Ham Radio - Friedrichshafen

I will be in Friedrichshafen, Germany until Tuesday for DARC's Ham Radio, known to many in the U.S. as the "European Dayton". Attendance is usually 20,000 - 25,000. ARRL has a booth area where we renew/signup a number of international members, address questions and check operating award cards for DXCC, WAS, VUCC, etc. There is usually around a 100 U.S. amateurs that attend as well. The ARRL team this year includes Dave Patton, Maria Somma, Rod Stafford and me. Dave Sumner is in Geneva, Switzerland at the ITU attending preparatory meetings for WRC-07 and is expect to take the train to Friedrichshafen this weekend. Also attending will be IARU President Larry Price and IARU Vice President Tim Ellam. Assisting in the booth will be two U.S. citizens/ARRL members that currently reside in Germany that have helped us out over the past few years as well as a number of DXCC Field Representatives from Europe. A large number of IARU Region I societies will be present at the event. On Saturday there will be what is billed as an "Informal International Meeting" of the IARU societies present. This is not a venue or a scheduled time for an IARU meeting thus the importance of noting it is an "informal" meeting. No Region I business is conducted, however it does provide an opportunity for the societies to tell a bit about what is taking place in their country. As usual, a trip report will follow. As is obvious from this posting, I do have email access and the Messe (convention center) where the event is held has free wi-fi access. As this is Field Day weekend (to which I unfortunately have to miss) I trust you will be active with your local club, group or will just be on from your home station passing out a few Q's. If you hear or work W5ZN this weekend it will be my local club, the North Central Arkansas Amateur Radio Club and the Batesville Amateur Radio Club's joint Field Day operation. If you can't get excited or interested in Field Day, stare at the bug for a few minutes and maybe you'll be "bitten". And, while I have your attention (I hope), our board meeting is just around the corner. If you are responsible for submitting a report its time to start putting it together. If you chair a committee, its time for you to start wrapping up your work in preparation for the meeting. There are a number of things you can do before you arrive in Newington. I know the PSC is already working to conclude a number of routine business items before they meet in Newington so they will be able to concentrate on other items that require more discussion. C U in a few weeks. 73 Joel W5ZN
participants (1)
Joel Harrison