RE: [arrl-odv:16709] Visalia Report - Part 1, Revenge of the Righteous

Being that this year's convention was sponsored by Southern California DX Club, Dick was the "approving" director. It would have really made things bad if Dick had stepped in this year. I think he did the right thing by just standing down and taking the lumps with a smile. Next year the Northern Cal group will be the sponsoring club and Bob Vallio will be the "approving" director. I don't expect the same situation next year, or at least would hope they wouldn't become involved in such petty activity. -----Original Message----- From: Bill Edgar [] Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2008 7:53 PM To: arrl-odv Subject: RE: [arrl-odv:16709] Visalia Report - Part 1, Revenge of the Righteous Dick, Not much can be done for this year's convention, but if they seek convention status next year, approval is needed from the division director and the EC. Nothing says that the director has to approve it and the division director has the right to be as involved in the convention as he/she feels is necessary. Additionally, approval may be rescinded at any time by the division director for any purpose. We had a convention in our division that a long time hamfest/convention chairman thought he would try to bully the division director about how the sponsor was going to run the convention. The convention status was refused for a year and then the division director, a division assistant director met with the hamfest chairman, club president and vice president. A copy of the hamfest/convention packet was provided to each party and the rights, duties and obligations of each party was covered and agreed upon. The hamfest/potential convention sponsor representatives were shown in the ARRL hamfest/convention packet that the approval for the convention could be rescinded at any time. Fortunately, the sponsor representatives took that to heart and for 2007 and 2008, the convention was approved and worked out to everyone's benefit. Dick, you were treated shamefully and there is absolutely no excuse for that. - Bill N3LLR -----Original Message----- From: Joel Harrison [] Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2008 8:23 PM To: arrl-odv Subject: RE: [arrl-odv:16709] Visalia Report - Part 1, Revenge of the Righteous Hi Dick, Thanks for the reports from Visalia. Maybe we should look at enforcing, changing or better clarifying what the mandatory responsibilities of being designated as an "ARRL convention" are. I don't believe the responsible individuals gain any support for this type of activity. Thanks for hanging in there under some extreme conditions. 73 Joel W5ZN -----Original Message----- From: Richard J. Norton [] Sent: Tuesday, April 29, 2008 3:38 PM To: arrl-odv Subject: [arrl-odv:16709] Visalia Report - Part 1, Revenge of the Righteous Just thought that since some of you were involved with last fall's Director election, you might be interested in this. I'm not sure what, if anything, should be done. ----------------------------------- Last fall insiders of the national Amateur Radio association conspired to deny due process to the most qualified candidate for Southwestern Division Director. In doing so, they kept their unpopular, boot-licking buddy in the office for three more years, where he will no doubt allow them to continue their mismanagement of League affairs. The "International DX Convention," sponsored by the Southern California DX Club this year, and held in Visalia, California this past weekend was chaired by the aggrieved potential director, and his acolytes were significant players on the convention committee. This presented an opportunity to show the bullies from Newington what happens when you mess with the good guys, and that opportunity was certainly exploited. ---------------------------------- The convention applied for and received recognition as an ARRL specialty convention. The League provided the convention with publicity in QST and on the web, a package of books for prizes or other convention use, and paid expenses for Ward Silver, N0AX, to be the Headquarters representative. In return, after a history of 20 or more years where the ARRL table was just inside the main entrance to the exhibit area, this year the ARRL was provided with a table in a hallway outside the exhibit area, away from traffic.A friend commented that he didn't think ARRL had a presence at the convention at all. Note that among others, the convention did provide an exhibit hall table the to the Northern California Contest Club, probably also for the first time in history. ARRL affiliation was not mentioned at all in the 60 page convention booklet. In the list of 40 prize donors, ARRL was not listed at all, although it appears that the books were indeed used as raffle prizes. On the posted lists of prize winners, ARRL provided prizes were identified only as, "book," not something like "ARRL Antenna Book." There was no indication that "book" even came from ARRL. In the box containing the books, was the usual kit of ARRL handouts. These handouts were never given to the ARRL exhibit, nor displayed elsewhere. The box was sent from Newington to Chairman Carl Gardenias, WU6D. The convention has characteristically reserved a table near the front center for ARRL people at the banquet. This year, a table was provided in the right field bleachers. There was an introduction of DX visitors and ARRL people at the start of Saturday's program. After individually announcing the callsigns of all non-USA attendees, 80 percent who were not in the room, the SCDXC president said something like, "I don't know who is here from the ARRL, but would you all please stand? You may all sit down now." At the banquet, special verbal recognition was given to both Worldradio and CQ Magazine for support. No mention was made of the League. Ironically, the two California ARRL Directors received significant face time with the audience at the DX Forum (see part 2, coming soon) and during a quiz-show-like game during Sunday's breakfast. Some convention committee members were apparently unaware of the need for total ARRL suppression. And, sadly the nefarious Southwestern Director, since he sits not at the ARRL table, but with a group of his long-term cronies, ended up seated at one of the best seats at the banquet. ------------------------- In case it wasn't evident, the first two paragraphs are worded sarcastically, and can be used to start a thread on QRZ.COM. 73, Dick, N6AA
participants (1)
Joel Harrison