In a message dated 7/2/2004 2:45:49 PM Eastern Standard Time, K8JE@arrl.org writes:
Don’t you remember the $5K you borrowed from me to buy drinks during the last Board meeting?
Jim, I would have had to supplement that amount with my own money, because that amount wouldn't have covered it.
Thanks for the clarification on what we can do regarding “letter writing” at the Hamvention and such places. It is good to know about the desirability (but not criticality) of have the “ARRL Members, Please Write” sign. As a matter of fact, I would envision non-members stopping by to ask why we are limiting it to members and ignoring non-members. This would give us a great entrée’ into promoting memberships to such people.
My conscience, whose call sign is K0QB, reminds me that I am not always conservative enough about situations where we are challenging the administration policy on BPL, and vocally, too. Probably best to use those signs, which would preclude any accusation that we are just doing general lobbying. Chris
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