Before contacting the person who has been identified as a suitable chair for the VUAC, I want to let you know about the committee's sunset status. For the following information I am grateful to Staff and to last year's chair of the PSC, Bruce Frahm. At the end of last year, the PSC determined that the proper sunset date for the VUAC is June, 2011. Here is the background leading to that conclusion: It took almost one year from the time the committee was authorized by the Board at the Second Meeting of 2005 (Minute 37) to appoint the members and begin the committee's work. The committee actually began to function in June, 2006. With its three-year term starting then, the end would have been in June, 2009. The two-year extension approved at the 2008 Annual Meeting extended the committee's term from June, 2009, through June, 2011. This was the understanding of the PSC, reflected in the Minutes of their November meeting recently distributed to us on the ODV. Consequently the PSC did not offer a motion to extend the VUAC's life span to permit the group to complete its tasks. Taking my cue from the PSC, I am proceeding on the basis of the VUAC's sunset date being June, 2011. I appreciate the matter being brought up so it could be looked into. By the way, I am certain it will not take almost a year for us to get the new ECAC up and running. 73 - Kay N3KN
participants (1)
Kay Craigie