A Happy New Year Message

When I came back from grabbing a sandwich for lunch today one of the voice mail messages was from a long time ARRL member, Larry Menzel, NØXB. Larry is a Dxer, Contester and 160 meter guy. He came from the CB ranks 30 or more years ago. The gist of Larrys message was I know you and the other board members get a lot of calls and messages from hams who are unhappy either about something the League did or something they think the League did or didnt do. Larry went on I just wanted to say thanks for all the hard work the League does for us. You guys are the only ones out there looking out for us and letting the rest of us enjoy ham radio. Thanks. It was pretty clear the message was for all of us, so Im passing it along. My guess is there are a lot more Larrys out there than we know or hear from. 73, Jay, KØQB
participants (1)
John Bellows