committee Meeting - April 29
On Friday evening I arrived in Hartford for the A&F Committee meeting. A
very good, productive meeting chaired by Tom Frenaye. You will receive the
minutes of the meeting in due time.
It was good to arrive back home Sunday evening, kick back, turn on the radio
and even work a new one on 30 meters (Afghanistan). The previous ten days
were not only fast, furious, and busy, but somewhat stressful in that
Thursday morning just as I woke up and turned on my phone, I received a call
that my church Pastor, an energetic, enthusiastic 40 year old man, had died
suddenly of a massive heart attack very early that morning. A terrible
loss.......but we continue on.
Thank you for the opportunity to represent you on this recent trip.
73 Joel W5ZN