Vol. 28, No. 35
August 31, 2005
Upcoming Meetings and Events
ARRL Section Manager Training. ARRL Headquarters.
23-25 September, 2005.
United States Telecommunications Training Institute-Amateur Radio Administration for Regulators Module. ARRL Headquarters.
26-30 September, 2005.
Dave Patton and Lisa worked to keep the elections process moving forward as best they could. Dave attended a management group meeting organized by Harold Kramer and Mary Hobart that worked toward developing plans for addressing upcoming FCC actions as well as work that might be done to support improvements in entry-level licensing.
On Friday, 26 August, John Hennessee moved to the office formerly occupied by Stu Cohen. This office opens into the CEO group and that is how you can find him now. John thanks Dave Patton, Lisa Kustosik, Penny Harts and Greg Kwasowski for making the move go smoothly. His telephone extension of 236 remains the same. The telephone "help line" has been steadily busy for John as regulatory questions continue unabated. John assisted amateurs with local government zoning problems in Klamath County, OR (N7XM) and Yardley, PA (K3PIN) and with covenant problems in Nixa, MO ((KA0NHX) and Corral, NM (K4MEL).
The summer Spectrum Defense campaign is slowing down, despite a series of solicitations. Receipts to date total $148,600 from 3232 donors. With the traditional campaign period fast approaching, expectations for reaching the goal appear slim. There was a third letter mailed to prior donors who had not responded to the appeal. That letter contained a request for input as to the most important Spectrum Defense issues. BPL remains a strong concern among those polled.
Copies of the new DVD, ARRL goes to Washington, have been mailed to approximately 250 major donors, some of whom have not contributed recently to our Spectrum Defense Fund.
Upon the close of the ARRL Education & Technology Program's Teachers Institute, a report prepared by Program Coordinator Mark Spencer, WA8SME, was mailed to key donors to our education program. The update included an article on the Teachers Institute that appeared in the Hartford Courant. The accompanying letter thanked the donors for their support of the program and outlined the tentative plan for six Teachers Institute gatherings in 2006. It is hoped that this acknowledgement of support, update on the program and information on future plans will both thank and cultivate donors for 2006.
Mary Hobart, K1MMH traveled to the Southeastern Division Convention in Huntsville in mid-August after a two day trip to MFJ in Starkville Mississippi. Both visit were wonderful and the hospitality of Martin Jue and his team at MFJ plus the gracious welcome from The Huntsville Convention team made Mary's inaugural visit memorable...not counting heat indices of well over 100 for the weekend!
With the CNCS emergency communication training grant coming to an end Development will be preparing the final report for the Corporation for National and Community Service.
Rick Lindquist reports The ARRL Letter, Vol. 24, No. 33, distributed to 65,830 members on August 26--up slightly from a week earlier. Rick prepared/edited stories on Hurricane Katrina (including one Sunday PM), the ARRL-Motorola BPL experiment, the Emergency Power Operating Event (Sep 17), the new vanity call sign fee, ARISS QSO at AZ school, Wisconsin ARES/RACES response to tornadoes, and SM election results plus several news briefs and announcements. Rick voiced, edited and produced ARRL Audio News for August 26.
Sales & Marketing
October QST went to press on Friday, with the page target for this issue exceeded by 8.775 pages and dollars target surpassed by $11,000.00.
Preliminary discussions with a couple of advertisers indicates that November QST will have one or two 2-page spreads, a welcome sign that our clients are solidly back from summer doldrums and eager to stir up winter sales.
Work on the Holiday tear-out flyer will begin this week for December QST.
We've started planning important steps that will lead to fulfilling the 2006 Handbook pre-orders when the book arrives in October. To date, we have accumulated 2,000 backorders. The Seibel system does not support releasing mass quantities of back orders. As a result, in 2004, it took many weeks to manually release the 2005 Handbook backorders. John Proctor has written a keyboard macro to help speedup the manual process of releasing backorders. This macro should function without requiring much staff attention. The macro will release 20-25 orders at a time, repeating until all of the backorders have been released.
Jean has started to service requests for information from prospective hams (toll-free hotline, email, and mail). She has noticed that the inquiries cover a wide array of topics. This week, the questions covered topics such as changing a name on a license, grants, valuing equipment for a silent key's family, question pools, and others.
Prospective Ham Packages mailed this week: 10
Online Courses
ON-LINE COURSES Registrations During this week Graduations
Antenna Modeling (EC-004) 1 0
HF Digital (EC-005) 1 0
RFI (EC-006) 2 0
VHF/UHF (EC-008) 1 0
Antenna Design and Construction (EC-009) 0 0
Technician Licensing (EC-010) 3 0
Propagation (EC-011) 0 1
Analog Electronics (EC-012) 0 0
Digital Electronics (EC-013) 0 0
Emergency Comm. Level 1 (EC-001) Not open 0 by US mail 45
Emergency Comm. Level 2 (EC-002) Not open 0 by US mail 39
Emergency Comm. Level 3 (EC-003) Not open 0 by US mail 12
Membership Services
Awards Branch
WAS QSL Cards Checked 50
WAS Certs. (150 QSLs ES/C) 3
Extra Class Certs. 4
Replacement Awards 1
A-1 Op. Certs. 3
VUCC Initial Apps. 4
Grids 516
Awards Mailed 39
HF/VHF Awards Mgr. Appt.: Lloyd Vancil, AA6NX, Milpitas, CA.
Processing Status: Current or up to three weeks.
For the coming week-WAC QSL card checking, VUCC and WAS 90th awards, mail out the processed awards, and work on budget matters.
Contest Branch
Data entry for paper IARU logs continued. Formatting and printing of 2005 DX Contest certificates was done. We are updating the address database for DX certificates which delay getting the certificates finished until probably the first week of September. Several Field Day submission questions were handled. We continued to work on the IARU log submission concern. We also worked with on preliminary 2006 Budget planning.
DXCC Branch
For the week of:
August 28, 2005
Beginning Credits 79,683
Credits Received 5,719
Credits Processed 16,321
Ending Credits 69,081
Applications Pending 662
Processing Time (Conventional) 8.1 Weeks
Year-to-date (2005)
Credits Received 411,019
Credits Returned 408,634
DXCC is currently entering and mailing applications received on June 25, 2005.
Carl (K9LA) & Vicky (AE9YL) Luetzelschwab represented the ARRL at the Tokyo Hamfair 2005. Work checked:
DXCC: 247 Applications / 17,971 QSOs, 4 WAS Applications, 1 VUCC Application
Logbook of the World
QSO records entered into the system 77,866,505
QSL records have resulted 3,691,109
Logs Processed 140,473
Active Certificates 15,562
Users registered in the system 10,329
Hybrids Pending Mail 106
QSL Bureau
There is a 2 day processing time delay. This week, 126 pounds of cards were received from members. No cards were mailed this week.
Field & Educational Services
Rosalie handled ARRL email queries after getting her office partially set up. She corresponded with Curt Bartholomew at DHS about ideas on emcomm training. She took part in two ARISS teleconference meetings.
Dan Miller returned from his last trip that included work at the Southeast Division Convention, Huntsville, AL, and the APCO Conference, Denver, CO. Dan's last day in the office was Friday, 26 August. A farewell to Dan is planned for 30 August.
Field Organization/Public Service Team
Ballot counting for Section Manager elections took place on August 23. Phineas Icenbice, W6BF, was re-elected in Los Angeles and Dwayne Allen, WY7FD, was elected in Wyoming. Terms of office begin October 1. Leona Adams headed-up the ballot-counting team with assistance from Gail Iannone, Steve Ewald and Norm Fusaro. HQ received an SM-nominating petition from incumbent Tennessee SM Larry Marshall, WB4NCW, for a term beginning in January, 2006. Nearly 25 initial supply packages were also sent out to new Field Organization appointees.
Chuck Skolaut returned from successful ARRL conventions in Missouri and Kansas at which Wade Walstrom, WØEJ, Midwest Director, presented Rebecca Rich, KBØVVT, of Raytown, Missouri with the 2004 Hiram Percy Maxim Award. Eight radio amateurs joined or renewed their League memberships during the conventions. The FCC is following up on documentation provided by several of our monitoring stations concerning a spurious emission from a shortwave broadcast in Tennessee. Chuck received interference reports from California concerning 144 and 220 MHz repeaters there, and he learned that over-the-horizon (OTH) radar signals have been heard on 20 and 15 meters.
Steve Ewald and Chuck have been monitoring the progress of Hurricane Katrina, and also have been keeping in touch with Field Organization leaders and ARES members in Florida, and the Hurricane Watch Net who have all been responding to and preparing for this storm. Steve represented ARRL on the monthly Citizen Corps Affiliates' teleconference and planned to do the same for the special NVOAD teleconference set up for Storm Katrina.
The following SMs are planning to attend the Section Manager's Workshop at HQ on September 23-25: David Norris, KU5Z (AR); Tom Fagan, WB7NXH (AZ); Mike Neilsen, W1MPN (EMA); Doug Rich, W7DVR (ID); Sterling Eanes, AK1K (NH); Tom Blackwell, N5GAR (NTX); Randy Stimson, KZ7T (OR); Bill Hillendahl, KH6GJV (SF); Dee Turner, N4GD (WCF); Bill Lawless, W5WRL (WTX); Dwayne Allen, WY7FD (WY).
Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ
Assistant to the
Chief Executive Officer
Staff Absentee List
All Staff 9/5 Holiday
Steve Capodicasa 9/5-9/12 Vacation
Joe Bottiglieri 8/26-9/6 Vacation
Steve Coffey 8/22-9/2 Vacation
Perry Williams 8/17-9/6 Vacation
Steve Ewald 9/2 Vacation
Dave Patton 9/16-9/18 W9DXCC Convention, Elk Grove, IL
10/20-10/24 Vera Cruz, Mexico (FMRE Convention)
11/21-11/28 Cartagena, Colombia (CQWW CW)
Ed Hare 8/25-9/2 Vacation
`` 9/8-9/9 Club talk in Rochester, NY
Steve Ford 8/30-9/5 Vacation
Dave Sumner 8/22-9/8 Vacation
`` 9/9-9/19 IARU R1 and AC meetings, Davos and Zurich
9/30 Vacation
10/3-10/9 IARU R3 Directors meeting and SEANET meeting, Bangalore
Mary Hobart 9/8-9/11 SW Division - Riverside
`` 9/15-9/16 Vacation
`` 9/22-9/23 Vacation
Rick Lindquist 9/19-9/20 Vacation
Scott Gee 9/29-9/30 Vacation
Sandy Lund 9/6 Vacation
Bill Moore 9/16 Virginia Beach, VA convention
Judy Miller 9/16 Vacation