[arrl-odv:18533] New Web Site Reviewer Request

Hi, I am looking for a few volunteers from the Board to start reviewing the new Web Site. I would prefer not to have everyone test it at once. This is because we learned when it was tested here in-house that many of the same errors and bugs were found by everyone. This created a lot of work responding to everyone at once about the same problem. Therefore, I would like to have 8 - 12 (+/-) Board members start testing this site beginning tomorrow (Fri) afternoon. Fathom updates the site on Friday afternoons, so we are locked out until about 5pm, but testing can begin after that. If you are interested in being a Phase One tester, just let me know and I will send you the detailed instructions tomorrow. It does not matter what Operating System, Browser or Internet Service you have. In fact, testing on a variety of browsers and platforms would be helpful. Testing for the next group--Phase 2 - will begin next Friday. 73, Harold Harold Kramer, WJ1B Chief Operating Officer ARRL - The national association for Amateur Radio(tm) 225 Main Street Newington, CT 06111 Telephone: 860 594 0220 email: hkramer@arrl.org <mailto:hkramer@arrl.org> web: www.arrl.org/ <http://www.arrl.org/>
participants (1)
Kramer, Harold, WJ1B