[arrl-odv:21334] Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays

For those that celebrate Christmas, a very merry Christmas to you and yours; for those that do not, have a very happy holiday season! Thanks for the Christmas Cards! Enjoy the music! '73 de JIM N2ZZ ARRL Vice Director Roanoke Division CHRISTMAS SONGS TO ENJOY-ESPECIALLY WHITE CHRISTMAS BY THE DRIFTERS. M E R R Y C H R I S T M A S MAY THE JOYOUS SEASON BE UPON YOU AND YOURS. HAVE A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR. LIFE IS A JOURNEY. . . . .TRAVEL IT. LIFE IS A TEST. . . . .PASS IT. LIFE IS A GAME. . . . .PLAY IT. LIFE IS A CELEBRATION.....ENJOY IT. LIFE IS A QUEST. . . . .PURSUE IT. LIFE IS A SACRIFICE. . . . .MAKE IT. LIFE IS NOT A DRESS REHEARSAL. LIFE IS LOVE. . . . .LOVE IT! KEY TO LOVING LIFE IS LAUGHTER AND A SMILE ---cid:1.1799075283@web181702.mail.ne1.yahoo.com ... just click on the one you want to hear ... !!! Fabulous 50's Christmas Songs <http://heavens-gates.com/fifties/hollyjollychristmas.html> A Holly Jolly Christmas Burl Ives <http://heavens-gates.com/fifties/awayinamanger.html> Away In A Manger Loretta Lynn <http://heavens-gates.com/fifties/christmasalphabet.html> Christmas Alphabet The McGuire Sisters <http://heavens-gates.com/countrychristmas/> Christmas Country Christmas The Statler Brothers <http://heavens-gates.com/fifties/christmasinmyhometown.html> Christmas In My Hometown Sonny James <http://heavens-gates.com/fifties/christmassong.html> Christmas Song Alvin & The Chipmunks <http://heavens-gates.com/fifties/christmastimesacoming.html> Christmas Times A Coming Bill Monroe And The Bluegrass Boys <http://heavens-gates.com/fifties/christmaswaltz.html> Christmas Waltz Frank Sinatra <http://heavens-gates.com/fifties/christmaswithoutyou.html> Christmas Without You Kenny Rogers Dolly Parton <http://heavens-gates.com/fifties/frostythesnowman.html> Frosty The Snowman Gene Autry <http://heavens-gates.com/fifties/grandmagotranover.html> Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer Elmo & Patsy <http://heavens-gates.com/fifties/hardrockcandychristmas.html> Hard Rock Candy Christmas Dolly Parton <http://heavens-gates.com/fifties/harktheheraldangels.html> Hark The Herald Angels Sing Nat King Cole <http://heavens-gates.com/fifties/merrylittlechristmas.html> Have Yourself A Very Merry Christmas Rosemary Clooney <http://heavens-gates.com/fifties/homefortheholidays.html> Home For The Holidays Perry Como <http://heavens-gates.com/fifties/beginningtolook.html> Its Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas Bing Crosby & The Andrew Sisters <http://heavens-gates.com/fifties/mommykissingsanta.html> I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus Jimmy Boyd <http://heavens-gates.com/fifties/mostwonderfultime.html> Its a Most Wonderful Time Of The Year Johnny Mathis <http://heavens-gates.com/fifties/jinglebellrock.html> Jingle Bell Rock Bobby Helms <http://heavens-gates.com/fifties/jinglebells.html> Jingle Bells Roy Rogers Most Interesting Middle! <http://heavens-gates.com/fifties/jingle-bells.html> Jingle Bells Perry Como <http://heavens-gates.com/ifiweresanta.html> Jingle Bells The Jingle Bell Piggie <http://heavens-gates.com/fifties/joytotheworld.html> Joy To The World Nat King Cole <http://heavens-gates.com/leroy.html> Leroy, the Redneck Reindeer Joe Diffie <http://heavens-gates.com/fifties/letitsnow.html> Let It Snow Andy Williams <http://heavens-gates.com/fifties/putchristback.html> Lets Put Christ Back Into Christmas Tammy Wynette <http://heavens-gates.com/fifties/littledrummerboy.html> Little Drummer Boy Neil Diamond <http://heavens-gates.com/fifties/ochristmastree.html> O Christmas Tree Nat King Cole <http://heavens-gates.com/fifties/pleasecomehome.html> Please Come Home The Platters <http://heavens-gates.com/fifties/prettypaper.html> Pretty Paper Roy Orbison <http://heavens-gates.com/fifties/rockinaround.html> Rocking Around The Christmas Tree Brenda Lee <http://heavens-gates.com/fifties/rudolph.html> Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer Gene Autry <http://heavens-gates.com/rudolph.html> Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer Unknown Group <http://heavens-gates.com/50s/santababy.html> Santa Baby Cynthia Basinet <http://heavens-gates.com/fifties/santaclauseiscoming.html> Santa Claus Is Coming To Town Bing Crosby <http://heavens-gates.com/fifties/santaclausiswatching.html> Santa Claus Is Watching You Ray Stevens <http://heavens-gates.com/fifties/silverbells.html> Silver Bells Bing Crosby/Peggy Lee <http://heavens-gates.com/fifties/silent-night.html> Silent Night Dean Martin <http://heavens-gates.com/fifties/sleighride.html> Sleigh Ride Johnny Mathis <http://heavens-gates.com/fifties/thefirstnoel.html> The First Noel Andy Williams <http://heavens-gates.com/fifties/uponthehousetop.html> Up On The Housetop Gene Autry <http://heavens-gates.com/fifties/white-christmas.html> White Christmas Bing Crosby <http://heavens-gates.com/50s/whitechristmas/> White Christmas The Drifters (1954) <http://heavens-gates.com/fifties/winterwonderland.html> Winter Wonderland Brenda Lee <http://heavens-gates.com/elvispresley/christmaswithelvis/> Christmas With Elvis
participants (1)
James F. Boehner MD