Vol. 25, No. 24
June 17, 2002
Upcoming Meetings
July 18th in Newington, CT at 9:00am
Volunteer Resources Committee
July 19-20 in Windsor, CT: Board Meeting
The Education and Technology Fund contributions have reached $189,005 from
3,150 donors for and all-time high average gift of $60. Contributions are
coming in daily with the "deadline" of June 30, 2002.
Work has begun on the W1AW Endowment campaign test. The mail to 5000
prospects should go out in July.
The formal announcement of the United Technologies Corporation grant to fund
the ARECC course for 250 Connecticut hams will be issued on June 18 at a
press conference with Connecticut Lt. Gov. M. Jodi Rell, UTC's Jacqueline F.
Strayer, Director, Contribution and Communication Services, New England
Division Director Tom Frenaye and CT Section Manager Betsey Doane. The
press conference will be followed by an Amateur Radio demonstration at W1AW.
Two new planned giving commitments were received last week bringing the
total to commitment received to date to nine. The prospect list has grown
to more than 75 names. Follow up letters to prospects have been mailed with
additional information on wills and other charitable giving opportunities.
We reviewed printer's proofs for the July/August issue of QEX.
Membership Services
Awards Branch
WAC QSL Cards Checked 114
WAC Certificates 24
WAC Endorsements 20
Long Term Member Inquiries 12
VUCC QSL Cards Checked 114
VUCC Initial Applications 11
Grids (Data Entry) 1452
VUCC Endorsement Applications 1
Grids (Data Entry) 103
VUCC Certificates 11
VUCC Endorsements Processed/Mailed 8
A-1 Operator Nominations 8
A-1 Operator Certificates 1
Also, the latest list of VUCC standings was compiled and submitted for
August QST. Thank you to Sharon Taratula for her help with VUCC data entry.
Processing Status
WAS QSLs 2 weeks
U.S. WAC Awards 2 weeks
RCC Awards 3 weeks
OTC Awards 3 weeks
Extra Class Certificates 3 weeks
For the coming week-WAS QSL card checking, U.S. WAC, RCC, and OTC awards,
Extra Class certificates, package and mail out VUCC initial awards, and
additional research for long term members with problematic records (unable
to find) and letters to same.
DXCC Branch
Weekly Report June 16, 2002
Beginning Cards 43,298
Cards Received 9,036
Cards Processed 9,129
Ending Cards 43,205
Applications Pending 307
Processing Time 1 Week
Cards Received 262,717
Cards Returned 334,744
QRP Issued this week 4
DXCC is currently mailing applications received on June 6, 2002. DXCC is
currently entering cards received on June 13, 2002.
Contest Branch
We worked with authors on drafts for both the 2001 ARRL 160-Meter Contest
article and 2002 January VHF Sweepstakes. We also formatted line scores for
January VHF SS and sent them to production. We finished working with the
computer consultant and printed the 2001 IARU Certificates. They are being
mailed to the individuals or national societies as appropriate. We received
the draft of the 2002 RTTY Roundup results from the off-site author and
began working with photos, etc for the web version of the story, and edited
RTTY Roundup and ARRL 10 Meter contest soapbox for the Web. We developed a
random sample of active and inactive VHF/UHF/Microwave contest participants
and addresses for the MSD Manager for use with the current VHF/UHF contest
study being done by the MSC. Checking of violations of the six-band change
rules for MS and M2 in both modes of the DX Contest were reviewed and
follow-up emails processed to about three dozen competitors.
QSL Branch
QSL service status: Current. Cards mailed year to date as of 06/16/2002 -
1,016,100. Cards mailed on 06/14/2002 - 65,100. Janet Rocco spent 3 hours
conducting tours around HQ. Martin Cook covered the morning shift at W1AW
for the vacationing Joe Carcia.
Kenwood USA donates the ARCP-2000 control software to W1AW. As a follow-up
to their TS-2000X donation, Kenwood donated the control software for this
radio. The software has been installed on the satellite tracking PC, and
initial tests on its use have begun. Scott Gee worked on slow and fast code
practice runs for the month of June. He also worked the early afternoon
shift on Friday for a vacationing Joe Carcia. Joe installed and began tests
on the Kenwood software. He also installed ferrite chokes on the sensor
(fire head) wires in the station's Sonitrol fire alarm box. This was done
to prevent false alarms generated by the RF (from the transmissions) that
were getting into the alarm system. W1AW telephone sales year to date
(2002): $4,549.
Field & Educational Services
Regulatory Information
John is assisting with advance PR for the legal seminar to be held August 23
in conjunction with the New England Division Convention at Boxboro,
Massachusetts. He also assisted amateurs with local government zoning
problems in Tolland, CT (KB1FOA) and Richland Township, PA (KB3HNV) as well
as with covenant problems in Herndon, VA (AF4MO) and Irvine, CA (KF6UEB).
Rosalie prepared paperwork for the state of Connecticut so that ARRL can
continue to award CEUs to Connecticut citizens who attend our educational
workshops. She began work on revising the NASA lesson plans for K-4 grades;
NASA will handle editing and graphics plus printing costs. She reviewed a
paper to be given by the ARISS team at the World Space Conference.
Field Organization/ Public Service Team
Leona Adams sent letters to the incumbent SMs who would begin a new term on
October 1, 2002 to the following sections: CT, ID, MN, ND, OH, WNY, and VI.
Candidate statements from the 2 nominees for Puerto Rico SM were due this
week as part of election preparation. Also, Leona sent out current and
expired appointee listings to the SMs.
Colorado SM Jeff Ryan continued providing updates on ham radio response to
Colorado fires. Steve Ewald worked on August QST Public Service and Section
News. He contacted 6 SMs this week regarding Section Web pages, and is
awaiting response from a couple. He heard from North Carolina, Maine and
Arizona who will be discussing plans with their staffs to get active on the
Web. Mississippi's SM is now directly uploading news. Delaware has used
the Web Alert System in past months and has the wherewithal to post news if
necessary. Kansas SM Cook is excited while trying to learn to improve the
look of his Web page with color. He got tips from other SMs who've used
color in their ARRL-sponsored pages.
Field & Educational Support Team
ARRL Sections with messages relayed electronically by Mary Lau this week
included: EB = 3; MS, SDG, SFL, KY, OH = 2; and NH, MI, NNJ =1. She
assisted Jo-Ann in learning the ropes of the F&ES monthly inventory, video
stock, and revenue reports. Mary also spoke with Marci Campbell, organizer
of the San Francisco Section Convention, where Mary will be the banquet
speaker on the night of June 29.
Jean Wolfgang hustled getting the Instructor of the Year Award packets ready
for the VRC. Thanks goes to Margie for her help with these. Jean also
handled an ARISS application from the Mt Carmel School in CA. She reports
that EXAMWIN updates have been put on the Web, thanks to Jon Bloom.
Jo-Ann Arel issued her first F&ES end-of-month reports; for May, $2340 of
revenue was brought in by the department. Jo-Ann updated 24 affiliated club
records, and sent out 19 Exhibit Kits, 13 videos, 1175 Archies, 1100
Brochures, 1 JOTA kit, and registered 1 schoolteacher and 11 volunteer
Margie Bourgoin reports one new club application went to the appropriate
director, and also two new SSC club applications. She is also VERY happy
with the returns to date on the Instructor activity survey card sent out
recently--74 returns so far, with most coming in via email. This project is
to cull out volunteer instructors for a planned July database purge.
Gail Iannone wrote 53 hamfest announcements and 8 convention announcements
for the August issue of QST. She coordinated travel for HQ staff for the
following conventions: Dave Patton, NT1N, Pacific NW DX Convention to be
held on August 2-4 in Portland, OR and Dan Henderson, N1ND, Northern New
York Section Convention to be held on October 12 in Lake Placid.
Jerry Ellis has nearly eliminated the backlog of C-CE certificates to be
printed and mailed. He is opening new classes, requesting and assigning
mentors, and handling some correspondence. He suggested an improvement that
will save time; this will be implemented in the future.
Dan Miller reports that thanks to Andy Shefrin, a crashed computer and
inoperable printer were quickly replaced this week, allowing C-CE to
continue forward momentum. Lower numbers of enrollees and graduates this
week are no doubt due to the beginning of the summer season. All courses are
flowing smoothly.
The Big Project
Five teachers from around the US visited HQ June 13-15 to work with Jerry
Hill in fleshing out lesson plans. These folks, who teach at different
grade levels, worked well together and the outlines and plans are in good
shape. They will review the finished lesson plans as they are completed.
Thanks to Mary Hobart for hosting everyone at a barbecue after work.
Mark Wilson, K1RO
Chief Operating Officer
Staff Absentee List
Name Date(s) Reason
All Staff 7/4-7/5 Holiday
Mark Wilson 7/1-7/3 Vacation
Dave Patton 6/25-7/1 Friedrichshafen
Jennifer Hagy 7/1-7/8 Vacation
Monique Levesque 6/27pm-7/8 Vacation
Steve Ewald 6/20 Vacation
Mary Lau 6/25-7/8 San Francisco Section
Zack Lau 6/25-7/8 San Francisco Section
Rosalie White 6/28 Vacation
Dan Miller 7/1-7/3 Vacation
Diana Lamson-Lucas 6/17-6/21 Vacation
Jan Carman 7/1-7/3 Vacation
Bob Schetgen 6/17 Vacation
Joel Kleinman 7/2-7/12 Vacation