<<121411.doc>> IN-Newsletter <<Microsoft Word Picture>> Vol. 34, No. 50 December 14, 2011 -- Covers the period December 4-10. Upcoming Meetings and Events Director/Vice Director Orientation January 11 in Newington, CT Administration & Finance Committee January 12 @ 8:30am in Newington, CT Programs & Services Committee January 12 @ 9:00am in Newington, CT Annual Board Meeting January 13-14, 2012 @ 9:00am in Windsor, CT Regulatory Information Reported by Dan Henderson, N1ND Working with Mike Gruber, W1MG, in the lab, we responded to a series of questions regarding interference caused by the motor on a Trane furnace owned by a member. Working with Chuck Skolaut, K0BOG, we responded to a member's query about having signals simultaneously on multiple HF bands. We worked with David Pingree, N1NAS in Graphics on making changes to the 60-meter band for the printed "US Amateur Radio Bands" chart that will become effective soon. We also worked with the web editors to have a brief story posted reminding amateurs that the changes to the 60-meter allocation are not in effect yet. At this time they need to still be operating on the old channels with upper SSB only. We responded to an Ohio member's query about changing trustees on a club station license. After checking with General Counsel, we answered to a query regarding potential sales of low-power, limited frequency range, kit transceivers the member is considering importing and offering for sale in the US. We received several queries from members about the necessity to ID as "portable" or "mobile" if operating away from their home station. (FCC rules do not require any such designation for a US licensee operating in territory where the Commission administers amateur radio). An ARES EC in Florida asked whether the trustee for the two callsigns used on county-purchased repeaters could be changed to show the county EMS agency as the trustee. We explained that a trustee needed to be an individual shown in the FCC ULS database. While the agency can own the equipment, they do not qualify to be a "club" and cannot hold a club callsign. A club call is intended for an actual club with at least four members and a written document of organization. Finally, at the request of the VEC, we worked with the NCVEC's Question Pool Committee addressing a couple of issues with questions in the soon-to-be-released Extra class question pool. Media & Public Relations Reported by Allen Pitts, W1AGP Many things are all coming together this week. I have had several contacts with Dr. Kim Manwaring, life member and ham inventor of the new scalpel used for neurological operations. He might even be able to come to HQ next week. Materials have been sent to Gordon West for promotions of the DIY campaign on the HamNation show in January. Tom Medlin, W5KUB, is preparing to webcast the DIY materials on Dec 27th along with interviews of Bill Pasternak and Dave Bell. I created a special video introduction for him to use. More advance packets of DIY materials went out to key media, teachers and stakeholders in the campaign. Work began on concepts for the centennial logo. 2011 Leonard Award nominations were digitized and sent to the PRC for their voting. Several people were supplied with custom presentation materials they used to show our emergency operations capabilities to state and local government agencies. Reports back so far are good. Development Reported by Mary Hobart, K1MMH Development revenues for 2011 have reached 85% of the target in support of operations. Year end contributions have brought the Diamond Club to more than $291,000-over the 2011 goal. The Spectrum Defense and Education & Technology Funds are making progress toward reaching goals thanks to year-end giving. In total, Development must raise $143,000 before December 31 to reach its overall goal. The Second Century Campaign is warming up with lead letters having been mailed to 6 key prospects. All the printed materials have been received and business cards sent to the SCC Committee members. Production/Editorial Reported by Joel Kleinman, N1BKE Khrystyne Keane worked with ARRL member John Amodeo, NN6JA, the producer of the television show Last Man Standing (currently seen on Tuesday evenings at 8 ET on ABC). The comedy stars Tim Allen (of Home Improvement fame) as Mike Baxter, KAØXTT. Khrystyne has provided the set with ARRL products, including issues of QST, NCJ and QEX, an ARRL Handbook, an ARRL calendar and various ARRL stickers. The show introducing Mike Baxter as a ham is set to air in mid-January. Khrystyne wrote and distributed the ARRL Letter and produced and voiced ARRL Audio News for December 8, 2011. Sales and Marketing Reported by Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R Membership has exceeded the 157,000 mark! November ended with 157,047 members-a gain of 197 members over October. The year to date membership goal is short by 533 members. 72% of November 2011 expirees paid on time (vs. 75% last November). Notable acquisition activities included mailings to new licensees, and other targeted direct mail and email. November product sales ended the month at $281,223, short of the sales forecast of $308,550. Direct sales were $166,061.04; dealer sales were $115,162.24. Sales were much softer throughout the month than predicted, though the marketplace responded strongly throughout the Thanksgiving holiday and into the final days of the month. There were 430 orders placed on "Cyber Monday"-a very large one-day take, considering the 4-day Thanksgiving holiday had already contributed over 500 orders. During the last 2 weeks, the warehouse crew fulfilled 2,912 packages for publication and product orders, 1022 membership premiums (with help from the Mailroom staff), and QST mailing supplements. Covers have been completed for 2 upcoming publications: Emergency Power for Radio Communications second edition and Get on the Air with HF Digital (new book). These books will be introduced in January. Amy Hurtado and Bob Inderbitzen contributed feedback for the digital edition of January QST. Membership & Volunteer Programs Reported by Dave Patton, NN1N DXCC DXCC paper/field checked application processing time is currently at 4 weeks. Logbook-only application processing time is 3 business days. W1AW With contacts made during the 2011 ARRL 160-Meter contest, W1AW finally made Worked All States (WAS) on 160 meters. The last two needed states came in with a LoTW submission. Joe processed one Qualifying Run certificate. He updated the weekly web code practice schedule. He also processed regular QSL card requests. He and Steve Ford also recorded a short video that details operating split on HF. Joe also met with two representatives from the Rhode Island MARS group to discuss changes made within Army MARS and their use of various digital modes. Also in attendance were ARRL staffers Ken Bailey, Mike Corey, and Perry Green. Field Organization/Public Service Team Section Manager nominating petitions were due on Friday, December 9, for the next election cycle that results in new terms of office that begin on April 1, 2012. There will be three elections this winter. In Eastern Pennsylvania, Andrew Schektor, N3OMA, Robert B. Famiglio, K3RF, and Philip Theis, K3TUF, are the candidates. In San Diego, Patrick Bunsold, WA6MHZ, and incumbent Steve Early, AD6VI, are the candidates. In Virginia, Joseph J. Imburgia, Jr., KI4LXT, and incumbent Carl Clements, W4CAC are the candidates. The following three incumbent Section Managers were the only candidates to submit petitions to run for office for new terms starting April 1, 2012. They have been declared elected without opposition: Pete Cecere, N2YJZ, Eastern New York; Bill Morine, N2COP, North Carolina; Bob Schneider, AH6J, Pacific. In Louisiana, Jim Coleman, AI5B, was the only nominee. Current Louisiana Section Manager Gary Stratton, K5GLS, decided not to run for another term of office. Leona Adams has been in touch with all of the above mentioned candidates, and she has begun preparing for the upcoming Section Manager elections. One radio amateur from South Texas successfully completed requirements to become an Official Observer this past week. OOs in Mississippi, Alabama, and Louisiana were alerted to a report of interference on channel 1 on 60 meters, and they were asked to gather information. With conditions on 10 meters improving, HQ has receiving more reports of hearing CB operators there - and especially on the low end of the band. Documentation was received regarding several radio amateurs who continue to ignore advisories for improper identification. We received a number of complaints about operations on 14313, 14250, and 3910 MHz. Laura Smith at the FCC has been updated on this. Call signs that have been recently reported as being boot-legged include NL7R, KJ4TKD, and W4RON. An investigation continues. Also, Chuck Skolaut handled several questions dealing with operation overseas and antenna restrictions. Sincerely Compiled by, Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ Assistant to the CEO Hamfest/Member Contact/ARRL Representative/Meetings/Vacations All Staff 12/26 Holiday All Staff 1/2 Holiday Steve Ford 12/22-12/30 Vacation Scott Gee 12/16 Vacation `` 12/23-12/27 Vacation Dan Henderson 12/16-1/6 Vacation Gail Iannone 12/22-12/30 Vacation Joel Kleinman 1/3 Vacation Steve Sant Andrea 12/19-12/20 Vacation `` 12/27-12/30 Vacation
participants (1)
Kustosik, Lisa, KA1UFZ