[arrl-odv:16935] Re: Order 63 - Volunteers - Chapter 5, QRZ.COM and EHAM.COM

There isn't a need for the ARRL to replicate what others are doing. We would be starting too late and are too far behind. The ARRL has a large number of friends, many who would be likely willing to pitch in.
I disagree with this position. We are the National Association for Ham Radio, and if we'd like to bring these qualities to our website, people will use them. Notice that Apple has plenty of competitors to their Ipod. They may have a sizeable portion of the market share, but they don't have it all. If ARRL's website possesses the qualities found on eHam and QRZ -- and those sites, beyond their content, leave a lot to be desired (so does ours, but we're fixing that) -- people will make use of it. Re-read the email I forwarded to ODV from Scott Westerman W9WSW, one of my closest ham buddies, on his thoughts about the ARRL website and the opportunities we have (and would be foolish not to take). Soon our website could suddenly become the Apple Ipod of ham radio websites -- as I'd expect from ARRL --, and the tables will be turned. Too late and too far behind? Not at all. 73, Brian N5ZGT ARRL Director, Rocky Mountain Division On the web at www.RockyMountainDivision.org
participants (1)
Brian Mileshosky