[ARRL-ODV:8853] US Proposals on 1.23 and 1.36

Dave Sumner asked me to forward this to the ODV reflector. 73, Mark K1RO _______ Greetings from Heathrow, where I am logged on via wireless LAN in between flights. The US proposals for agenda items 1.23 and 1.36 have just been published. Here they are. I am sending both because they are related to one another. Also related is another proposal, which I am not sending at this time, to suppress the HF agenda item at WRC-07 on the grounds that WRC-03 is competent to deal with the HF BC expansion issue. That is not a popular stance with other administrations. The 1.23 proposal is modeled on the European Common Proposal but makes the shared allocation at 7200-7300 kHz worldwide and limits the impact on fixed/mobile in Region 2. It is not as good as an exclusive allocation, but it's a lot better than the status quo and is not that different from, for example, 3750-4000 kHz which we also share on a similar basis. The key factor is that broadcasting would be removed. Of course, it remains to be seen what the conference will do. 73, Dave K1ZZ
participants (1)
Wilson, Mark K1RO