Vol. 27, No.6
February 11, 2004
The campaign for the W1AW Endowment has reached $26,074 from 366 donors. The average gift is a healthy $71.24. Two multi year pledges have been received so far.
The 2004 Spectrum Defense Fund has raised $39,865 during January from 662 donors. Receipts are diminishing for this campaign. Initial strategy has been determined for the March full file Defense campaign.
The third annual Donor Reception in Dayton has been scheduled for Thursday, May 13 at the Air Force Museum in Dayton. "Save the Date" postcards have been mailed to donors whose 2003 giving exceeds $500. In addition, a number of key advertisers have been included. Formal invitations will be mailed when the special guest has been identified.
A new estate commitment was received -- a trust of $25,000 from an already generous donor.
Development will work with Mary Lau and Foundation President Tom Frenaye on a transition plan to transition Foundation functions to Development in the next few months.
Development held a meeting with Jonathan Sack of MemberCard, Inc. to discuss the viability of a discount benefit card, which may include dining, hotel and possible electronic discounts. If viable, further discussions will cover how and when and to whom the card will be offered.
Development is working on two grant applications -- a pilot Teachers Institute and a federal Learn and Serve proposal for education and Homeland Security.
Arrangements are in process to incorporate part-time staff support into Development operations.
Media Relations
Jennifer represented ARRL HQ at the Mississippi State Convention on February 7th. Unfortunately she missed the first portion of the show in the evening on the 6th due to several weather-related flight delays. Show organizers were impressed with the overall turnout. The PR forum was not very well attended, but the program inspired one audience member to ask SM Keown about becoming a PIO for the Mississippi Section. Jen took in a few membership applications, and talked to two non-hams who heard about the hamfest, and decided to stop in.
At Jennifer's request, Steve Ewald was interviewed for an upcoming article on ham radio for EMS (Emergency Medical Services) Magazine. The author was particularly interested in how ham radio operators help emergency service personnel during disasters. Both Steve and Jen were given the opportunity to go over the article before it was submitted, and some changes were made. Jennifer will send the author a few pictures to go along with the piece.
Cliff Smith, KF8K, of Oregon, Ohio, has submitted an application to be part of the Discovery Channel's new "No Opportunity Wasted" series. Those who are selected are given 72 hours, and accompanied by a camera crew, to accomplish something they've always dreamed of doing. Smith's dream is to spend that 72 hours promoting ham radio. With very little advance notice from the show, he would start his adventure at ARRL HQ. In April, Smith says he'll be celebrating 50 years in ham radio, and he wanted to find a unique way to give back something for the "many years of excitement, adventure and enjoyment."
Several additional hometown news releases for Board-level reelections have been distributed.
Rick Lindquist reports The ARRL Letter, Vol 23, No 06 (Feb 6, 2004), distributed to 66,725 members. Rick prepared stories on FCC enforcement regarding alleged 10-meter related violations, the status of AO-40, ISS crew changes affecting the ISS and ARISS, a pending Vermont PRB-1 bill, the FCC's pending consideration of an NPRM on BPL this week and an ARISS contact with The King's School in the UK. He also edited the "QRP Community" column, the "Solar Update" for Feb 6, and several "Web crawlies" (news briefs) for the Web site. Rick worked with Bart Jahnke and John Hennessee to prepare and edit four additions/changes to the Restructuring II FAQ on the Web site. With voiceover assistance from Jennifer Hagy, Rick voiced, produced and edited ARRL Audio News for Feb 6.
Dave Hassler completed the monthly CNCS EmComm report, with the aid of Dan Miller. He also edited several features for the Web site and began work on his QST column, "ARRL-in-Action."
Joel Hallas completed updating a Web page with a new "going, going, gone" offering of surplus product review equipment. This time it will be solely an e-mail offering as we move to a more streamlined and quicker turnaround process. The April QST "Product Review" column is prepared for publication. The May review testing is under way, and the article is in process.
Stu Cohen finalized April QST articles for Production. "'The Doctor is IN' is always a challenge, but fun," Stu noted. He also took care of several open correspondence items with members.
With the assistance of Shelly Bloom, Sue Fagan and Maty Weinberg, "ARRL's Vintage Radio" book went to the printer this week.
Sales & Marketing
Preparations are well underway to introduce a handful of new ARRL publications. New titles include ARRL's Vintage Radio, the third edition of ARRL's HF Digital Handbook, APRS Moving Hams on Radio and the Internet, and the second edition of ARRL's Low Power Communication. We are regularly discussing pricing strategies. Publication information is being prepared for advertising and editorial use. And, we're collaborating with Sue Fagan as she designs covers.
A new product announcement was emailed to ARRL members on Thursday morning, generating some initial sales of the 2003 edition of the ARRL Periodicals CD-ROM.
Advertising staff is working on advertising insertions for April QST and a variety of specialty products.
Staff has also prepared monthly reports on Membership statistics and preliminary publication sales for January that exceeded targets by a small margin.
Membership Services
Awards Branch
WAS Certs. (800 QSLs F/C) 16
WAS Certs. (250 QSLs ES/C) 5
LTMA Records to Siebel 33
LTMA File Card Records Done 33
A-1 Op. Noms. 2
A-Op. Certs. 8
VUCC Certs. Processed 7
VUCC Initial Apps. 3
Grids 157
Awards Mailed 28
Processing Status: Current or up to four weeks.
For the coming week-WAS QSL card checking, OTC, RCC, and Extra Class certificates, compile the latest list of VUCC award recipients for April QST, mail out the WAS awards processed this week, file the VUCC applications processed in 2003, and also file the LTMA record cards.
Contest Branch
The draft 2004 Field Day packet was completed and is being edited for posting the week of February 9. We also worked with The Sales Department on a design for the 2004 Field Day pins and items. Entries for 2004 Straight Key Night were completed and the draft of the article for QST will be sent to Production the week of February 9. Data entry for 2003 10-Meter logs continued.
DXCC Branch
For the week of:
February 9, 2004
Beginning Cards 87,477
Cards Received 8,410
Cards Processed 18,178
Ending Cards 77,079
Applications Pending 612
Processing Time 8.7 Weeks
Year-to-date (2003)
Cards Received 30, 338
Cards Returned 76,594
DXCC is currently mailing applications received on December 10, 2003. DXCC is currently entering cards received on December 18, 2003.
Bill Moore attended the Miami Hamboree this past weekend and checked:
DXCC: 27 applications/2,487 credits
8 WAS/400 credits (Includes 5B WAS)
1 WAC/6 credits
1 VUCC/65 credits
QSL Bureau
QSL Service Status: There is a delay of 2 weeks. This week 122 pounds of cards were received from members. Approximately 237 pounds of cards are waiting to be processed. Cards mailed as of 02/08/04: 71,750. No cards were mailed this week.
Scott worked on slow and fast code practice files for the month of February. He also handled some evening phone sales calls in the 5 PM to 8 PM time slot.
Joe updated the web code practice files. He also created the texts for the February W1AW Qualifying Runs. Joe acknowledged equipment donations from WXØB and W8ZR and also finalized the 2003 FMT results.
Mark, WA8SME, John, N1KB, Steve, WV1X, Chuck K0BOG and Howard Robins, W1HSR were on hand over the weekend to demonstrate Amateur Radio to a number of students involved in amateur radio classes. Despite the fact that old "Murphy" was playing games, the radio activity was informative. Thanks as well to Howard, W1HSR for operating W1AW in the Ten-Ten International 10-Meter Contest.
Field & Educational Services
Rosalie and Dan networked 7 speakers for April's 3.5-hour National Hurricane Conference ham radio forum; Dan is the Hq rep. In a last-minute move, NASA named Mike Fincke to the Exp. 9 crew -- ARISS had heard this might happen, and quickly got with Mike to help with his ham license. Rosalie met with an Elmer-visitor to Hq. Mark and Rosalie planned with NASA for the 3 national teachers conferences we attend with NASA aid. Rosalie reviewed teachers' submitted NASA evaluations, and nudged school mentors to ask other teachers to comply. She and Frank Bauer edited the Roy Neal memorial QSO certificate. Steve, Chuck and Rosalie ironed out issues on a Section MOU. Russia's Radio Magazine featured ARISS. James Bay School had a successful ARISS QSO.
Gail Iannone sent 16 hamfest approval letters and 2 convention approval letters to the sponsoring committees confirming the Division Director's approval of the events as ARRL-sanctioned. She also processed 6 door prize orders, 7 label requests, and sent 22 handout packages for upcoming events.
Mary Lau processed scholarship applications, contribution acknowledgments, routed a grant proposal, and met with Foundation President Frenaye to discuss planning.
Linda Mullally completed the F&ES Monthly Inventory (forms) and Revenue Report and video library inventory. F&ES revenue for January totalled $3647; this money was for exhibit kit shipping fees, videolibrary selections, memberships and training publications. Linda updated 84 affiliated club records with 1 reactivation, checked membership rosters for 2 clubs, and handled 7 Special Service Club renewals and 5 Club Vanity email requests. She registered 9 Volunteer Instructors, and entered OO Reports into the database and sent OO supply requests. She entered new ham data into the NEAMS database, and handled email changes for NEAMS into the club database.
Field Organization/Public Service Team
Chuck Skolaut forwarded a request to the FCC International Bureau for possible assistance with interference caused by over-the-horizon radar on 21.400 MHz. Michigan OOs are investigating a ham who may have an unlighted tower over 200' tall, near an airport. More OOs and ARRL Monitoring Stations are using wav files of unidentified signals. These help us better compare different recordings of a sound and make judgments.
Steve Ewald and Bob Inderbitzen sent a survey to ARRL DECs, ECs, SECs and SMs about thoughts on potential new ARES-related products -- we got 80 e-mail responses in less than 24 hours. Through Jennifer Hagy's networking, Steve helped a writer for Emergency Medical Services Magazine (a journal for emergency care, rescue and transportation), who is researching a story on how ham radio helps in emergencies.
Leona Adams was in touch with all Section Managers and delivered their 2004 section budget totals that were released from the Accounting Office this week. Also, the monthly Field Organization appointment reports for Section Managers are in process.
Jean Wolfgang has learned to post CCE courses, add students, print certificates and IDs, and process Field Exams. She's learning about the databases and how to research problems.
Jerry Ellis handled the request for reimbursement checks that will go in the mailing of graduation materials for several online classes. He processed the results of field exams for classes held in Henderson, NV; Canton, OH, Derry, NH and Eaton, OH.
Regulatory Information
John Hennessee had another busy week answering concerns over the ARRL restructuring proposal, and copying Directors on these comments. He is working on the backlog of messages which arrived in the meantime. He assisted amateurs with local government zoning problems in Wilkes-Barre, PA (K3RDA); Prince Georges County, MD (KN3D); and Cardington, OH (KC8WC), as well as a covenant problem in Kingston Township, PA.
Amateur Radio Education & Technology Project
Mark Spencer reports that one bid for the purchase of the ham station equipment for the recent school grantees came in, and he's awaiting a second bid before recommending action. The OPTA Scopes did not come in as scheduled, so the delivery of the Activity Boards will be delayed until the back-ordered scopes arrive.
EmComm Grants
Dan Miller prepared for teaching a four-hour seminar to be held the Friday of the Miami Hamboree. He also prepared for a similar seminar for the following weekend at the Orlando Hamcation.
Mark Wilson, K1RO
Chief Operating Officer
Staff Absentee List
All staff 2/16 Holiday
Danny Sayad 2/12-2/13 Vacation
Dan Miller 2/13-2/15 Hamcation, Orlando
Dennis Motschenbacher 2/12-2/14 SE Division Convention, Orlando
2/19-2/26 Vacation
Rose-Anne Lawrence 2/9-2/20 Vacation
Rosalie White 2/20 Hoosier Science Teachers Conference
`` 2/23-2/27 Vacation
Zoe Belliveau 2/17 Vacation
Karen Isakson 2/16-2/23 Vacation