IN-Newsletter Vol. 35, No. 46 November 14, 2012 -- Covers the period November 4-10. Upcoming Meetings and Events Director/Vice Director Elections November 16 Administration and Finance Committee: November 17 @ 8:30am - Newington CT Regulatory Information Reported by Dan Henderson, N1ND At the request of ARRL General Counsel Chris Imlay, W3KD, we reviewed a proposed piece of legislation for the state of Montana, with several small tweaks suggested. We also reviewed an update on proposed Idaho legislation that would correct an unintended restriction affecting towers. The original Idaho bill was extremely broad in its wording and could potentially prohibit most amateur towers based on safety issues. Several reciprocal operating questions from visitors coming to the US were answered. We received a query regarding Hellschreiber asking if it was a digital or image (which would affect where it can be transmitted). As is frequently the case, we found a very good set of comments from Paul Rinaldo, W4RI, retired ARRL CTO. Paul's bottom line was "US amateurs may transmit Hellschreiber in the RTTY/data segments using single-sideband transmitters. J2B is the appropriate emission symbol." The Regulatory Branch received an email originally sent to another department relating to a tower issue. Unfortunately, instead of simply acknowledging the email and sending it on to the RIB, the original recipient attempted to provide information on the topic - which ended up not being an accurate answer based on the facts of the situation. We should all remember that if you are not certain of the answer, it is best not to provide inaccurate information. Production/Editorial Reported by Becky Schoenfeld, W1BXY Joel Hallas, W1ZR, delivered a presentation on stealth antennas to the ARRL Atlantic Division Convention on Saturday Nov 10. The convention was a virtual one and the presentation was delivered remotely via webinar. Khrystyne Keane, K1SFA, wrote and distributed the November 8 edition of The ARRL Letter and produced and voiced the ARRL Audio News. She also wrote, edited and posted articles on the ARRL website that included the September meeting of the ARRL Executive Committee, the Atlantic Division's "virtual" convention, the possible discontinuation of IRCs in the US, the FCC's denial of a proposed change in its message forwarding system rules, the meeting of the IARU's Administrative Council, the W1AW winter operating schedule and ARRL in Action, a monthly review of HQ activities affecting ARRL members. She also kept amateurs updated as to the status of Logbook of the World during its downtime and edited and posted columns from ARRL Contributing Editors. The January 2013 issue of QST will be released to the printer this week. Sales and Marketing Reported by Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R An emailing introducing the new QST Apple "app" for iOS mobile devices was sent to 97,000 members on Monday, November 12. This completes the staggered announcement to members. With the app, members can enjoy reading and downloading the digital edition of QST on their iPads, iPhones and iPod touch. The launch of this new membership benefit has been the planning and work of many individuals, especially Magdalena Owczarska and Amy Hurtado who both coordinated the effort with our digital QST service provider, Nxtbook. Bob Inderbitzen reports that the new QST app has received some attention on the USKA (Swiss Amateur Radio Society) website, generating interest and a couple of new international memberships from Switzerland and Germany over the weekend. With help from Chris Imlay and contributions from Magdalena Owczarska, Bob Inderbitzen, Maria Somma, Mike Keane, and Harold Kramer, we have put together a new Online Privacy Policy. The policy reflects the extent to which we and our service providers collect private information and private identification information. Immediately, it helps satisfy our interest in disclosing to members how we collect and use information gathered in the aggregate, only, to measure, understand and optimize web usage. For instance, general information is collected from members browsing the digital edition of QST-providing us with some insight about page views, links selected, and search terms. The new policy is posted at http://www.arrl.org/online-privacy-policy <http://www.arrl.org/online-privacy-policy> , and is linked from ARRL's general privacy policy at http://www.arrl.org/privacy-policy <http://www.arrl.org/privacy-policy> . Maria Somma is our staff expert on privacy issues and she is the contact person for member inquiries to privacy@arrl.org <mailto:privacy@arrl.org> . Jackie Ferreira reports that targeted emails are being prepared to promote The ARRL Handbook, The ARRL Operating Manual, and The Amateur Radio Public Service Handbook. The mailing lists include past purchasers of previous editions and related titles. Additionally, 2 mailings are being prepared to help promote The Handbook and Public Service Handbook to segmented audiences. We plan to have these promotions in the mail before the end of the month to help capture more interest in these titles during the holiday shopping season. An "Election Day" themed email generated over $9,000 in sales over a two-day period. Diane Petrilli reports that she's completed a series of membership solicitations conducted by email to target groups: active Volunteer Examiners, lapsed members and October membership expirees. The effort returned over 100 memberships so far. A large membership appeal sent last month has already returned over 400 members. Another campaign was mailed November 2, and is already returning applications. The final campaign of the year is being readied to mail on December 3. And, a small membership mailing (less than 2,000 pieces) will go to previous purchasers of ARRL publications within the week. The membership appeal that accompanies the mailing to new hams has been updated, giving the piece a fresh, cleaner look. Summary of Sales and Marketing Department telephone group (reported by Amy Hurtado): Week of Phone calls Per hour Average wait Complete without transfer 11/5/12 858 19 37 seconds 86% Summary of warehouse fulfillment activity (reported by Steve Capodicasa): Week of Packages fulfilled Member Premiums 11/5/12 743 662 Membership & Volunteer Programs Reported by Dave Patton, NN1N DXCC Branch Credits Applications 2011 Carryover 212,340 1,650 2012 Received 1,070,514 10,364 Cumulative Total 1,282,854 12,014 2012 Processed 1,234,162 11,490 Remaining 48,692 524 Paper/Fieldcheck Process Time 4 Weeks LoTW Processing Time 3 Business Days Logbook of the World Category October 2012 % ChangeJan - Oct 2012 QSO Records Entered Into System 455,322,243 13% QSL Record Matches 61,927,406 20% Logs Processed 3,673,806 27% Active Certificates 80,572 12% Registered Users in System 53,607 12% Logbook Inquiries October 2012 Emails 1,299 Phone Calls 162 Total 1,461 W1AW Joe updated the web code practice files. He also created the texts for the November W1AW Qualifying Runs. He processed two Qualifying Run certificates and one endorsement. He worked the late afternoon/night shift on Friday for the vacationing Scott Gee. Joe also assembled an M-Squared 70cm, 42-element crossed yagi, model 436CP42UG, for use at W1HQ. Field Organization/Public Service Team Leona Adams received a petition from George Forsyth, AA7GS, of Great Falls, Montana, that nominated him to run for the Montana Section Manager position. The incumbent SM, Doug Dunn, K7YD, has already been nominated to run for a new term. There will be an election in Montana this winter. Steve Ewald has been receiving Field Organization activity reports for October. Additional public service and some emergency service reports from the recent Hurricane Sandy and snow storm to hit the mid-Atlantic State and the New England regions are arriving as well. A radio amateur from Los Angeles completed requirements to become an Official Observer this past week. Chuck Skolaut compiled the monthly ARRL Monitoring System/Intruder Watch report and forwarded it to the IARU Region 2 Monitoring System Coordinator. Several complaints were received regarding 14.313 MHz and questions were handled about advisory cards and operating overseas. Documentation was received and forwarded to Laura Smith at the FCC regarding an ongoing interference problem with two different groups on 40 meters. Documentation was also received regarding jamming and playing music on a 75 meter frequency and was forwarded to the FCC. A report of a pirate FM broadcast station is being followed up on by the FCC. Sincerely Compiled by, Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ Assistant to the CEO Hamfest/Member Contact/ARRL Representative/Meetings/Vacations Holiday 11/22-11/23 Holiday Holiday 12/24-12/25 Holiday Bob Allison 11/19-11/26 PTO Steve Ewald 11/26-11/30 PTO Steve Ford 11/26 PTO Scott Gee 11/9-11/15 PTO `` 12/21-12/26 PTO Joel Hallas 11/20-11/28 PTO Nancy Hallas 11/20-11/28 PTO Dan Henderson 11/15-11/21 Indiana Section Convention, Ft. Wayne, IN / PTO `` 12/17-1/7 PTO Amy Hurtado 12/17-12/21 PTO Gail Iannone 11/7-11/23 Sick Leave `` 12/21-12/31 PTO Bob Inderbitzen 11/21 PTO Deb Jahnke 11/19-11/21 PTO Khrystyne Keane 11/16 RCA Banquet, New York, NY `` 12/7 PTO `` 12/14 PTO `` 12/21-31 PTO Lisa Kustosik 11/30-12/3 PTO Barry Shelley 11/20-11/21 PTO `` 12/17-12/19 PTO Dave Sumner 11/16 RCA Banquet, New York, NY `` 11/29 Business Meeting Larry Wolfgang 11/7-11/21 Sick leave
participants (1)
Kustosik, Lisa, KA1UFZ