Vol. 27, No.19
May 12, 2004
Upcoming Meetings
July 15th in Newington, CT at 8:30am
Programs & Services Committee
July 15th in Newington, CT at 8:30am
A & F Committee
July 16-17, 2004 in Windsor, CT
Board Meeting
Media Relations
A national press release to promote ARRL's 90th Anniversary was
distributed via PR Newswire. So far, Jennifer did an interview with CNN
Radio Network out of Atlanta, which will air on May 18, or the day
before. Also, the anniversary press release was printed in full on the
Web pages of KCBD-TV in Lubbock, Texas and WTVW-TV in Evansville,
On the BPL PR front, Jim Haynie did two interviews, one with the Voice
of America and one for KJEL-FM / KBNN-AM in Springfield, Missouri.
Jennifer wrote a letter to the editor of Time magazine in response to a
pro-BPL article. Several ARRL members wrote as well. We didn't see any
ham-radio related letters appear in print, however.
Jen worked with a member in Washington State who wanted to present ham
radio's side of the BPL story to his local utility company. Because the
utility is a co-op, residents do have a say in the services it offers in
the community. Jen talked BPL with a reporter at KOKI-TV in Tulsa,
after someone called the station and suggested they do a story on BPL
vs. ham radio. Because BPL currently isn't an issue in Tulsa, the
reporter passed on the story - a good example of why blanketing the
country with press releases isn't a good publicity strategy. She does
want to be contacted should BPL come to Tulsa however, so this had a
positive outcome.
A freelancer with the Spokesman Review in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, had some
questions about ARRL and Field Day for an upcoming story.
Jennifer did an interview with a reporter with The Atlanta Journal
Constitution, and the story ran on May 10. The piece focused on local
hams who operate while they're on the road, and he called HQ for some
general information on ham radio today.
Members of the Public Relations Committee held their monthly conference
call. The plans are set for the Dayton PR forum, and agenda items for
the upcoming meeting in Dayton were discussed.
The April issue of Contact! was posted to the PR pages. The May issue
will be completed after Hamvention, and will include a recap of the PR
TravelPlus and a new printing of Introduction to RF Design were released
to the duplicator and printer, respectively.
Dave Hassler wrapped up work on an article for July QST before he left
for a newspaper job in Oregon. He plans to stop at Hamvention on his
way west. We wish him well in his new endeavor.
Bob Schetgen continues his recovery at home. He was able to meet
several of his colleagues for lunch last Friday, and they report that he
looks good.
Rick Lindquist reports that The ARRL Letter, Vol 23, No 19 (May 7, 04)
went out to 66,666 members. Rick prepared/edited stories on the ARRL's
comments to the FCC in the BPL proceeding, minor Amateur Service rule
changes going into effect Jun 1, compromise antenna bills pass Hawaii
State Legislature, Logbook of the World update, and several Web news
briefs. With voiceover assistance from Jennifer Hagy, Rick voiced,
edited and produced ARRL Audio News.
Joel Hallas submitted the July Product Review column for typesetting and
layout, and Stu Cohen submitted July technical articles.
Membership Services
Awards Branch
WAS Certs. (750 QSLs F/C) 15
WAS Certs. (250 QSLs ES/C) 5
WAS Ends. (150 QSLs F/C) 3
WAC Certs. (96 QSLs ES/C) 16
WAC End. (6 QSLs ES/C) 1
5BWAC Certs. (60 QSLs ES/C) 2
A-1 Op. Noms. 36
A-1 Op. Certs. 32
Replacement Awards 3
LTMA Inquiries 2
LTMA File Card Records 37
VUCC Backfill Apps. 2
Grids 100
VUCC Initial Apps. 8
Grids 309
VUCC End. Apps. 12
Grids 348
HF/VHF Awards Manager Appt.: Samuel Moore, K7SAM, Flaxville, MT.
Processing Status: Current or up to three weeks.
For the coming week-WAS QSL card checking, WAS in the 90th, and VUCC
awards processing/mailing, order 5BWAS plates, mail out all awards
processed this week, plus complete the LTMA filing chores.
DXCC Branch
For the week of:
May 9, 2004
Beginning Cards 49,340
Cards Received 8,839
Cards Processed 8,521
Ending Cards 49,658
Applications Pending 362
Processing Time 1.8 Weeks
Year-to-date (2004)
Cards Received 159,218
Cards Returned 239,580
DXCC is currently mailing applications received on April 26, 2004. DXCC
is currently entering cards received on April 28, 2004.
QSL Bureau
There is a delay of 6 days. This week 95 pounds of cards were received
from members. Approximately 150 pounds of cards are waiting to be
processed. Cards mailed as of 05/09/04: 445,725. Cards mailed on
05/07/04: 64,050.
Field & Educational Services
Rosalie networked with APCO reps who want to prepare information on
exemplary ARES/RACES work to use at state public safety conferences and
in public safety magazines. She assisted Pat McPherson with material
for a Salvation Army national meeting. She updated an ARISS
presentation for NASA, and prepared the agenda for the next ARISS
education committee telecon. Rosalie wrote a response about ham radio
volunteers to an editorial by a volunteer management Web group. The
ARISS team prepped astronaut Leroy Chaio to take his ham exam; he is
commander of the next ISS crew.
Linda Mullally updated records of 27 clubs, and did 4 club
reactivations. She registered 5 Instructors. She checked membership
rosters for 3 clubs. She handled 2 SSC renewals, 1 Label request and 4
Club Vanity email requests. Linda completed the F&ES Monthly Inventory
and Monthly Revenue reports (F&ES' total for April was $1129) as well as
the ARRL Video and Multimedia Library.
Gail Iannone sent 4 hamfest and 2 convention approval letters to the
sponsoring committees confirming the Division Director's approval of the
events as ARRL-sanctioned, processed 14 material orders for upcoming
events, processed 1 label request, and sent 3 sets of paperwork from
clubs seeking ARRL-affiliation to the Division Directors and SMs for
their approval. She also coordinated travel for the following HQ staff:
Dennis Motschenbacher, Georgia Section, June 5 in Marietta; Dan
Henderson, Alabama State, August 21-22 in Huntsville; Dan Miller,
Southwestern Division, August 27-29 in Phoenix, AZ; and Ed Hare, West
Virginia State, August 28-29 in Weston.
Jean opened registration on Monday for the EmComm Level 1 class and sent
out a mentor call for this, which produced almost 70 responses. Jean
has also been working on the current CCE databases to update and
eliminate duplication of records of students, mentors and Certified
Instructors and Certified Examiners. She processed the graduation of 46
students, and printed certificates and ID cards for them.
Amateur Radio Education & Technology Program
Mark Spencer reports that 2 teachers he met at recent teachers
conferences have already asked for more information about our Program.
He expects one will apply to be a Project School, and one will apply for
the activity board and TV remote decoder kit. Mark attended in-service
training on data conversion systems from Analog Devices. At a local
high school, he did a classroom lesson using our curriculum materials
and activity board on the 5 building blocks of wireless technology.
This was training and modeling for the teacher so he will be better able
to do the lesson in the future; he will be applying for a grant. Mark
surveys SMs to find out who has Assistant SMs for Education, Youth,
Scouts, etc.
EmComm Grants
Dan Miller reports that his Fresno seminar was attended by 23 people --
94% ARRL members, 53% Extra Class licensees, and 76% licensed 10 years
or longer. The average volunteer hours reportedly spent per month in
emcomm activities is 11.3. Dan will be on the road for much of May, and
is now preparing for Dayton: the ARES forum, Carole Perry's "Teacher's
Workshop," the Q&A side of ARRL's booth, and the EmComm Banquet, Friday
evening (67 people have registered for the banquet). Two days after
Dayton, Dan heads to Louisville to represent ARRL at the national
conference of the National Volunteer Organizations Active in Disaster.
Then he travels to Reno to put on his seminar at EMCOMM WEST.
Field Organization/Public Service Team
Chuck Skolaut received a report of unlicensed use of 2 meters in
Northern Florida by hang gliders, and forwarded information to area OOCs
for monitoring. Speaking of Northern Florida, Chuck received a copy of
a statement by Riley Hollingsworth that reaffirmed his backing and
appreciation for the work performed by the OOs and OOC in that section.
Chuck continues to prepare documentation for the FCC of interference
problems on a San Antonio repeater.
Leona Adams sent the monthly appointment reports to SMs. This week, she
received and handled 20 new Field Organization appointments and many
data updates for existing appointees. There is one week left to receive
Oregon Section ballots.
Steve Ewald reports during his visit to the ARRL Louisiana State
Convention, the BPL grassroots campaign was a main point of discussion.
More SMs are spreading the word to encourage hams to get involved in the
campaign. Steve assisted John Hennessee in sending the campaign package
to SGLs. Steve surveyed SMs to find out how many states/sections use
the Incident Command System (and to what degree) in emergencies. He
will help host a meeting of Connecticut DECs, ECs and SEC in preparation
for an upcoming drill expected to involve several served agencies in
metro Hartford.
Regulatory Information
John Hennessee assisted amateurs with a local government zoning problem
in Hopedale, IL (KB9ZXO) and with covenant concerns in San Ramon, CA
(AD6MV) and (Urbandale, IA (WA0MM). He continues to answer regulatory
questions on filing comments against BPL (the comment deadline was May
3) and on the Omnibus NPRM (the comment deadline is June 15). He also
reviewed two drafts of QST articles and assisted with the review of club
constitutions for possible ARRL affiliation.
Mark Wilson, K1RO
Chief Operating Officer
Staff Absentee List
All Staff 5/31 Holiday
Dave Sumner 5/12-5/16 Vacation
`` 5/26pm-6/2 Vacation
`` 6/18-6/21 NW Division
Convention, Seaside, OR
Mark Wilson 5/17-5/18 Vacation
Jennifer Hagy 5/13-5/16 Dayton Hamvention
`` 5/17 Vacation
`` 5/18 Training Seminar
`` 5/28-6/1 Vacation
Dennis Motschenbacher 5/13-5/17 Vacation
`` 6/4-6/5 Georgia Section
`` 6/19-6/20 HamCom - Dallas,
`` 7/23-7/25 Central States
VHF, Toronto, Canada
`` 8/27-8/29 SW Division
Convention, Phoenix, AZ
Kathy Capodicasa 5/13-5/16 Dayton Hamvention
5/24-5/28 Vacation
Danny Sayad 5/13-5/16 Dayton Hamvention
Dan Miller 5/13-5/16 Dayton Hamvention
`` 5/18-5/21 NVOAD,
`` 5/21-5/23 EMCOMM WEST,
Reno, NV
`` 5/24-5/28 Vacation
Wayne Mills 5/13-5/16 Dayton Hamvention
Robert Inderbitzen 5/13-5/16 Dayton Hamvention
`` 7/19-7/30 Vacation
Roseanne Lawrence 5/13-5/16 Vacation
Fatima Lorusso 5/17-5/19 Vacation
`` 6/14 Vacation
`` 7/6-7/9 Vacation
Bill Moore 5/13-5/16 Dayton Hamvention
Joel Hallas 5/13pm-5/16 Dayton Hamvention
`` 5/17 Vacation
Dean Straw 5/14-5/16 Dayton Hamvention
Janet Rocco 6/29 Jury duty
`` 7/26-7/30 Vacation
Cathy Stepina 6/3-6/13 Vacation
Zoe Belliveau 6/21-6/25 Vacation
Scott Gee 5/13-5/14 Vacation
Joe Carcia 5/28pm-6/4 Vacation
Steve Ewald 5/28-6/4 Vacation
Dan Wolfgang 5/24-5/28 Vacation
Helen Dalton 5/24-5/28 Vacation
Joel Kleinman 5/19 Vacation