[arrl-odv:17549] Gift Coupon Additional Information

To: ODV Thanks for the feedback and suggestions. Here is some additional information about the Gift Certificates based on questions that I have received: 1. Will we charge shipping for prize books? No! 2. How long will the certificates be valid? There is no expiration date. There is a unique control number on each coupon so that we can track where they come from and so that they cannot be easily duplicated. 3. Do I interpret correctly that the gift certificates will be redeemable only at the ARRL store or will they also be redeemable via a non-ARRL retail outlet (e.g. R&L, AES). They will only be redeemable through the ARRL either on-line, by telephone, or through postal mail. 4. Will the increased market information we expect to obtain offset any increase in shipping costs that result from the need to ship prizes directly to the winners vs. sending the prizes in just one shipment to the "hamfest?" The shipping cost will be lower or about the same. We are particularly interested in getting our members the publications that they want. 5. What redemption rate do we expect for the gift certificates? Based on our experience with past campaigns of this type about 80% 6. Do I assume correctly that the gift certificates will be identified clearly as gifts from ARRL? Absolutely. The Marketing staff has created a nice looking package with the certificate and an envelope. We will not be sending just "naked" certificates. This packaging will make the gift certificate very tangible to the winner. 7. What books have been shipped in the last year as part of the hamfest/convention package? I'm curious to see what value of books have been shipped in the past to compare against the prize coupons after March 1st. The standard Hamfest package has been: a. Handbook 44.95 b. Antenna Book 44.95 c. Repeater Directory 10.95 Total Value: $100.85 New Coupon Value = $100 Those Hamfests who conduct ARRL VEC Sessions used to receive a Handbook. We will now send a $50 certificate [We have increased the value of this coupon from the original $25 coupon based on your suggestions] 8. Is this policy cast in concrete? No, we will evaluate it after a year and determine whether it is working for all parties. Also, if a Director needs some books for a special Hamfest or other occasion, as always, we will work with you on it. 73, Harold Harold Kramer, WJ1B Chief Operating Officer ARRL - The national association for Amateur Radio 225 Main Street Newington, CT 06111 Telephone: 860 594 0220 email: hkramer@arrl.org <mailto:hkramer@arrl.org> web: www.arrl.org/ <http://www.arrl.org/>
participants (1)
Kramer, Harold, WJ1B