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Upcoming Meetings and Events Annual Board Meeting July 21-22, 2006 in Windsor, CT Administration &Finance Committee July 20 in CT Programs & Services Committee July 20 in Newington, CT Development The spring Defense campaign continues to attract funding and has topped $140,000 from 2771 donors. The average contribution is a healthy $50. The Education & Technology campaign continues to build and has reached the $20,000 mark with contributions from more than 400 donors so far. The Diamond Club has raised $97,095 so far in 2006, about 1/3 of the 2006 goal of $294,000. The average contribution so far this year is $108. The program now has 2017 donors. A solicitation will be mailed this month to former Diamond Club members seeking renewal of their support. Last weekend Development traveled to Dallas to participate in Ham Com. Presentations were made at the ARRL Forum by Director Day to Bill Orr Award for Technical writing to winner Phil Salas, AD5X. Dick Weber, K5IU was recognized as a new member of the ARRL Maxim Society. 100 memberships were sold at the ARRL booth, including 2 Life Memberships, thanks to the efforts of Director Day, Vice Director Woolweaver, President Harrison and staffer Chuck Skolaut. Attendees were pleased to see President Emeritus Haynie at the convention. A grassroots effort, led by Director Day and Vice Director Woolweaver produced 69 letters to Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison. Media & Public Relations The annual report is at the printer and may be ready as early as June 20. Section Managers are being invited to be listeners for the "Take Your HT® to Work Day" (and notation is made that "HT" is apparently a registered trademark!!!) Media Hits for August QST is done. I submitted the ARRL as the representative for the ham response to Katrina for the Golden Antenna Award in Germany. An initial meeting was held with several managers about how to end the Hello campaign in December and an initial proposal of a concept for 2007 was sent to the PR Committee. Multiple attempts are being made to get the AP Stylebook for 2007 to include the terms and definitions for "ham radio" and "amateur radio." Hello materials continue to flow out to groups. Production/Editorial The July/August issue of QEX has been released to the printer. Rick Lindquist reports The ARRL Letter, Vol. 25, No. 23, distributed to 65,103 members on June 9. Rick prepared/edited news stories on retention of a BPL study requirement in US House telecoms legislation, an FCC citation in a ham radio power-line interference case, Vermont becomes the 23rd PRB-1 state, newest DXCC entity in the wings, ISS Field Day plans, League represented at GAREC 2006 and Dayton Hamvention 2006 attendance figures--as well as several news briefs and announcements. Rick also drafted (and now is editing) a QST article on Dayton Hamvention 2006 and has been reviewing photos to accompany same. With soundbite assistance from Dave Sumner, Mike Gruber and Khrystyne Keane, Rick voiced, edited and produced ARRL Audio News for June 9. Lab Radio Frequency Interference Mike Gruber conducted an RFI investigation in Hopkinton, NH--the interference source seemed to be coming from a general store in a nearby village. Mike says the involved utility will be investigating. QST and Publications Assistance Mike Gruber turned in several new chapters of the RFI Book. Zack Lau prepared a new TIS web page on Engineering Referencesit suggests books and free software that advanced amateurs may find useful. Sales and Marketing After special solicitations for unplanned advertising in the new title Getting Started in Amateur Radio, both inside covers and ten pages of black & white interior advertisements were sold. A membership introduction for the book was developed and designed. All sales and marketing materials for this publication have been submitted to production. The New Ham Express advertising supplement that accompanies new ham mailings has left for the printer. Advertising procurement for this edition of the Express was more difficult than in the past two years because advertisers did not see immediate responses from their coded ad placements. We are already looking at how to add more value for the 2007 edition. Advertising procurement continue for the August 2006 QST and the Antenna Time advertising supplement. Over 800 expired members were discovered as having never been solicited for renewal in the past few years due to a coding issue in Siebel. Bob, Katie and Amy are developing a special mailing for this group and inviting them to renew. We believe the reason these records became expired without solicitation was because they had, at one time, likely asked to have QST delivery suppressed for any number of reasons. The coding issue has been fixed to prevent this in the future. The headquarters tour program continues to be developed. Katie met with two local club leaders regarding recruitment of volunteers who were very happy to participate and who are personally inviting hams they know that will enjoy the position and represent the League well. In addition, they are talking with club leaders from other areas, such as the Manchester BEARS. Membership recruitment materials were assembled for staff traveling to Ham-Com in Texas, the Rocky Mountain Division Convention in Colorado, and the NARL Hamfest in Newington. Over 100 memberships came in from Ham-Com and the NARL hamfests combined. At NARL, Katie met several local hams who had very positive feedback about the League. In addition, there were 5 potential hams who purchased new ARRL Ham Radio License Manual materials. Sales of the new ARRL Ham Radio License Manual topped 2,300 copies in Mayits debut. Were noticing many orders from hams and instructors obtaining personal reference copies of the entry-level license manual. A couple of clubs, including the San Diego County Amateur Radio Council, have purchased large amounts of the new books to supply shelf copies to libraries. Rick Lindquist shared a testimonial from ARRL member VU2SFJ, reporting that The ARRL Handbook is mentioned as a recommended resource in the application material distributed by the Government of India for a Radio Telephone Operators License. Advertising compositions and layouts were completed this week for New Ham Express (an advertising supplement mailed to new licensees) and the upcoming ARRL publication Getting Started in Ham Radio. Production is underway on August QSTs Antenna Time advertising supplement. ARRL supplied the US Postal Service with a list of members living in the hurricane-affected Gulf Coast region. These addresses will be reviewed for deliverability, hoping we can resume mailing QST to many of them. Amy continues to work with staff from the Connecticut Distance Learning Consortium as we shift portions of the online course administration to their support team. Thanks go to Jon Bloom for his help steering Amy through the web-based tools that support course registration and other administrative functions. Amy has also been managing all of the course correspondence from students, prospective students, and mentors. Membership Services Awards Branch CategoryProcessedWAS Certificates (Manual)2WAS Certificates Issued (LoTW)6A-1 Operator Nominations12A-1 Op Certificates Issued7VUCC Certificates5VUCC Initial Applications/Grids2/151VUCC Endorsement Applications/Grids1/22Extra Class Certificates7Awards Mailed18 Awards Branch turnaround time is approximately 2 weeks. DXCC Branch For the Week of: June 11, 2006Beginning Credits39,140Credits Received4,907Credits Processed14,268Ending Credits29,779 Applications Pending400Processing time4.7 Weeks Year-to-date (2006) Credits Received156,016Credits Returned260,280 DXCC is currently entering credits received on May 26, 2006. DXCC is currently mailing applications received on May 8, 2006. Contest Branch The 2006 DX International CW article was received from the author, formatted, and sent to Production. The author will be submitting the Web article this week. Numerous June VHF and Field Day queries were handled. Miscellaneous contest paperwork was taken care of. Logbook of the World QSO records entered into the system102,438,404QSL records have resulted 5,822,604Logs Processed231,229Active Certificates19,327Users registered in the system12,759Hybrids Pending Mail89 QSL Branch There is a 1 day processing time delay. This week, 121 pounds of cards were received from members. The next scheduled shipping date is Friday, June 16 2006. W1AW Thanks to Steve Ewald, WV1X and Ron Cady, K1RKD for operating W1AW in the June VHF QSO Party. (Ron was also making regular QSOs on HF.) During the QSO Party, they made 48 QSOs on 6 meters, and 2 on 2-meters, for a claimed score of 1550. Andrew Toth and his assistant John (both from the stations antenna contractor, XX Towers, Inc.) were on hand Tuesday to replace the rotator on the 120 tower. The rotator had failed as a result of the lightning hit from the previous week. Andrew also inspected the top antennas (for any possible damage). Joe updated the web code practice files. He also had to create another set of archived practice files (since the current ones didnt properly reference the old archives). He also processed one Qualifying Run certificate. Joe also disassembled the failed rotator and discovered that the problem was with a burned capacitor (that is across the motors brushes). Plans are in the works to repair the rotator since it appears the damage is minor. Scott worked on fast and slow code practice files for the month of June. He also handled some evening phone sales calls in the daily 5 PM to 8 PM time slots. There was an issue with the nightly phone sales line earlier in the week. Apparently, the lightning storm from the previous week had caused some minor glitches to occur within the telephone system. These glitches didnt make themselves apparent until a few days later. One of the problems was that the night sales line has lost its programming reference. So the system didnt know to route nightly calls to the stations telephone line. Field & Educational Services Field Organization/Public Service Team Chuck Skolaut received a report of a pulsing type signal on the 20 meter CW band from a New Jersey amateur and a complaint of questionable language being used on a Western New York 2-meter repeater. More follow up was done on an interference case in Oklahoma City. Questions dealing with PRB-1, identification on EchoLink, and frequency coordination were handled. Chuck also prepared for and traveled to the West Gulf Division Convention in Plano, Texas. Leona Adams received Section Manager nominating petitions from incumbents Doug Rich, W7DVR, of Idaho, and Scott Bauer, W2LC, of Western New York. Two SM elections are already scheduled for this summer in Idaho and Ohio. Leona has been assisting Section Manager-elects in Oregon, Santa Clara Valley, and Illinois who begin their terms of office in July. Twenty Field Organization appointments were received and processed. Steve Ewald returned to the office from the early June annual meeting of the National Citizen Corps Council and Affiliates. Nearly 200 persons from around the country were in attendance. Discussions focused on how to better collaborate with each other in order to encourage everyone to be prepared for emergencies and disasters. The third annual National Preparedness Month (NPM) --set for September--hopes to be a positive catalyst in helping Americans get ready. Steve also checked into a national planning teleconference this week about NPM. As we did the last two years, ARRL is signed up as a coalition member for National Preparedness Month. ARISS PR: The ARISS QSO at Scarlett Middle School (MI) was attended by a rep from Congressman John Dingell's office, a NASA Aerospace Education Specialist, school board members, the Ann Arbor News, faculty and parents. For ARRL Members: Rosalie assisted Harold with his next QST Inside Hq column, which is about ARISS. She aided Mary in requesting NASA astronaut Bill McArthur for the 2007 Dayton Reception. Rosalie worked with Norm to assist an author in writing a QST submission about two clubs. She and Rose Anne updated how ARRL handles various types of ARISS correspondence that we receive from members. ARISS Effect on Students: Rosalie and Frank Bauer are reviewing groups for ARISS QSOs who applied for NASA ISS video teleconferences, but were not selected. These groups will need to submit our application, but selecting them for summer QSOs will help NASA. ARISS News Update: The ARISS Team has asked astronaut Jeff Williams to participate in Field Day if his schedule allows; Johnson Space Center will give us updates early this week for possible passes. Astronaut Bill McArthur presented ARISS Team Member Kenneth Ransom, N5VHO, with the most coveted NASA award called a Silver Snoopy. International Aspects: Rosalie prepared the agenda for, and minutes of, the monthly ARISS International Education Committee teleconference. Regulatory Information Letters were written to all VCEs asking them to verify their information from the website so that we can keep the records up to date. The same will be mailed the week of June 12 for VCs. An application to become a VCE was processed from the Delta Division and a VC application from the Southwestern Division is being processed. Queries involving MOUs with Emergency Officials from the Southeastern and Great Lakes Divisions were reviewed. After consultation with ARRL counsel several potential problem areas were pointed out to the groups submitting the documents for review. We have begun trying to catch up on needed changes to the RIB web pages to reflect changes in information made since early March. Queries on a variety of topics (including PRB-1, CC&Rs, Club callsign trusteeship, grandfathered upgrade of license class and repeater linking) were handled from amateurs in the Pacific, Midwest, Atlantic, New England, Southwestern, Hudson, Southeastern, and Northwestern Divisions. Amateur Radio Education & Technology ProgramMark Spencer I am on final approach for the first of 5 teachers institutes. Things are pretty much set for execution. I have received three votes from educational advisors on the Maxim award applications. I have received 1 vote for the current ETP grant applications. The suspense for both is June 15th. The AMSAT Journal has picked up an article I wrote on a less expensive satellite tracking interface project that I designed for schools building up a station to qualify for an ARISS contact. I am considering this project as the next activity board kit. Requests for curriculum and draft tech lesson plans continue to come in from Dayton participants. I have sent out over 25 sets of the materials to date. Sincerely Compiled by, Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ Assistant to the CEO Staff Absentee List All Staff 7/4 Holiday Dave Sumner 7/5-7/12 Florianopolis, Brazil for WRTC-Vacation Lisa Kustosik 6/19-6/23 Vacation Allen Pitts 7/6-7/12 Arizona State Convention, Williams, AZ `` 7/28 Jury Duty Joe Carcia 6/30-7/7 Vacation `` 7/14 Vacation `` 7/21 Vacation `` 7/28 Vacation Kathy Allison 7/7-7/14 Vacation Katie Breen 6/26-7/5 Vacation Ed Hare 6/22-6/24 IEEE BPL Meeting, Montreal, Canada `` 6/26-6/28 Vacation `` 7/24-7/28 IPQC BPL Symposium, Dallas, TX Bill Moore 6/20-6/27 Friedrichshafen Germany Convention Bob Inderbitzen 6/20-6/27 Friedrichshafen Germany Convention & Vacation `` 7/10-7/17 Vacation `` 8/7-8/11 Vacation Jo-Ann Arel 6/28 Vacation `` 7/17-7/21 Vacation Perry Williams 6/23-7/15 Vacation Steve Ford 7/3 Vacation Leona Adams 6/21 Vacation `` 7/3 Vacation Sharon Taratula 6/15-6/16 Vacation Joel Kleinman 6/29 Vacation Khrystyne Keane 6/20 Vacation Diane Szlachetka 7/3 Vacation Zoe Belliveau 6/26-6/30 Vacation Amy Hurtado 8/18-8/25 Vacation Monique Levesque 6/30-7/5 Vacation !QSpq§ÉÐØöý ñ þ-0kzhk.=MQRo9:ZúöïäïÜïÕÌÃÕµ§µ§ÜúÜúÜÜúÜÜÜÜÜú~sj~sÜhÛ|CJaJhhÛ|56CJaJhÛ|>*CJaJhÛ|6CJ]aJhÛ|6CJaJhÛ|B*CJaJph33hÛ|>*B*CJaJph33hÛ|5B*CJaJph33hÛ|>*CJ\hÛ|5CJ\ hÛ|CJ\hÛ|CJaJhÛ|5CJ\aJhÛ|5\hÛ| hÛ|5) !QRSpqŠ§É×Øö ® ; < YZúøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøòòòòòòòò7$8$H$$a$GýZï ð ñ üýþSTKLMQRo9:Zùù÷÷÷ùù÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷7$8$H$"#$89ghGH»Œtuä区ŒºººººººººŽºººŽŽŽŽ7$8$H$CEÆÍ¥F"#$89 ª/669BNÔ×Kis£1 B !!Ÿ!Ã!®"±"l$$$$£$ë%÷%&&1&2&I&J&c&d&z&{&&&°&±&öîÞî×ÎîÂîÎîÂîÂîÂîÂî¹î®¥î®î®î®î¹î®î îîîîîîîîîhÛ|5CJ\aJhÛ|56CJaJ hÛ|5hÛ|CJ]aJhÛ|6CJ]aJhÛ|6CJaJhÛ|6CJ\]aJhÛ|CJ\aJhÛ|5\HhÍ¥FhÛ|CJaJhhÛ|CJaJhÛ|CJaJh6åÖ × ë!ì!Ã"Ä"j$k$l$$$$$¢$ùùùùùùù÷÷÷÷÷ññ$If7$8$H$¢$£$œ$¿$kee$Ifkd$$IflÖÖ0 Ð 8 Ö tàÖÿæææÿæææÖ0ÿÿÿÿÿÿöööÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿ4Ö4Ö laölpÖÿæææÿæææ¿$À$ß$á$$IfykdÉ$$IflÖÖ0 Ð 8 tàÖ0ÿÿÿÿÿÿöööÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿ4Ö4Ö laölá$â$û$þ$$Ifykd]$$IflÖÖ0 Ð 8 tàÖ0ÿÿÿÿÿÿöööÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿ4Ö4Ö laölþ$ÿ$%%$Ifykdñ$$IflÖÖ0 Ð 8 tàÖ0ÿÿÿÿÿÿöööÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿ4Ö4Ö laöl%%/%1%$Ifykd $$IflÖÖ0 Ð 8 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Kustosik, Lisa, KA1UFZ